Work Plan for 2017
Ongoing regular activities
- Oversee testing shifts (Gunter)
- Release management and Q/A monitoring with Valgrind and Coverity (Gabriele)
- Perform regular profiling benchmarking of G4 development and public releases (Soon, Krzysztof, Andrea)
- Grid testing, Reproducibility tests (Alberto, Dmitri)
Support, Maintenance and Developments
- System testing shifts
- Maintain and support integration testing (Gunter)
- Release testing
- General testing/debugging of problems showing up especially during the release periods or development releases (Gabriele)
- Q/A monitoring with Valgrind and Coverity(Gabriele)
- Grid testing with simplified calorimeters: running, maintaining, migration (Dmitri, Alberto)
- Reproducibility tests (Alberto)
- Deploying of latest Dirac server for Grid validation(Dmitri)
- Developing a new grid validation web interface and integrating Geant4 tests into this system(Dmitri)
- Performance profiling and benchmarking
- Regular profiling/benchmarking of Geant4 development and public releases, maintenance and evolution of the profiling infrastructure in response to the changing computing environment (Soon,Krzysztof, Daniel)
- Finishing the migration from the FAST profiler to Open|SpeedShop(Soon, Krzysztof, Daniel)
- Adding new IF related application(s) (Soon,Krzysztof,Daniel)
- Consulting on the use of performance tools and interpretation of the results as well as evaluating the performance gain of various code improvements/ideas (Canal)
- Carry over from 2016 on the ARM inclusion in CDash (Andrea)
- Low energy physics profiling using Brachytherapy code (Kiheyon)
- Continue to encourage the collaboration to provide more tests and more rigorous tests (All)
cvs version info: $Id: 2017.shtml,v 1.2 2017/01/30 22:07:48 syjun Exp $