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- IEEE NSS MIC 2011, Valencia (Spain), October 2011
- Description of Hadron-induced Showers in Calorimeters using the Geant4 Simulation Toolkit, A. Dotti et al.
- International Workshop on Recent Advances in Monte Carlo Techniques for Radiation Therapy, Montreal (Canada), June 2011
- MC 2010 International Workshop on medical sciences, MC2010, Stockholm (Sweden), November 2010
- Geant4 Hadronic Physics and the Geant4-DNA project, A. Ivantchenko et al.
- 3rd Monte Carlo Conference, MC2010, Tokyo (Japan), October 2010
- The Geant4 Toolkit: Evolution and Status, J. Apostolakis, M. Asai et al.
- An Overview of Geant4 Hadronic Physics Improvements, D. Wright et al.
- Validation of Geant4 Hadronic Generators vs Thin Target Data, D. Wright, S. Banerjee et al.
- Recent Improvements in Geant4 Electromagnetic Physics Models and Interfaces, V. Ivantchenko et al.
- Modeling Radiation Chemistry and Biology in the Geant4 Toolkit, A. Mantero et al.
- Development of the Fritiof Model in Geant4, V. Uzhinsky et al.
- Recent Developments in Pre-equilibrium and De-excitation Models in Geant4, J.M. Quesada et al.
- INCL intra-nuclear cascade and ABLA de-excitation models in Geant4, P. Kaitaniemi et al.
- New native QMD code in Geant4, T. Koi et al.
- Computing in High Energy Physics, CHEP 2010, Taipei (Taiwan), October 2010
- Presentations at the 7thGeant4 Space Users' Workshop, Seattle (USA), August 2010
- CALOR 2010, Beijing (China), May 2010
- Presentations at the 6thGeant4 Space Users' Workshop, Madrid (Spain), May 2009
- Computing in High Energy Physics, CHEP 2009, Prague (Czech Republic), March 2009
- Recent Progress of Geant4 Electromagnetic Physics and Readiness for the LHC Start, V. Ivantchenko et al., ACAT 2008, Erice (Italy), November 2008
- IEEE NSS MIC RTSD 2008, Dresden (Germany), October 2008
- Improved Description of Bremsstrahlung for High-Energy Electrons in Geant4, A. Schaelicke
- Validation of Geant4 Hadronic Physics Models at Intermediate Energies, S. Banerjee
- Validation of High Energy String Models in Geant4, V. Uzhinsky et al.
- Fritiof Model in Geant4, V. Uzhinsky
- New Native QMD Code in Geant4, T. Koi
- Detailed Comparison Between Geant4 and the TARC Experiment, A. Howard
- New Geant4 Developments for Doppler Broadening Simulation in Compton Scattering - Development of Charge Transfer Simulation Models in Geant4, M.G. Pia et al.
- Validation of Geant4 X-Ray Fluorescence Transitions - Validation of Geant4 electromagnetic models against calorimetry measurements in the energy range up to 1 MeV, M. Sudhakar
- Status of Instrumental Background Simulations for Gamma-Ray Telescopes with Geant4, A. Zoglauer et al.
- Application of the Geant4 PIXE Implementation for Space Missions - New Models for PIXE Simulation with Geant4, G. Weidenspointner
- A Volume Visualization Driver in Geant4 for Radiotherapy Simulation, A. Kimura et al.
- Geant4 Simulation for Education in Medical Application, K. Murakami et al.
