List with description
Items marked with refer to new developments.
Items marked with will involve new man-power or contribution from external sources interested in the project.
Items marked with will require coordination with more than one Working Group.
- Architecture review:
- Implement use of C++11/14 constructs in key areas
- Continue adiabatic adoption of C++11 and C++14 constructs to simplify and enhance performance on key areas of the geometry modeller and navigation system.
- Implement use of C++11/14 constructs in key areas
- Navigation & optimisation:
- Profiling and optimisation of multiple navigation
- Revise the design and implementation of multiple navigation and coupled-transportation.
- Identify any open issue in application to fast-simulation, scoring and layered tracking geometries and in conjuction with magnetic field transport.
- Identify possible CPU performance penalties which may be introduced with the activation of coupled-transportation. Optimize overall performance (ATLAS request).
- Separate safety computation and state from navigator
- Loose coupling of G4Navigator in the computation of the safety distances from geometrical boundaries, factorising out the implementation now included in G4Navigator class, to get rid of potential side effects.
- Implement strategy for a light-weight base navigator class not holding navigation state, eventually adopting template arguments.
- Implement prototype navigator based on VecGeom
- Based on revision of G4Navigator above, provide first prototype implementation of a navigator adapter making full use of navigation capabilities in VecGeom.
- Investigate benefits of FSAL/interpolation in field propagation
- Review FSAL integration/stepper classes and evaluate their performance in field propagation in terms of accuracy and speed.
- Profiling and optimisation of multiple navigation
- New features:
- Progress in the implementation of the Unified Solids library with progressive adoption of shapes from VecGeom
- Complete implementation of remaining solids in the Unified Solids library (VecGeom) for geometrical shapes.
- Integrate with the new vectorised implementation of the primitives from the VecGeom geometry modeller currently under development.
- Simplify adoption of VecGeom shapes with direct interface to VecGeom from wrappers
- Following removal of USolids module in VecGeom, adapt wrappers in Geant4 by directly interfacing to VecGeom and providing necessary basic functionalities in G4VSolid.
- Progress in the implementation of the Unified Solids library with progressive adoption of shapes from VecGeom
Previous years planned activities
2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016
Created: 18 January 2017
Modified: 28 January 2017, GC