Generic Process and Materials 2013 Work Plan
1) MT migration: (1)
Verify safeness of
- existing biasing
- reverse MC
- fast simulation
- materials
2) Biasing developments:
a) Design and implementation iteration (1 unless stated differently)
- design for physics-based biasing (occurence biasing, final state biasing)
- verify design appropriatness
- Implement options (options with "?" requires further feasibility studies)
- Forced interaction
- Exponential transform
- Forced free flight
* For all three above: consider individual process cross-section biasing,
but also total cross-section biasing.
- brem. splitting (complementary/alternative to existing one in EM)
- leading particle biasing (complementary/alternative to existing one in had)
- Point-like force interaction
- Exploratory track (?)
* Above options should be considered single or cross-volume capable
- Material/Isotope composition biasing (?)
- Woodcock tracking (?)
- Study design and implementation solution for angular/energy biasing (1/2)
- needed in DXTRAN option (?)
- pending issue of differential cross-section.
- Study for charged particles:
- issue: accounting for cross-section change due to Eloss and MSC
- verify principle for proposed solution
- verify existing design accomodates charged particle case
- Include parallel geometry use in design:
- physics-based biasing:
- meaningful in layered mass geometries only
- non-physics-based biasing:
- all sort of parallel geometries useful
b) Finalizing the released code (2)
- tests/validations
- user examples
- documentation
3) Phonons: (1/2)
- polish examples
- MT
4) Materials
- MT major item (1)
- study feasibility of extending DNA approach, with molecular structure (1/2)
-> mini-workshop to discuss requirements on molecular aspects ?
5) Reverse MC (1/2)
- study and fix of observed convergence issues
- cross-volume interaction forcing
6) Automatic generation of biasing geometry (2)
- study a way to provide simple way to generate automatically the geometry for geometry-based
biasing using importance in cells.