Minutes of the Hadronic Working Group - 22 February 2006

Present: John Apostolakis (briefly), Gunter Folger, Vladimir Grichine, Aatos Heikinnen, Vladimir Ivantchencko, Tatsumi Koi, Mikhail Kossov, Maria Grazia Pia, Igor Pshenichnov (briefly), Dennis Wright Apologies from: Fan Lei, Nikolai Starkov, Pete Truscott

Meeting starts at 17:00 CET (8:00 PST).

  • Reports:
    • Vladimir Ivantchencko on verification in version 8.0 (linked to agenda)
    • Maria Grazia Pia on project management/traceability: Hadronic group should adopt procedure similar to that used in Low Energy Electromagnetic group for documenting what stage a project is in during its development. This would be useful for other groups to see where things stand within hadronics. Need to link various phases from requirements to design to testing and also link to responsible developers. MGP will circulate to group some details about how this is done.
    • Mikhail Kossov on Verification of pp elastic scattering (linked to agenda)
  • Priorities and Deliverables for 2006:
    • Dennis Wright discussed the need for an inventory of tests in the hadronic directories. He will distribute a template form for collecting information on the status of each test. This information will include a description of the test, classification into validation, verification or unit test, and whether or not the test is up-to-date and can run under 8.0
    • Vladimir Ivantchencko proposed that completed hadronic tests be placed in the system testing area, test30 in particular. This would be a better way of operating than having test directories scattered everywhere. DHW will talk to system testing people about this.
    • Proposed projects for 2006 were reviewed with an eye toward producing a realistic list of deliverables for the year. It was suggested and agreed that these items should be arranged according to the following priorities:
      • Elastic scattering fixes and verification/validation
      • General Verification/validation
      • Hadronic shower shape studies
      • 4-momentum check of all hadronic processes
      DHW will generate a report of these to the TSB.
  • Validation and Future Plans
    • Gunter Folger proposed that when bug fixes are made, an estimate of the effect of the fix should be made and, if important, widely announced
    • Tatsumi Koi asked everyone to fill out forms on completed validations to be used in a validation catalog.
  • Any Other Business
    • Next meeting: one or two months from now? Aim for 1.5 plus or minus.
    • Gunter: need to coordinate hadronic group members and conference attendence.