- CALOR 2008, Pavia (Italy), May 2008
- First Results in a Thread-Parallel Geant4, X. Dong and G. Cooperman, Workshop on Virtualization and multi-core technologies for LHC, CERN - Geneva, April 2008
- Presentations at the 5thGeant4 Space Users' Workshop, Tokyo (Japan), February 2008
- Geant4 for microdosimetry, M.G. Pia et al., Radiobiology at INFN Workshop, Trieste (Italy), February 2008
- IEEE NSS MIC 2007, Honolulu, Hawaii (USA), October 2007
- Computing in High Energy Physics, CHEP 2007, Victoria BC (Canada), September 2007
- 3rd McGill International Workshop on Monte Carlo Techniques in Radiotherapy delivery and verification, Montreal (Canada), May 2007
- International Workshop on Monte Carlo codes & MCNEG 2007, Teddington (UK), March 2007
- The Japan Taiwan Symposium on Simulation in Medicine, Tsukuba (Japan), December 2006
- Presentations at the 4thGeant4 Space Users' Workshop, Pasadena, California (USA), November 2006
- IEEE NSS 2006, San Diego, California (USA), November 2006
- 10th Topical Seminar on Innovative Particle and Radiation Detectors (IPRD06), Siena (Italy), October 2006
- Hadronic Shower Simulation Workshop, Batavia, Illinois (USA), September 2006
- Presentations at the Geant4 Physics Verification and Validation Workshop, CERN - Geneva, July 2006
- Fine simulation for heavy ion therapy, M. G. Pia et al., NIRS - MedAustron Joint Symposium, Innsbruck (Austria), February 2006
- Computing in High Energy Physics, CHEP 2006, Mumbai (India), February 2006
- Geant4 capabilities for microdosimetry (ppt), M.G. Pia et al., MICROS 2005, Venezia (Italy), November 2005
- Geant4 Medical Applications (ppt), M.G. Pia et al., 9th ICATPP Conference, Como (Italy), October 2005
- Workshop for SPENVIS and Geant4 Space applications, Leuven (Belgium), October 2005
- Status and Plans for Geant4 Hadronics (ppt), D. Wright
- Validation of Geant4 Physics Models (ppt), M.G. Pia
- Recent Developments and Validation of the Geant4 Standard Electromagnetic Package, V. Ivantchenko
- Implementation of the Magnetocosmics Geant4 code into SPENVIS (ppt), L. Desorgher
- Geant4-Based Microdosimetry Analysis Tool GEMAT (ppt), F. Lei
- Simulation of Radiation Monitors for Future Space Missions, B. Tome'
- The DESIRE Project: Geant4 Simulations of the Columbus/ISS Radiation Environment (ppt), T. Ersmark
- Mars Radiation Environment Characterisation - a Geant4-Based Model, A. Keating
- Geant4 Simulation of a Packaging for Solid-State Radiation Monitoring Sensors, R. Capra
- Simulation for Radiation Shielding in Interplanetary Manned Missions (ppt), S. Guatelli
- Geant4 Anthropomorphic Phantoms: Models of the Human Body for Space Radiation Protection Studies (ppt), S. Guatelli
- Geant4 Simulation of Very Low Energy Electromagnetic Interactions, R. Capra
- Planned ESA Geant4 Activities (ppt), P. Nieminen
- Presentations at 4th Geant4 Developers Workshop on bio-medical applications and physics validation, Genova (Italy), July 2005
- Presentations at the 2nd Finnish Geant4 Workshop, Helsinki (Finland), June 2005
- Monte Carlo 2005 Topical Meeting, Chattanooga, Tennessee (USA), April 2005
- The Geant4 Kernel: Status and Recent Developments (ppt), M. Asai et al.
- Geant4 "Standard" Electromagnetic Package (ppt), V. Ivantchenko et al.
- Geant4 Low Energy Electromagnetic Physics (ppt), M.G. Pia et al.
- Hadronic Physics Simulation Engines for Geant4, J.P. Wellisch
- Implementing the Bertini Intra-Nuclear Cascade in the Geant4 Hadronic Framework, A. Heikkinen
- Extending the Bertini Model to Kaons (ppt), D. Wright
- Parton String Models in Geant4 (ppt), G. Folger
- The Binary Cascade, J.P. Wellisch
- Ion Transport Simulation using Geant4 Hadronic Physics (ppt), T. Koi
- The Neutron Transport code, J.P. Wellisch
- Implementation of Nuclear-Nuclear Physics in the Geant4 Radiation Transport Toolkit for Interplanetary Space Missions (ppt), P. Truscott et al.
- Atomic Relaxation Models (ppt), A. Mantero et al.
- Geant4 simulation of an ocular proton beam & benchmark against MC codes (ppt), D.R. Shipley
- Monte Carlo Simulation for Radiotherapy in a distributed computing environment (ppt), S. Chauvie et al.
- A general purpose Dosimetric System for Brachytherapy (ppt), S. Chauvie et al.
- Radiation Protection for interplanetary manned missions (ppt), S. Guatelli et al.
- Precision validation of Geant4 electromagnetic physics (ppt), S. Guatelli et al.
- Test Beam Simulation for ESA BepiColombo mission (ppt), A. Mantero et al.
- Test Beam Simulation for ESA BepiColombo mission (ppt), A. Mantero et al.
- Presentations on Geant4 in production: past, present and future, CERN - Geneva, December 2004.
- IEEE/NSS/MIC Conference, Rome (Italy), October 2004
- 9th Topical Seminar on Innovative Particle and Radiation Detectors, Siena (Italy), May 2004.
