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- Fast simulation:
- modernisation of EM shower parametrisation, including automated tuning procedures
- implementation of example of machine learning inference within G4 using external libraries for calorimetry fast simulation
- Geometrical biaising:
- Support geometrical biasing
- Try to merge extended examples with generic biasing where possible/necessary.
- Generic Biasing:
- Continue enriching event biasing options:
- DXTRAN-like biasing
- Implicit capture
- Occurrence biasing of charged particles, with cross-section changing over the step
- AMS (Adaptive Multilevel Splitting)
- Extend generic biasing scheme for at rest case
- Statistical test suite to verify correctness of biasing wrt to analog
- Materials:
- Remove obsolete and improve existing interfaces to materials for the major release
- Maintenance of basic classes G4Material and associated
- Improvement of Reverse MC
- Final Migration and test in MT mode
- Proton simulation validation
- Heavy ions.
- Possible further improvement