

  • emstandard The default EM constructor is used in major part of reference Physics Lists (FTFP_BERT, FTF_BIC, QGSP_FTFP_BERT, QGSP_BIC, ...). In comparison with previous Geant4 versions the following models are default in 9.5:
    • G4UrbanMscModel95 for multiple scattering of e+ and e-;
    • G4WentzelVIModel for multiple scattering of mu+ and mu- combined with G4eCoulombScatteringModel for large angle scattering;
    • G4SeltzerBergerModel for e+ and e- bremsstrahlung;
    • G4PEEffectFluoModel for photo-elecric effect.

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

  • emstandard_opt3 designed for any applications required higher accuracy of electrons, hadrons and ion tracking without magnetic field. It is used in extended electromagnetic examples and in the QGSP_BIC_EMY reference Physics List. The corresponding physics constructor includes following modifications:
    • the option "fUseDistanceToBoundary" for multiple scattering of electrons and positrons;
    • increased number of bins in physics tables - 220 (84 bins by default);
    • the parameter dRoverRange used in computation of step limit by the ionisation process is reduced with respect to the default value 0.2: 0.1 for alpha, He3, ions;
    • the parameter finalRange used in computation of step limit by the ionisation process is reduced with respect to the default value 1 mm: for e+,e- is 0.1 mm, for muons, pions, proton is 0.05 mm, for alpha and He3 0.01 mm, for ions 0.001 mm;
    • G4KleinNishinaModel is used for the Compton scattering simulation which include Doppler broading and allowing to simulate atomic deexcitation: fluorescence and Auger electron production. Atomic deexcitation may be enabled via UI commands - see extended electromagnetic examples;
    • G4IonParametrisedLossModel is used for ion ionisation, this model is based on ICRU73 ion stopping data;
    • G4RayleighScattering process is used with the default Livermore Rayleigh scattering model;
    • G4NuclearStopping process is used for alpha, He3, ions.


Livermore with polarisation


DNA physics

Physics Lists of Geant4 examples