

The hadronic physics working group develops and maintains the processes, models and cross sections required for hadronic interactions in Geant4. The physics scope of the group includes purely hadronic interactions, radioactive decay, and gamma-nuclear and lepto-nuclear interactions.


Organization and Responsibilities

Hadronic Sub-directory Responsible Developer
cross_sections Witold Pokorski
management Dennis Wright
models/abrasion Alberto Ribon
models/binary_cascade Gunter Folger
models/cascade Mike Kelsey Dennis Wright
models/coherent Vladimir Ivantchenko Alberto Ribon
models/de_excitation Jose Manuel Quesada
models/em_dissociation Tatsumi Koi
models/im_r_matrix Gunter Folger
models/inclxx Davide Mancusi
models/management Gunter Folger
models/particle_hp Tatsumi Koi
models/parton_string Alberto Ribon Gunter Folger Vladimir Uzhinskiy
models/photolepton_hadron Dennis Wright
models/pre_equilibrium Jose Manuel Quesada
models/radioactive_decay Laurent Desorgher Dennis Wright
models/theo_high_energy Gunter Folger
models/util Gunter Folger
processes Dennis Wright
stopping Dennis Wright
util Dennis Wright


Extended Examples Responsible Developer
Hadr01 Vladimir Ivantchenko




Open Issues

Yearly Work Plans

Talks and Papers

Hadronic Tests