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0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 cleartomark %%EndFont %%BeginFont: LINE10 %!PS-AdobeFont-1.1: LINE10 1.00 %%CreationDate: 1992 Oct 23 20:22:05 % Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. All Rights Reserved. 11 dict begin /FontInfo 7 dict dup begin /version (1.00) readonly def /Notice (Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. 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17 11:10:37 % Math Symbol fonts were designed by the American Mathematical Society. % Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. 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All Rights Reserved. 11 dict begin /FontInfo 7 dict dup begin /version (1.0) readonly def /Notice (Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. 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dup 75 /K put dup 76 /L put dup 77 /M put dup 78 /N put dup 79 /O put dup 80 /P put dup 82 /R put dup 83 /S put dup 84 /T put dup 85 /U put dup 86 /V put dup 87 /W put dup 88 /X put dup 89 /Y put dup 91 /bracketleft put dup 93 /bracketright put dup 97 /a put dup 98 /b put dup 99 /c put dup 100 /d put dup 101 /e put dup 102 /f put dup 103 /g put dup 104 /h put dup 105 /i put dup 106 /j put dup 107 /k put dup 108 /l put dup 109 /m put dup 110 /n put dup 111 /o put dup 112 /p put dup 113 /q put dup 114 /r put dup 115 /s put dup 116 /t put dup 117 /u put dup 118 /v put dup 119 /w put dup 120 /x put dup 121 /y put dup 122 /z put dup 123 /endash put dup 126 /tilde put readonly def /FontBBox{-34 -251 988 750}readonly def /UniqueXX 5000794 def currentdict end currentfile eexec 9b9c1569015f2c1d2bf560f4c0d52257bacdd6500abda5ed9835f6a016cfc8f0 0b6c052ed76a87856b50f4d80dfaeb508c97f8281f3f88b17e4d3b90c0f65ec3 79791aacdc162a66cbbc5be2f53aad8de72dd113b55a022fbfee658cb95f5bb3 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2[51 42 41 7[67 7[74 77 2[78 1[66 3[81 77 63 7[76 49 1[27 27 24[61 7[55 1[48 1[57 2[45 3[43 51 1[62 11[{}30 99.6264 /CMMI12 rf /Fs 139[46 58 60 3[78 4[43 2[48 64 71 2[71 97[{}9 119.552 /CMBXTI10 rf /Ft 135[71 1[71 75 52 1[55 1[75 67 75 1[37 2[37 75 2[61 75 60 1[65 8[102 3[94 1[100 10[106 85 88 103 15[67 1[67 67 2[37 45 31[75 13[{}28 119.552 /CMBX12 rf /Fu 146[57 109[{}1 99.6264 /Symbol rf /Fv 150[39 39 54[100 24[77 23[77{}5 99.6264 /CMSY10 rf /Fw 134[85 85 117 85 90 63 64 66 1[90 81 90 134 45 85 1[45 90 81 