Useful information
- Electromagnetic Physics
- Catalog of Geant4 low energy electromagnetic physics processes and models:
- Livermore models for gamma and electrons
- Penelope models for gamma, electrons and positrons
- Elastic models for gamma (JAEA)
- Ion models (based on ICRU#73)
- Geant4-DNA processes and models - also see the Geant4-DNA Twitter account
- MicroElec processes and models
- Monash University models
- How to simulate atomic deexcitation ?
- Extended examples recommended for the usage of Geant4 electromagnetic physics, including specific Geant4-DNA examples
Sub-packages and processes for HEP simulations
Sub-directory | Process or user interface | SubType | Comment |
electromagnetic/highenergy | G4AnnihiToMuPair | 4 | positron annihilation to muon pair |
electromagnetic/highenergy | G4GammaConversionToMuons | 5 | gamma conversion to muon pair |
electromagnetic/highenergy | G4eeToHadrons | 4 | positron annihilation to hadrons |
electromagnetic/highenergy | G4hhIonisation | 2 | heavy particle ionisation |
electromagnetic/highenergy | G4mplIonisation | 2 | classical magnetic monopole ionisation |
electromagnetic/muons | G4MuBremsstrahlung | 3 | muon bremsstrahlung |
electromagnetic/muons | G4MuIonisation | 2 | muon ionisation |
electromagnetic/muons | G4MuMultipleScattering | 1 | multiple scattering for muons |
electromagnetic/muons | G4MuPairProduction | 8 | e+e- pair production by muon |
electromagnetic/muons | G4ePairProduction | 8 | e+e- pair production by e+,e- |
electromagnetic/polarisation | G4PolarizedCompton | 6 | Compton scattering with circular polarization |
electromagnetic/polarisation | G4PolarizedGammaConversion | 5 | conversion of circular polarized gamma |
electromagnetic/polarisation | G4PolarizedPhotoElectricEffect | 7 | photo-electric effect for circular polarized gamma |
electromagnetic/polarisation | G4ePolarizedBremsstrahlung | 3 | bremsstrahlung of circular polarized e+ and e- |
electromagnetic/polarisation | G4ePolarizedIonisation | 2 | ionisation of circular polarized e+ and e- |
electromagnetic/polarisation | G4eplusPolarizedAnnihilation | 4 | annihilation of circular polarized positrons |
electromagnetic/standard | G4ComptonScattering | 6 | Compton scattering process |
electromagnetic/standard | G4CoulombScattering | 1 | single Coulomb scattering |
electromagnetic/standard | G4GammaConversion | 5 | gamma conversion to e+e- pair |
electromagnetic/standard | G4NuclearStopping | 8 | nuclear stopping of ions |
electromagnetic/standard | G4PhotoElectricEffect | 7 | photo-electric effect |
electromagnetic/standard | G4PolarizedComptonScattering | 6 | Compton scattering of linear polarized gamma |
electromagnetic/standard | G4eBremsstrahlung | 3 | electron and positron bremsstrahlung |
electromagnetic/standard | G4eIonisation | 2 | electron and positron ionisation |
electromagnetic/standard | G4eMultipleScattering | 10 | electron and positron multiple scattering |
electromagnetic/standard | G4ionIonisation | 2 | ionisation of ions with charge +2 and more |
electromagnetic/standard | G4hIonisation | 2 | ionisation of hadrons |
electromagnetic/standard | G4hMultipleScattering | 10 | multiple scattering of heavy changed particles |
electromagnetic/xrays | G4Cerenkov | 21 | Cerenkov radiation |
electromagnetic/xrays | G4Scintillation | 22 | scintillation process |
electromagnetic/xrays | G4SynchrotronRadiation | 23 | classical synchrotron radiation |
electromagnetic/xrays | G4SynchrotronRadiationInMat | 23 | synchrotron radiation in media |
electromagnetic/xrays | G4TransitionRadiation | 24 | transition radiation process |
optical | G4OpAbsorption | 31 | absorption of optical photons |
optical | G4OpBoundaryProcess | 32 | general boundary process for optical photons |
optical | G4OpRayleigh | 33 | Rayleigh scattering of optical photons |
examples/extended/electromagnetic/TestEm7 | G4ScreenedNuclearRecoil | 1 | single scattering for ions |