Minutes of 17 January 2018 Meeting of the Geant4 Technical Forum Editor: A. Morsch, 17 January 2018 - Starting at 16:00 General introduction of version 10.4 and prospects ================================================== + see slides for details + next release will be end of June 2018 (beta) early December 2018 (final) + next TF will be organized March/April 2018 with the 2018 work plan as the main topic Highlights of version 10.4 - non–physics part ============================================= + see slides + clarification of slide 4 New stepper G4DormandPrince457 is now set as default. It is faster (30% less field evaluations) and more accurate then the previous default (G4ClassicalRK4) + clarification on slide 8 ZeroMQ is a message queue service used as new backend for UI command distribution for use by interactive notebooks environments Highlights of version 10.4 – EM physics part ============================================ + see slides + slide 8: the possibility to customize EM configuration per detector region is available since 10.4 (not 10.3) + no plans to provide higher granularity data files for low-energy electromagnetic processes since the file is relatively small (4% of the total) Highlights of version 10.4 – Hadronic physics part ================================================== + see slides Open requirements ================= + see slides + New requirements from Wollongong radiation physics user workshop now discussed in the Collaboration + Progress on several open requirements from radio-protection and radio-physics. + 4301: "Need of correct pion elastic model for T2K" requires feedback from requestor + 4003: "Tool to understand difference between any two G4 version" is next to completion + 4002: "Reweightable uncertainties for syst. uncertainty evaluation" is in progress + 3901: "Complete destructions of G4 objects at exit" is close to completion + 4401: "Synchronisation of field related objects" is done + 4004: "Treatment of gamma cascades after neutron capture", corrected in patch 10.2.p01, but now feedback from LUX-ZEPLIN **** New Requirements ALICE report ============ + see slides + Geant4 used for general purpose productions and considered for upcoming QM2018 special productions + difference to data seen in TOF beta distribution not solved by use of HP option Validation of VecGeom for CMS simulation ======================================== + see slides Status and plans for CMS simulation =================================== + see slides + on the long term, to meet the HL LHC challenges, CMS wants to speed up simulation by a factor of 10 ATLAS Report ============ + see slides + slide 10 Simulation of hadronic interactions of particles with pre-determined decays will be facilitated by planned interfacing with EPOS. CCFE Contributions ================== + see slides + The proposed contributions to geometry, nuclear data and high performance computing are received very positively. + Further discussions are needed to specify the details. John Allison, the Geant4 UK contact will get in touch with CCFE.
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