49 74 90 72 90 78 8[122 5[120 8[60 2[101 1[124 117 115 122 10[81 81 81 81 81 81 3[54 45[{}38 143.462 /CMBX12 rf /Fx 134[47 45 65 45 52 32 40 41 1[50 50 55 80 25 45 1[30 50 45 30 45 50 45 45 50 6[60 1[72 2[72 70 55 71 1[66 75 72 87 61 75 51 38 3[66 74 70 1[72 6[30 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 30 35 30 2[40 40 40[{}58 99.6264 /CMTI12 rf /Fy 139[59 5[61 8[56 3[61 12[78 5[81 6[85 1[74 3[81 12[55 55 51[{}11 99.6264 /CMCSC10 rf /Fz 129[49 2[49 43 51 51 70 51 54 38 38 38 51 54 49 54 81 27 51 30 27 54 49 30 43 54 43 54 49 3[27 1[27 1[73 73 100 73 73 70 54 72 1[66 76 73 89 61 76 50 35 73 77 64 66 75 70 69 73 3[76 1[27 27 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 27 33 27 76 1[38 38 27 16[49 7[81 54 54 57 10[61{}81 99.6264 /CMR12 rf /FA 129[59 3[52 62 1[85 62 65 46 46 46 1[65 59 65 98 33 2[33 65 1[36 52 65 52 65 59 8[88 1[88 1[85 65 86 1[80 1[88 107 73 2[42 88 92 76 80 89 85 1[88 91 5[33 59 1[59 1[59 59 59 59 59 1[59 33 39 33 44[{}52 119.552 /CMR12 rf /FB 139[102 5[106 8[96 3[106 25[147 18[95 52[{}6 172.188 /CMCSC10 rf /FC 134[102 3[108 75 76 79 2[97 108 161 54 102 1[54 108 97 59 88 108 86 1[94 8[146 3[135 108 144 1[132 34[65 45[{}24 172.188 /CMBX12 rf end %%EndProlog %%BeginSetup %%Feature: *Resolution 600dpi TeXDict begin %%PaperSize: A4 %%EndSetup %%Page: 1 1 1 0 bop 576 668 a FC(Sim)-5 b(ulation)63 b(of)i(X-ra)-5 b(y)64 b(T)-16 b(ransition)455 875 y(Radiation)64 b(in)g(the)h FB(Geant4)f FC(P)-5 b(ac)g(k)-11 b(age)1510 1171 y FA(V.M.)38 b(Gric)m(hine)736 1320 y(CERN/IT,)f(Genev)-7 b(a)39 b(23)f(CH-1211,)e (Switzerland)977 1470 y(e-mail:)50 b(Vladimir.Gric)m(hine@cern.)o(c)m (h,)682 1619 y(on)38 b(lea)m(v)m(e)g(from)f(P)-10 b(.N.)38 b(Leb)s(edev)h(Ph)m(ysical)e(Institute,)914 1769 y(Lenin)h(Pr.)51 b(53,)38 b(117924)e(Mosco)m(w,)h(Russia)1653 2159 y(Abstract)404 2388 y Fz(W)-8 b(e)47 b(discuss)j(an)d(implemen)m(tation)h(of)f (parametrisation)h(mo)s(dels)g(pro)m(vided)g(b)m(y)257 2508 y(the)43 b Fy(Geant4)f Fz(pac)m(k)-5 b(age)43 b(for)f(the)h (description)h(of)e(the)h(X-ra)m(y)g(transition)f(radiation)257 2628 y(\(XTR\))29 b(pro)s(duced)g(b)m(y)g(a)f(relativistic)i(c)m (harged)f(particle)g(in)g(a)f(m)m(ultila)m(y)m(ered)j(medium.)257 2749 y(The)49 b(implemen)m(tation)h(allo)m(ws)f(us)g(to)e(calculate)i (the)f(n)m(um)m(b)s(er)i(of)d(XTR)i(photons,)257 2869 y(their)34 b(energy)h(and)e(angular)h(sp)s(ectra)g(in)f(a)h(n)m(um)m(b) s(er)h(of)e(XTR)g(radiators)h(of)f(practical)257 