Getting Started

Find out in a brief overview which describes the project. More detail is provided in the Introduction to Geant4, and in full journal articles NIM A 506 (2003) 250-303 IEEE Nuc. Sci. 53 No. 1 (2006) 270-278 and NIM A 835 (2016) 186-225.

As you encounter questions or problems, please consult the FAQ or take advantage of the user support provided by Geant4 developers.

Installing Geant4

You can begin installing Geant4 by downloading the code from the distribution page. Next, consult the Installation Guide for the instructions required to set up Geant4 in your computing environment.

Building an Application

Once you have installed the toolkit, the Application Developers Guide will provide information and examples for building your own simulation application.

Getting Help

As problems arise, try browsing the user forum to see whether or not your problem has already been encountered. If it hasn't, you can post it and Geant4 developers will do their best to find a solution. This is also a good place to discuss Geant4 topics in general.