Geant4 Tutorial at DESY, September 30 - October 2, 2003



Geant4 Tutorial

September 30 - October 2, 2003


This tutorial is the second Geant4 users meeting to be held at DESY.

GEANT4 is a detector simulation toolkit for HEP that uses modern software engineering and object-oriented programming techniques.  It is the official tool to simulate BaBaR,  CMS, and ATLAS detectors, among many other applications. The tutorials will be taught by Geant4 Collaborators from SLAC and CERN will be aimed at novice and middle level users. The classes will consist of lectures and hands-on exercises. For more information on Geant4, please visit the collaboration web page at

Tutorial schedule



30 Sept


 9:00 - 10:30
Makoto Asai
Tutotial Lectures:
Introduction to Geant4 (ppt, pdf)
Primary particle (ppt, pdf)
Bldg.3 room 3 (Helgoland) 
 10:45 - 12:30
John Apostolakis
Tutotial Lecture:
Geometry/ Tracking in electromagnetic field/ Visualisation (ppt, pdf)
Bldg.3 room 3 (Helgoland) 
 12:30 - 13:00
Makoto Asai
Tutotial Lecture:
Detector sensitivity (ppt, pdf)
Bldg.3 room 3 (Helgoland)


30 Sept


 14:00 - 15:45
John Apostolakis
Tutotial Hands-on 1:
Installation/ Novice examples
Bldg.3 room 3 (Helgoland)
 16:00 - 18:00
Vladimir Ivanchenko
Tutotial Hands-on 2:
Exercises on user applications (tar.gz)
Bldg.3 room 3 (Helgoland)


1 Oct


 9:00 - 10:45
Vladimir Ivanchenko
Tutotial Lectures:
Electromagnetic Physics 1 (ppt, pdf)
Electromagnetic Physics 2 (ppt, pdf)
Electromagnetic Physics 3 (ppt, pdf)
Electromagnetic Physics 4 (ppt, pdf)
Bldg.3 room 3 (Helgoland) 
 11:00 - 12:45
Hans-Peter Wellisch
Tutotial Lectures:
Hadronic physics 1 (pdf)
Hadronic physics 2 (pdf)
Bldg.3 room 3 (Helgoland)


1 Oct


 14:00 - 15:45
Vladimir Ivanchenko
Tutotial Hands on 3:
Electromagnetic examples
Bldg.3 room 3 (Helgoland)
 16:00 - 18:00
Hans-Peter Wellisch
Tutotial Hands-on 4:
PhysicsLists for hadronic use-cases (tar.gz)
Bldg.3 room 3 (Helgoland)


2 Oct


 9:00 - 9:25
Makoto Asai
Tutotial Lecture:
Advance Geant4 kernal (ppt, pdf)
Bldg.3 room 3 (Helgoland)
 9:30 - 9:55
John Apostolakis

Tutotial Lecture:
Advanced geometry/tracking in fields
(ppt, pdf)
Bldg.3 room 3 (Helgoland) 
 10:00 - 10:25
Vladimir Ivanchenko
Tutotial Lecture:
Advanced electromagnetic physics
(ppt, pdf)
Bldg.3 room 3 (Helgoland) 
 10:30 - 10:55
Hans-Peter Wellisch
Tutotial Lecture:
Advanced hadronic physics (pdf)
Bldg.3 room 3 (Helgoland) 
 11:00 - 12:00
 Makoto Asai & all
Common discussion:
"Geant4 for future linear collider"
(ppt, pdf)
Bldg.3 room 3 (Helgoland)


Note : Lectures will be available on the web.