2989 y(in)m(terest.)43 b(W)-8 b(e)26 b(consider)h(also)f(the)g(XTR)g(energy) h(loss)f(resp)s(onsible)h(for)f(creation)g(of)f(the)257 3110 y(XTR)i(photons)f Fx(inside)f Fz(a)h(radiator)f(\014lled)i(with)g (more)f(than)h(t)m(w)m(o)f(media.)42 b(Comparison)257 3230 y(of)32 b(sim)m(ulation)i(with)f(exp)s(erimen)m(tal)i(data)d(from) h(gaseous)g(detectors)h(is)f(presen)m(ted.)404 3587 y Fx(P)-7 b(A)n(CS:)37 b Fz(41.60.-m;)31 b(34.50.Bw)404 3943 y Fx(Keywor)-5 b(ds:)48 b Fz(X-ra)m(y)33 b(transition)g (radiation;)f(Energy)i(loss;)f(Absorbing)g(medium)404 4536 y Fx(R)-5 b(ep)g(ort)46 b(pr)-5 b(esente)g(d)45 b(on)h(the)g(7th)h(International)e(Confer)-5 b(enc)g(e,)47 b(A)-5 b(dvanc)g(e)g(d)46 b(T)-7 b(e)i(ch-)257 4657 y(nolo)g(gy)38 b(and)f(Particle)h(Physics,)g(Como)f(15-19)g(Octob)-5 b(er)37 b(2001.)53 b(T)-7 b(o)37 b(b)-5 b(e)38 b(publishe)-5 b(d)37 b(in)257 4777 y(r)-5 b(e)g(duc)g(e)g(d)35 b(version)f(in)g(the)h (Confer)-5 b(enc)g(e)34 b(Pr)-5 b(o)g(c)g(e)g(e)g(dings.)1852 5848 y Fz(1)p eop %%Page: 1 2 1 1 bop 257 265 a Fw(1)161 b(In)l(tro)t(duction)257 484 y Fy(Geant4)35 b Fz(is)c(an)g(ob)5 b(ject-orien)m(ted)32 b(to)s(olkit)e(for)g(sim)m(ulation)i(in)e(High)h(Energy)g(Ph)m(ysics) 257 604 y(\(HEP\),)40 b(Astroph)m(ysics)i(and)d(medical)i(imaging)e([1) o(].)64 b Fy(Geant4)44 b Fz(exploits)c(adv)-5 b(anced)257 725 y(soft)m(w)m(are)42 b(engineering)g(tec)m(hniques)h(and)e(ob)5 b(ject-orien)m(ted)42 b(tec)m(hnology)f(to)g(impro)m(v)m(e)257 845 y(the)49 b(v)-5 b(alidation)48 b(of)g(ph)m(ysics)j(results)e(for)f (the)h(sim)m(ulation)g(of)f(relativistic)h(particle)257 966 y(transp)s(ort)38 b(through)f(a)h(complex)h(geometry)f(made)g(of)f (di\013eren)m(t)i(materials)f(and)g(de-)257 1086 y(tectors.)70 b(It)42 b(is)f(a)g(completely)i(new)g(to)s(olkit,)g(engineered)g(from)e (the)g(start)g(with)h(an)257 1206 y(ob)5 b(ject-orien)m(ted)36 b(design.)48 b(In)35 b(sev)m(eral)g(areas,)g(though,)f(it)g(b)s(orro)m (ws)g(ph)m(ysical)i(mo)s(dels)257 1327 y(utilised)i(in)f(the)f Fy(GEANT3)42 b Fz(sim)m(ulation)c(pac)m(k)-5 b(age)37 b([2].)55 b Fy(Geant4)p Fz('s)36 b(design)h(divides)257 1447 y(the)28 b(resp)s(onsibilities)i(for)c(di\013eren)m(t)j(parts)e (of)g(the)g(w)m(ork)h(in)m(to)g(class)g(categories.)42 b(These)257 1568 y(include)i(ev)m(en)m(ts,)k(geometry)-8 b(,)46 b(trac)m(king,)g(pro)s(cesses,)h(user)c(in)m(terfaces,)k (visualisation)257 1688 y(and)33 b(so)g(on)f([1].)404 1808 y(The)26 