Work Plan for 2009 - Draft
Ongoing activities
- Regular testing new tags: Selections of tags to test, checking results, informing developers (Gunter)
- Release testing using valgrind (Gabriele)
- Release testing for physics performance on Grid ( Alberto, *)
- testing based on SPI-nightly build and test system (Q1)
- Complete or correct setup for new systems (Mac, Windows, SLC5)
- Improve presentation of results
- Add missing information on configuration to log files, i.e. set tags tested.
- Add possibility to build and test multiple configurations (Q1 / Q2)
- Enable large-N runs
- enable testing for patch release (Q1)
Note: Work items marked with (*) are lacking manpower. cvs version info: $Id: 2009.shtml,v 1.4 2009/01/27 09:23:50 gunter Exp $