- Geant4: a general overview (ppt), G.Cosmo et al., Geant4 Users Workshop, KEK (Japan), July 2003.
- Computing in High Energy Physics, CHEP 2003, San Diego, California (USA), March 2003
- 8th Topical Seminar on Innovative Particle and Radiation Detectors, Siena (Italy), October 2002.
- Tools for simulation and analysis, A. Pfeiffer et al., ICHEP02, Amsterdam, 2002
- Talks at the Salamanca Geant4 School, Salamanca (Spain), 15-19 July 2002
- Geant4 and Anaphe mini-Workshop, Gran Sasso Laboratory (Italy), July 2002
- Geant4 toolkit for simulation of HEP experiments V.Ivanchenko, ACAT02, Moscow, June 2002
- MCNEG Workshop 2002, Stoke-on-Trent (UK), April 2002
- Talks at the SLAC Geant4 Users' Workshop's, Stanford (USA), 18-22 February 2002
- Simulation software: applications and results in the bio-medical domain (ppt), M.G. Pia et al., VII International Conference on Advanced Technologies and Particle Physics, Como, 2001
- Computing in High Energy Physics, CHEP 2001, Beijing (China), September 2001
- The Geant4 Simulation toolkit (ppt), G. Santin, Monte Carlo Workshop for Nuclear Medicine applications, July 2001
- Geant4: simulation capabilities and application results (ppt), M.G. Pia et al., EPS-HEP Conference, Budapest, July 2001
- Round Table on Monte Carlo Methods for Space Applications, ESA/ESTEC (The Netherlands), June 2001
- AIFM Congress, Stresa (Italy), June 2001
- The Geant4-DNA Project (ppt), P. Nieminen et al., Congress of the Italian Association for Radiation Research, Frascati, November 2000
- Monte Carlo 2000 Conference, Lisbon (Portugal), October 2000
- IXth International Conference on Calorimetry in High Energy Physics (Calor2000), Annecy, October 2000
- The application of Geant4 simulation code for brachytherapy treatment (ppt), F. Foppiano et al., Congress of the Italian Association of Oncological Radiotherapy (AIRO), Pisa (Italy), October 2000
- Montecarlo simulation of isodose distribution for Ir-192 brachytherapy treatments with the Geant4 toolkit (ppt), S. Garelli et al., 19th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ESTRO), Istanbul (Turkey), September 2000
- Geant4 at the CERN School of Computing, Marathon (Greece), September 2000.
- The application of Geant4 simulation code to the verification of a brachytherapy calibration procedure, (ppt) F. Foppiano et al., XIII International Conference on the Use of Computers in Radiation Therapy (ICCR), Heidelberg (Germany), May 2000
- Overview of the Geant4 OO Simulation Toolkit (ppt), M.G. Pia et al., XXXII PTCOG Workshop, Uppsala (Finland), April 2000
- GLAST progress, G. Barbiellini, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (USA), March 2000
- Karolinska Institute Seminar, Stockholm (Sweden), March 2000
- Low Energy Extension of Geant4 Electromagnetic Processes (ppt), P. Nieminen et al., Space Radiation Environment Workshop & Workshop on Radiation Monitoring for the ISS, Farnborough, Hampshire (UK), November 1999
- CNTC Workshop on Modern Software and Computing, Martina Franca (Italy), October 1999
- Application of the GEANT4 Radiation Transport Toolkit to Space Radiation Effects, R. Gurriaran, 5th Compton Symposium, Portsmouth, New Hampshire (USA), August 1999
- Geant4's capabilities: kernel and auxiliary parts, J. Apostolakis for the Geant4 Collaboration, CALOR99, Lisbon (Portugal), June 1999
- Use of GEANT4 in CMS (ppt), V. Lefébure, AIHENP99, Crete, April 1999
- The Geant4 Object Oriented Simulation Toolkit (ppt), M.G. Pia for the Geant4 Collaboration, EPS-HEP Conference, Tampere, 1999
- Geant4 based tracking programs for CTF and BOREXINO, G. Pieri, Laboratorio Nazionale del Gran Sasso, Frascati (Italy), 1999
- Simulation of an X-Ray Telescope for Space Applications, E. Daly, ESA (The Netherlands), 1999
- Worldwide Collaboration to Develop a Detector Simulator for High Energy Experiments Based on Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (in Japanese), T. Sasaki et al., Information Processing Society of Japan, Symposium on Object-Orientation 99, Tokyo (Japan), 1999