b(X-ra)m(y)f(transition)g(radiation)g(\(XTR\))g(is)g (widely)i(used)f(in)f(exp)s(erimen)m(tal)i(high)257 1929 y(energy)34 b(ph)m(ysics)i(for)c(particle)h(iden)m(ti\014cation,)i(esp) s(ecially)g(for)d(selection)i(of)f(electrons)257 2049 y(in)46 b(the)f(en)m(vironmen)m(t)j(of)c(high)i(hadron)f(bac)m(kground) h([3].)81 b(XTR)46 b(w)m(as)g(not)f(imple-)257 2169 y(men)m(ted)37 b(in)f(the)g Fy(GEANT3)41 b Fz(pac)m(k)-5 b(age)36 b(b)s(ecause)g(of)f (the)h(follo)m(wing)g(problems.)53 b(XTR)257 2290 y(is)35 b(a)f(space)h(distributed)h(b)s(oundary)f(pro)s(cess;)h(the)f(XTR)f (photon)h(generation)f(is)h(dis-)257 2410 y(tributed)g(along)f(the)g (tra)5 b(jectory)35 b(of)f(an)g(inciden)m(t)i(particle)e(roughly)h(in)f (the)h(limits)g(of)257 2531 y(the)e(XTR)g(formation)e(zone)i Fv(\030)28 b Fz(10-100)j Fu(m)p Fz(m)i(around)f(an)g(in)m(terface.)45 b(Moreo)m(v)m(er,)34 b(XTR)257 2651 y(is)29 b(usually)h(generated)f(b)m (y)g(a)f(sp)s(ecial)i(radiator)d(\(stac)m(k)j(of)e(foils)g(in)m(tersp)s (ersed)j(with)e(gas)257 2771 y(gaps)39 b(or)g(foam\);)i(in)e(this)h (case)f(the)h(pro)s(cess)g(of)e(formation)g(of)h(the)g(XTR)g(photon)g (is)257 2892 y(distributed)h(o)m(v)m(er)g(the)f(whole)h(radiator)d(and) i(is)g(limited)h(b)m(y)f(the)g(X-ra)m(y)g(absorption)257 3012 y(path)31 b(length.)44 b(It)31 b(is)g(therefore)h(di\016cult)g(to) f(describ)s(e)h(XTR)g(in)f(terms)h(of)e(a)h(p)s(oin)m(t-lik)m(e)257 3133 y(electromagnetic)c(pro)s(cess)f(whic)m(h)g(w)m(as)g(the)g (standard)f(appro)m(ximation)h(in)f Fy(GEANT3)257 3253 y Fz(.)404 3373 y(The)36 b(standard)f(theory)h(of)f(XTR)g(describ)s(es) i(the)f(\015ux)g(of)e(the)i(XTR)f(photons)h(far)257 3494 y(from)49 b(the)g(XTR)g(radiator)f(in)h(the)g(so-called)g(w)m(a)m(v)m (e)i(zone)e(\(see)g(ref.)92 b([4]-[10)o(])49 b(and)257 3614 y(references)42 b(therein\).)65 b(This)40 b(is)g(not)g(the)g(case) g(when)g(the)g(XTR)g(detector)g(is)g(placed)257 3734 y(directly)34 b(inside)f(the)g(radiator)e(\(see,)j(for)d(example,)j (the)e(design)h(of)f(the)g(XTR)h(trac)m(k)m(er)257 3855 y(of)k(the)h(A)-8 b(TLAS)37 b(exp)s(erimen)m(t)i([11]\).)57 b(F)-8 b(or)36 b(suc)m(h)j(a)e(geometry)h(other)f(v)m(ersions)i(of)e (the)257 3975 y(XTR)32 b(theory)f(ma)m(y)h(b)s(e)f(applied,)h(e.g.,)f (those)h(based)g(on)e(the)i(Landau)e(metho)s(d)i(whic)m(h)257 4096 y(w)m(as)38 b(considered)h(in)e(ref.)g([12)o(])g(for)f(the)i (description)g(of)e(ionisation)i(energy)f(loss)h(near)257 4216 y(the)33 