5 February 2004, 15:00-17:30 CEST (14:00-16:30 GMT)
Hosted at CERN.
Chair: A. De Roeck
You can join the meeting via VRVS in the Sun Virtual Room (in Planets/Universe).
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All talks are available on the agenda system
Agenda, version 2.0, 5 February 2004
Agenda outline
- Regular items (15 min)
- Approval of minutes of previous meeting
- News from Geant4 collaboration (20 min)
- Report on progress with previous requirements (M. Asai)
- Requirements, requests and issues (45 min)
- Requirements from LHCB (G. Corti)
- Requirements from CMS (M. Liendl)
- Requirements from ATLAS (A. Rimoldi)
- Platforms support (15 min)
- Platforms to support in 2004 (G. Folger)
- Discussion of priority in particular areas (45 min) Feedback on priorities from the forum needed
- geometry (G.Cosmo)
- hadronic physics (H.P. Wellish)
- effort on robustness/identifying problems/performance (J. Apostolakis)
Meeting Date