- Biasing
- Enrich event biasing options
- Review and unify existing biasing options
- Systematic documents
- Refresh existing documentation
- Explicit or complete mathematical computations
- Provide references
- Minimal tools for statistics
- Provide minimal statistics tools to monitor the validity of the simulation results
- Process-based biasing
- Prototype for (multi-)differential cross-section functionality
- Also related to reverse MC
- Reverse MC
- Maintenance
- Prototype for (multi-)differential cross-section functionality (as above)
- Materials
- As documented in section "2) Material category development" of EM group work plan
- Introduce "base material" approach as a first step to variable density approach
- Adding extra data on molecule levels
- Review and upgrade of G4SandiaTable
- Redesign the G4MaterialPropertyVector class interfaces for G4Scintillation and optical processes to employ spline interpolation to empirical input
- Re-analysis of SystemOfUnits
- Investigation at this point
- As documented in section "2) Material category development" of EM group work plan
- Generic processes
- Finalize review for parallel geometries
Updated: 21st February 2011