Workplan 2014

Work Plan for 2014

Ongoing activities

  • Oversee testing shifts (Gunter, ?)
  • Release testing using valgrind (Gabriele)
  • Perform regular profiling benchmarking of G4 development and public releases for both sequential and multithreaded mode (Soon, Krzysztof)


  • Improve and enhance "testing shifts"
    • Improve documentation on tools and process in use(Gunter, shifters)
  • Enhance integration testing
    • Complete integration checking for memory errors using valgrind runs into integration testing (Gunter)
    • Study possibility to generate trace-back in case of crash of a test (Gunter)
    • Evaluate how to provide physics reference files in nightly testing and implement the solution. (Gunter, Andrea, ...)
  • Improve testing of multithreaded G4
    • Evaluate thread-safety checkers tools
    • Choose a tool to create a test checking for thread safety, including a check for new globals/statics (Andrea + ...)
    • Evaluate G4 performance for MT on different architectures (Andrea)
    • Measure memory consumption in MT and identify strategies for memory consumption reduction in MT (Andrea)
  • In collaboration with US Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) institutions, conduct studies to measure and improve Geant4 computing performance:
    • review hadronic cross section calculation
    • finalize the review of the standard EM physics codes
  • Document past and current code reviews, and list opportunities for future reviews(Krzysztof, Soon).
  • Extend CPU performance measurements on different computer architectures and programing models
    • benchmark Geant4/MT applications on Intel Xeon/Phi(MIC) (Soon)
    • develop TBB applications on MIC (both offload and native mode) (Soon)
  • Migrate nightly testing from Electric Commander to Jenkins (Gunter, ..)
  • Continue to encourage the collaboration to provide more tests and more rigorous tests, e.g. tests that systematically check conservation laws (All)

cvs version info: $Id: 2014.shtml,v 1.5 2014/04/07 13:25:52 gunter Exp $