- Soon Yung Jun, FNAL (coordinator)
- Gunter Folger, CERN (deputy coordinator)
- Guilherme Amadio, CERN
- Philippe Canal, FNAL
- Kihyeon Cho, KISTI
- Gabriele Cosmo, CERN
- Bruce Faddegon, UCSF
- Krzysztof Genser, FNAL
- Kyungho Kim, KISTI
- Alberto Ribon, CERN
- Julia Yarba, FNAL
Working group mailing list.
Working group goals
To improve the quality and robustness of GEANT4 code at mutliple levels. This includes
- System integration testing.
- Monitoring computing performance and benchmarking; at regular intervals a set of applications is used to check for CPU performance and for memory use. Results are documented.
- Physics validation; at regular intervals a set of typical, but simplified HEP calorimeters are used to monitor calorimeter response observables for relevant primary particles over a wide range of energies (Geant4 GRID-based testing results portal).
Explicitely excluded is verification of physics performance for physics processes, this is the responsibility of the physics working groups.
Work plans
[2022][ 2021 ] [ 2020 ] [ 2019 ] [ 2018 ] [ 2017 ] [ 2016 ] [ 2015 ] [ 2014 ] [ 2013 ] [ 2012 ] [ 2011 ] [ 2010 ] [ 2009 ] [ 2008 ] [ 2007 ]