Documentation Working Group



The Geant4 documentation working group is responsible for maintaining and improving the User Documentation and user-related areas of the GEANT4 Web site, and ensuring a consistent and positive public presentation of GEANT4 through the Web.

The User Documentation consists of six Books, presented in both PDF and HTML formats, plus a Web-based interface to the source code:

Documentation for the GEANT4 Software Examples are maintained on separate Web sites:

Documentation for Multithreaded GEANT4 (GEANT4-MT) is currently maintained in a Wiki space, but has been integrated into the User Documentation since release 10.0.

Working Group Members and Their Responsibilities

Alexander Howard (CERN, BNF/Bern) coordinator
coordinate the maintenance and improvement of all Users' Guides, examples documentation and web presentation
Daren Sawkey (Varian) deputy coordinator
support the coordinator
John Allison, Manchester/G4AI
Gabriele Cosmo, CERN
provide consultation for improvement of the global structure of documentation
Gunter Folger, CERN
GEANT4 Web Coordinator
support web-based documentation and web management tools and ensure that web presentation and various documentation services operate coherently
Ivana Hrivnacova, IN2P3/IPN Orsay
maintain documentation of the novice, basic, and extended examples, both in the Users' Guides and the Doxygen-generated web area
Ben Morgan, Warwick
support for installation and distribution instructions, management tools

Working Group Coordinators

Each working group coordinator is responsible for ensuring the maintenance of documentation (User's Guides, Installation Guide, Physics, Examples) which cover their physics and software domain.

Major Section Developers

Gabriele Cosmo, CERN
Geometry and navigation.
Makoto Asai, SLAC
Run, event and geometry, including multithreading support.
Daren Sawkey, Varian
Optical physics processes, materials properties for optical physics.
Vladimir Ivanchenko, CERN
Electromagnetic physics.
Mihaly Novak, CERN
Electromagnetic physics.
Sebastien Incerti, CNRS
Low Energy Electromagnetic and DNA physics.
Marc Verderi, LLR/IN2P3
Biasing, Fast simulation, shower parametrization.
Alberto Ribon, CERN
          Hadronic Physics
Dennis Wright, SLAC
Radioactive decay, intranuclear cascade.

Documentation Support Tools

The User Documentation is maintained using the Sphinx framework and ReST (restructured text) as the input in a git repository: gitlab-g4-doc



2020 Work Plan

2019 Work Plan

2018 Work Plan

2017 Work Plan

2016 Work Plan

2015 Work Plan

2014 Work Plan

2013 Work Plan

2012 Work Plan

No plan document available

2011 Work Plan

No plan document available

2010 Work Plan

No plan document available

2009 Work Plan

No plan document available

2008 Work Plan

The transition from HTML to DocBook based documentation was successfully completed in the last year. The new scheme (i.e. the DocBook format) is already stable and the last three releases (V8.3, V9.0, V9.1) are based on it.

In this year, because of the stability of the newly developed documentation scheme, we don't have a challenging plan as we had in the last year. We are planning to release all users' documents in accordance with Geant4 code releases.

2007 Work Plan

DocBook Project

The aim of the DocBook project is to convert the following user documents into the DocBook format:

  • IntroductionToGeant4
  • InstallationGuide
  • ForApplicationDeveloper
  • ForToolkitDeveloper


The global time schedule for this project is as follows:

Dec. 2006:
Release the alpha version of the above documents in DocBook format to working group coordinators. (done)
Jan. 2007:
Accept comments to the alpha version from working group coordinators (by the end of January)
Feb. - Mar. 2007:
Revise the alpha version based on the feedback from the working group (by the end of March)
Release the beta version to all G4 working group members (by the end of March)
Release the web instruction of how to write G4 user doc in DocBook (by the end of March)
Jun. 2007:
Release in public the 1st version at the time of 1st release of the G4 codes in 2007.


Working Group Meetings

Indico link:

7 February 2018, 18h00 CET/09:00 am PST
Agenda: Workplan for 2018 and feedback on Documentation Migration
Web interface:
16 November 2017, 8h00 CET/11:00 pm PST
Agenda: Documentation Migration Discussion 5
Web interface:
2 November 2017, 17h00 CET/08:00 am PST
Agenda: Documentation Migration Discussion 4
Web interface:
24 July 2017, 17h00 CET/08:00 am PST
Agenda: Documentation Migration Discussion 3
Web interface:
30 March 2017, 17h00 CET/08:00 am PST
Agenda: G4Logo Discussion
Web interface:
1 March 2017, 17h00 CET/08:00 am PST
Agenda: Documentation Migration Discussion 2
Web interface:
31 January 2017, 17h00 CET/08:00 am PST
Agenda: Plan for migration of documentation to sphinx/ReST
Web interface:
31 January 2013, 18h00 CET/09:00 am PST
Agenda: Discuss 2013 work plan
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