b(in)m(terface)h(of)e(t)m(w)m(o)h(dielectric)i(media.)404 4336 y(In)46 b(this)h(pap)s(er)g(w)m(e)g(discuss)h(an)f(implemen)m (tation)h(of)e(XTR)g(for)g(the)h Fy(Geant4)257 4457 y Fz(trac)m(king)23 b(pac)m(k)-5 b(age.)40 b(The)23 b(implemen)m(tation)h (is)e(based)g(on)g(the)g(fast)g(sim)m(ulation)h(\(parametri-)257 4577 y(sation\))h(approac)m(h)g(dev)m(elop)s(ed)h(in)f Fy(Geant4)k Fz(for)23 b(the)h(description)h(of)e(electromagnetic)257 4697 y(and)33 b(hadronic)g(sho)m(w)m(er)i(dev)m(elopmen)m(t.)46 b(W)-8 b(e)33 b(presen)m(t)i(form)m(ulae)e(describing)h(di\013eren)m(t) 257 4818 y(t)m(yp)s(es)i(of)e(XTR)g(radiators)g(written)h(in)g(ph)m (ysically)h(clear)f(form)f(con)m(v)m(enien)m(t)j(for)d(soft-)257 4938 y(w)m(are)29 b(implemen)m(tation.)44 b(The)29 b(XTR)f(energy)h (loss)g(whic)m(h)h(is)e(resp)s(onsible)i(for)e(creation)257 5059 y(of)43 b(the)g(XTR)h(photons)f Fx(inside)f Fz(a)h(radiator)f (\014lled)i(with)g(more)f(than)g(t)m(w)m(o)h(media)g(is)257 5179 y(also)33 b(considered.)45 b(The)33 b(latter)g(can)f(b)s(e)h(used) g(for)f(the)h(description)h(of)d(radiators)i(with)257 5299 y(distributed)47 b(XTR)f(detectors.)84 b(The)46 b(results)h(of)e(sim)m(ulation)i(are)e(compared)i(with)257 5420 y(exp)s(erimen)m(tal)35 b(data.)1852 5848 y(1)p eop %%Page: 2 3 2 2 bop 257 265 a Fw(2)161 b(Brief)54 b(review)e(of)i(transition)e (radiation)h(theory)257 513 y Ft(2.1)136 b(XTR)44 b(photon)h(\015ux)f Fs(after)g Ft(a)h(radiator)257 698 y Fz(In)e(practice)h(XTR)f(is)g (generated)g(b)m(y)h(sp)s(ecial)f(radiators)g(consisting)g(of)g(a)f (stac)m(k)i(of)257 818 y(foils)29 b(\(plastics)h(lik)m(e)f(p)s(olyprop) m(ylene)i(or)d(Mylar\))h(with)g(gas)g(gaps)f(or)g(a)g(foam.)42 b(Supp)s(ose)257 939 y(w)m(e)d(ha)m(v)m(e)g Fr(n)f Fz(foils)g(with)h (thic)m(kness)h Fr(t)1627 954 y Fq(1)1705 939 y Fz(in)m(tersp)s(ersed)g (with)e(gas)g(gaps)g(with)g(thic)m(kness)257 1059 y Fr(t)292 1074 y Fq(2)364 1059 y Fz(\(\014g.)32 b(1\).)43 b(Both)32 b(the)h(foil)f(and)g(the)h(gas)f(gap)g(thic)m(knesses)j(can)e (\015uctuate)g(according)257 1179 y(to)28 b(the)h(distribution)g Fr(p)p Fz(\()p Fr(t)1185 1194 y Fp(j)1222 1179 y Fz(\))p Fr(;)114 b(j)34 b Fz(=)27 b(1)p Fr(;)17 b Fz(2.)41 b(Then)30 b(the)e(mean)h(n)m(um)m(b)s(er)h(of)d(XTR)i(photons)257 1300 y(generated)k(p)s(er)e(unit)h(XTR)g(photon)f(frequency)j(and)d Fr(\022)2328 1264 y Fq(2)2368 1300 y Fz(,)h Fr(d)2478 1264 y Fq(2)2545 1275 y Fz(\026)2517 1300 y Fr(N)2595 1315 y Fp(out)2699 