Advanced Examples


The Advanced Examples illustrate realistic applications of GEANT4 in typical experimental environments. They are developed in collaboration with user groups expert in the corresponding experimental domain. The code of the developed examples can be dowloaded together with the Geant4 toolkit in the directory geant4/examples/advanced.

Members (census 2020)

Examples List with responsible Geant4 Collaboration members and external developers

Example name Responsible developer 
air_shower B. Tomè
CaTS H.-J. Wenzel
ams_Ecal M. Maire
brachytherapy S.Guatelli
ChargeExchangeMC A.Radkov
composite_calorimeter A.Ribon
doiPET A. Ahmed , S. Guatelli , M. Safavi
eRosita F. Longo
fastAerosol A. Knaian, N. MacFadden
gammaknife F.Romano
gammaray_telescope F.Longo
gorad M. Asai
hadrontherapy G.A.P.Cirrone
HGCal_testbeam A. Zaborowska
human_phantom S. Guatelli
ICRP110_HumanPhantoms S. Guatelli
iort_therapy Francesco Romano
lAr_Calorimeter A. Dotti
medical_linac B.Caccia and G.A.P.Cirrone
microbeam S.Incerti
microelectronics Damien Lambert and M. Raine(CEA, France)
nanobeam S.Incerti
purging_magnet J.Apostolakis
radioprotection S.Guatelli and F. Romano
STCyclotron F. Poignant and S.Guatelli
underground_physics A.Howard
xray_fluerescence A.Mantero
xray_telescope G.Santin