- Default
- Option1
- Option2
- Option3
- Livermore
- Liveermore with polarisation
- Penelope
- DNA physics
- Physics Lists of Geant4 examples
Option 1
- emstandard_opt1 is designed for HEP productions, it is used in the QGSP_BERT_EMV reference Physics List. The corresponding physics constructor G4EmStandardPhysics_option1.cc includes following modifications for electron and positron transport with respect to the default EM physics:
- the option "fMinimal" is used for multiple scattering step limitation, which provides accuracy and CPU performance similar to that of the Geant4 version 7.1p02;
- the parameter dRoverRange used in computation of step limit by the ionisation process is set to the value 0.8.
- the ApplyCuts option is enabling production thresholds (cuts) on secondary particles for all EM processes including photoelectric effect, Compton scattering, gamma conversion, positron annihilation.
Option 2
- emstandard_opt2 designed for HEP applications, it is used in the QGSP_EMX reference Physics List. The corresponding physics constructor G4EmStandardPhysics_option2.cc includes following modifications with respect to the default EM physics:
- the option "ApplyCuts" is used enabling kill of electrons and gammas produced below production thresholds for all EM processes;
- specialized process for muon multiple scattering is used, this process takes into account small angle scattering (below 0.2 rad), for large scattering angles the single scattering process is used.
Option 3
- emstandard_opt3 designed for any applications required higher accuracy of electrons, hadrons and ion tracking without magnetic field. It is used in extended electromagnetic examples. The corresponding physics constructor G4EmStandardPhysics_option3.cc includes following modifications:
- the option "fUseDistanceToBoundary" for multiple scattering of electrons and positrons;
- increased number of bins in physics tables - 220 (84 bins by default);
- the parameter finalRange used in computation of step limit by the ionisation process is reduced with respect to the default value 1 mm: for e+,e- is 0.1 mm, for muons, pions, proton is 0.05 mm, for ions 0.02 mm.
- emlivermore designed for any applications required higher accuracy of electrons, hadrons and ion tracking without magnetic field. It is used in extended electromagnetic examples. The corresponding physics constructor G4EmLivermorePhysics.cc includes following modifications:
- the option "fUseDistanceToBoundary" for multiple scattering of electrons and positrons;
- increased number of bins in physics tables - 220 (84 bins by default);
- the parameter finalRange used in computation of step limit by the ionisation process is reduced with respect to the default value 1 mm: for e+,e- is 0.1 mm, for muons, pions, proton is 0.05 mm, for ions 0.02 mm.
Livermore with polarisation
- emlivermore_polar designed for any applications required higher accuracy of electrons, hadrons and ion tracking without magnetic field. It is used in extended electromagnetic examples. The corresponding physics constructor G4EmLivermorePolarizedPhysics.cc includes following modifications:
- the option "fUseDistanceToBoundary" for multiple scattering of electrons and positrons;
- increased number of bins in physics tables - 220 (84 bins by default);
- the parameter finalRange used in computation of step limit by the ionisation process is reduced with respect to the default value 1 mm: for e+,e- is 0.1 mm, for muons, pions, proton is 0.05 mm, for ions 0.02 mm.
- empenelope designed for any applications required higher accuracy of electrons, hadrons and ion tracking without magnetic field. It is used in extended electromagnetic examples. The corresponding physics constructor G4EmPenelopePhysics.cc includes following modifications:
- the option "fUseDistanceToBoundary" for multiple scattering of electrons and positrons;
- increased number of bins in physics tables - 220 (84 bins by default);
- the parameter finalRange used in computation of step limit by the ionisation process is reduced with respect to the default value 1 mm: for e+,e- is 0.1 mm, for muons, pions, proton is 0.05 mm, for ions 0.02 mm.
DNA physics
- emDNAphysics designed for any applications required higher accuracy of electrons, hadrons and ion tracking without magnetic field. It is used in extended electromagnetic examples. The corresponding physics constructor G4EmDNAPhysics.cc includes very low-energy processes for simulation of particle transport in liquid water. See more detail in Geant4-DNA pages.
Physics Lists of Geant4 examples
- TestEm7 extended/electromagnetic example providing several variants of EM physics, which are also used in other Geant4 applications. This example can be recommended as a starting point for user customized Physics List.
- standardSS The physics constructor, in which multiple scattering process is substituted by single scattering.
- standardNR The physics constructor, in which multiple scattering processes for protons and ions are substituted by single scattering process.
- TestEm8 extended/electromagnetic example demonstrating how to activate PAI model per region using G4EmConfigurator. This method can be recommended for configuration of other models per detector region.