Work Plan for 2012
Ongoing activities
- Oversee testing shifts (Gunter, ?)
- Release testing using valgrind (Gabriele)
- Release, candidate and reference tag testing for physics performance on Grid (Andrea, Alberto)
- Regular CPU and memory performance tests and monitoring ( Soon Jun)
- Improve and enhance "testing shifts"
- Improve documentation on tools and process in use
- include CTest/CDash testing into shifts
- Enhance integration testing
- Provide. complete or correct set-up for new systems/compilers (Windows 7, VC 10, SLC6, ?)(Gunter)
- Bring prototype of CTest/CDash setup to production (Pere, Gunter)
- Evaluate how to integrate memory checks, e.g. using valgrind runs, into integration testing (Gunter)
- Automate the running of the integration tests whenever a new tag is proposed and inform the tag submitter in case of errors (Pere, Gunter)
- Evaluate Electric Commander for scheduling and monitoring the continuous and nightly integration tests (Victor)
- Study possibility to generate trace-back in case of crash of a test (Gunter)
- Improve automation of CPU performance measurements based on benchmarks suites (Soon, Mark)
- improve CPU summary plots and tables: add time trend (ratio) and statistical error.
- provide a summary of IgProf analysis and document the procedure
- migrate and stabilize the current protocol on the new batch system at FNAL for a long term
- study other performance tools
- Encourage the collaboration to provide more tests and more rigorous tests, e.g. tests that systematically check conservation laws (All)
cvs version info: $Id: 2012.shtml,v 1.3 2012/03/02 10:24:50 gunter Exp $