1300 y Fr(=)p Fo(~)p Fr(d!)20 b(d\022)3033 1264 y Fq(2)3072 1300 y Fz(,)32 b(from)f(the)257 1420 y(radiator)h(is)h(giv)m(en)h(b)m(y)g(the)f(follo)m(wing)f(expression)j ([7,)e(13)o(,)g(14]:)668 1611 y Fr(d)719 1575 y Fq(2)787 1586 y Fz(\026)759 1611 y Fr(N)837 1626 y Fp(out)p 643 1656 324 4 v 643 1747 a Fo(~)p Fr(d!)19 b(d\022)927 1718 y Fq(2)1004 1679 y Fz(=)1184 1611 y Fr(\013)p 1118 1656 195 4 v 1118 1747 a(\031)t Fo(~)p Fr(c)1273 1718 y Fq(2)1322 1679 y Fr(!)t(\022)1435 1637 y Fq(2)1474 1679 y Fz(\()p Fr(L)1578 1694 y Fq(1)1640 1679 y Fv(\000)j Fr(L)1805 1694 y Fq(2)1845 1679 y Fz(\))1883 1637 y Fq(2)1939 1538 y Fn(\032)2024 1611 y Fz(1)g Fv(\000)g Fr(Q)2271 1575 y Fp(n)p 2024 1656 295 4 v 2047 1747 a Fz(1)g Fv(\000)h Fr(Q)2329 1679 y Fz(Re\()p Fr(F)14 b Fz(\))22 b(+)g(Re\()p Fr(G)p Fz(\))2985 1538 y Fn(\033)3076 1679 y Fr(;)268 b Fz(\(1\))1052 2076 y Fr(F)42 b Fz(=)1270 2009 y(\(1)22 b(+)g Fr(Q)1554 2024 y Fq(1)1594 2009 y Fz(\)\(1)f(+)i Fr(H)8 b Fz(\))21 b Fv(\000)i Fz(2)p Fr(H)2217 2024 y Fq(1)2278 2009 y Fv(\000)g Fz(2)p Fr(Q)2504 2024 y Fq(1)2543 2009 y Fr(H)2624 2024 y Fq(2)p 1270 2053 1394 4 v 1837 2145 a Fz(1)f Fv(\000)h Fr(H)2673 2076 y(;)1035 2456 y(G)k Fz(=)1253 2389 y(2\(1)22 b Fv(\000)g Fr(H)1591 2404 y Fq(1)1631 2389 y Fz(\)\()p Fr(Q)1784 2404 y Fq(1)1845 2389 y Fv(\000)h Fr(H)2026 2404 y Fq(1)2065 2389 y Fz(\))p Fr(H)2184 2404 y Fq(2)2223 2389 y Fz(\()p Fr(Q)2338 2353 y Fp(n)2408 2389 y Fv(\000)f Fr(H)2596 2353 y Fp(n)2643 2389 y Fz(\))p 1253 2433 1428 4 v 1618 2524 a(\(1)g Fv(\000)g Fr(H)8 b Fz(\)\()p Fr(Q)22 b Fv(\000)h Fr(H)8 b Fz(\))2691 2456 y Fr(;)1292 2778 y(Q)28 b Fz(=)g Fr(Q)1578 2793 y Fq(1)1617 2778 y Fr(Q)1694 2793 y Fq(2)1734 2778 y Fr(;)212 b(H)35 b Fz(=)28 b Fr(H)2274 2793 y Fq(1)2313 2778 y Fr(H)2394 2793 y Fq(2)2433 2778 y Fr(;)257 2975 y Fz(where)d Fr(!)h Fz(is)e(the)f(XTR)g(photon)g(frequency)-8 b(,)27 b(the)d(angle)f Fr(\022)j Fz(is)e(coun)m(ted)g(from)f(the)g (particle)257 3096 y(direction,)34 b Fr(\013)f Fz(is)f(the)h(\014ne)g (structure)h(constan)m(t,)f Fo(~)f Fz(is)h(the)g(Planc)m(k)h(constan)m (t,)f(and)f Fr(c)h Fz(is)257 3216 y(the)g(sp)s(eed)h(of)e(ligh)m(t)h (in)g(v)-5 b(acuum.)44 b(The)34 b(v)-5 b(alues)33 b Fr(Q)2110 3231 y Fp(j)2180 3216 y Fz(and)f Fr(H)2450 3231 y Fp(j)2487 3216 y Fz(,)g(\()p Fr(j)i Fz(=)27 b(1)p Fr(;)17 b Fz(2\))32 b(are:)1340 3473 y Fr(Q)1417 3488 y Fp(j)1481 3473 y Fz(=)1585 3332 y Fn(\034)1659 3473 y Fz(exp)1825 