Work items for 2006
Items marked with will involve contribution from external sources interested in the project.
Items marked with will require coordination with more than one Working Group.
- Robustness checking:
- Tests on tiny volume ovelaps & coincident surfaces
- Verify through simple test cases the behavior of navigation and tracking in cases of tiny volume overlaps (order of microns) and coincident surfaces of placed volumes
- Tests on tiny volume ovelaps & coincident surfaces
- Implementation improvement, maintainability:
- Review of normals for CGS and specific solids and consistent usage in the code
- Verify implementation of SurfaceNormal() for CSG and specific solids and their boolean combinations. Verify that the new specification is always valid and assess consistency with internal implementation.
- Review of 2nd order equations for tube, cone, orb & sphere
- Verify correctness of implemented algorithm and response for the required precision in G4Tubs and G4Cons, G4Orb and G4Sphere
- Review of field user classes
- Improve existing implementation to allow easier and more intuitive API to users for tuning performance and field response
- Refactoring and revision of biasing/scoring processes
- Design & code review of existing biasing & scoring modules for convergence to a unique solution
- Code review for BREP specific solids
- Review implementation of concrete BREP solids to reduce code duplication and make better use of existing infrastructure
- Review of normals for CGS and specific solids and consistent usage in the code
- Performance tuning:
- Full application tuning (benchmark suite) with field
- Deploy a benchmark suite to system testing based on a real case application to monitor effects of code changes in the performance in every new development release
- Field performance tuning/benchmark for Geant4E
- Complete study on electromagnetic-field tuning of parameters and algorithms used for stepping and integration, in conjunction with the development of the new error-propagation module Geant4E
- Full application tuning (benchmark suite) with field
- New features:
- Tunable tolerance
- Provide possibility of optionally setting tolerance for surface thickness and intersection calculation
- Implement mechanism for automatic evaluation of the tolerance according to the geometry topology
- Parallel navigator, first implementation
- First implementation of a 'multiple' navigator allowing for tracking in a parallel geometry, for potential use in biasing, tallying/scoring, readout and fast parameterisation
- Identification of the first/last step in a volume
- Provide ability to cache and retrieve for each volume, the first and last step of a given track
- Optimised navigation for voxelised phantom geometries
- Allow for simplified intersection calculation applicable to regular geometrical structures defined through replicated voxels (boxes)
- New specific paraboloid shape
- Implement a new specific solid with parabolic surface and full section
- Generic tessellated solid
- Verify and test implementation of a generic tessellated shape constructed from 'polygon' decomposition of surfaces
- Computation of surface area of a solid
- Provide new functionality for all solids, included boolean compositions, to compute the associated surface area, with exact formula where possible, or through MC approximation
- Tunable tolerance
- Documentation:
- Review of user documentation
- Review chapter on geometry in the User's Guide to include new features and modifications according to development
- Review of user documentation
Previous years planned activities
2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005
Created: 27 January 2006
Modified: 28 February 2006, GC