Version 1.1
- Import/export of assemblies envelopes - (1)
- Analysis:
- Improve n-tuple merging in row-wise mode to avoid different organization of TBranches/TLeaves in row/cloumn-wise modes - (1)/(2)
- Add analysis "executive" to provide possibility to choose output type at run-time - (1)/(2)
- Add flexibility in resetting/deleting histograms - (1)/(2)
- Review support for writing same histogram/profile on file several times (object versions) - (1)/(2)
- Handling of more files by analysis manager - (1)/(2)
(1) First semester
(2) Second semester
Previous years planned activities
2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018
Created: 15 January 2019
Modified: 29 January 2019, GC