3332 y Fn(\024)1878 3473 y Fv(\000)2063 3405 y Fr(t)2098 3420 y Fp(j)p 1982 3450 234 4 v 1982 3541 a Fr(\025)2039 3556 y Fp(j)2075 3541 y Fz(\()p Fr(!)t Fz(\))2225 3332 y Fn(\025\035)2369 3473 y Fr(;)975 b Fz(\(2\))1370 3875 y Fr(H)1451 3890 y Fp(j)1515 3875 y Fz(=)1619 3734 y Fn(\034)1694 3875 y Fz(exp)1859 3734 y Fn(\024)1912 3875 y Fv(\000)17 b Fr(i)2089 3807 y(t)2124 3822 y Fp(j)p 2049 3852 153 4 v 2049 3943 a Fz(2)p Fr(Z)2165 3958 y Fp(j)2211 3734 y Fn(\025\035)2355 3875 y Fr(:)989 b Fz(\(3\))257 4130 y(In)26 b(the)f(latter)g(expressions)j Fv(h)p Fr(:::)p Fv(i)d Fz(means)h(a)m(v)m(eraging)g(o)m(v)m(er)g(the)f(distribution)h Fr(p)p Fz(\()p Fr(t)3202 4145 y Fp(j)3239 4130 y Fz(\))p Fr(;)42 b(j)33 b Fz(=)257 4250 y(1)p Fr(;)17 b Fz(2;)27 b Fr(\025)510 4265 y Fp(j)571 4250 y Fz(is)e(the)g(XTR)f(photon)h (absorption)g(length)g(and)f Fr(Z)2396 4265 y Fp(j)2457 4250 y Fz(is)h(the)g(complex)h(formation)257 4371 y(zone)34 b(of)e(XTR)h(in)f(the)h Fr(j)6 b Fz(-th)32 b(medium)i([15],)f(resp)s (ectiv)m(ely:)1572 4616 y Fr(Z)1639 4631 y Fp(j)1703 4616 y Fz(=)1929 4549 y Fr(L)1995 4564 y Fp(j)p 1817 4593 327 4 v 1817 4740 a Fz(1)22 b Fv(\000)g Fr(i)2030 4673 y(L)2096 4688 y Fp(j)p 2030 4718 103 4 v 2035 4809 a Fr(\025)2092 4824 y Fp(j)2153 4616 y Fr(:)1191 b Fz(\(4\))257 4990 y(In)35 b(the)f(case)g(of)g(a)f(transparen)m(t)i(medium)g Fr(\025)30 b Fz(=)g Fv(1)p Fz(,)j(the)i(complex)g(formation)e(zone)i (is)257 5111 y(reduced)f(to)f(the)g(coherence)h(length)f Fr(L)1716 5126 y Fp(j)1786 5111 y Fz(of)f(XTR:)1140 5444 y Fr(L)1206 5459 y Fp(j)1270 5444 y Fz(=)1395 5377 y Fr(c)p 1384 5421 65 4 v 1384 5512 a(!)1475 5244 y Fn(2)1475 5423 y(4)1541 5444 y Fr(\015)1597 5403 y Fm(\000)p Fq(2)1713 5444 y Fz(+)1811 5274 y Fn( )1900 5377 y Fr(!)1965 5326 y Fq(\()p Fp(j)t Fq(\))1961 5387 y Fp(p)p 1900 5421 156 4 v 1946 5512 a Fr(!)2066 5274 y Fn(!)2145 5296 y Fq(2)2206 5444 y Fz(+)22 b Fr(\022)2352 5403 y Fq(2)2392 5244 y Fn(3)2392 5423 y(5)2458 5266 y Fm(\000)p Fq(1)2569 5444 y Fr(;)775 b Fz(\(5\))1852 5848 y(2)p eop %%Page: 3 4 3 3 bop 257 266 a Fz(where)35 b Fr(!)605 215 y Fq(\()p Fp(j)t Fq(\))601 276 y Fp(p)729 266 y Fz(is)e(the)h(plasma)g(frequency) h(of)e(the)g Fr(j)6 b Fz(-th)33 b(medium)i(and)e Fr(\015)38 b Fz(is)c(the)f(particle)257 387 y(Loren)m(tz)h(factor.)404 507 y(Since)44 b(the)g Fr(t)883 522 y Fp(j)963 507 y Fz(thic)m(knesses)k(are)43 b(p)s(ositiv)m(e)i(and)f Fr(Q)2298 522 y Fp(j)2334 507 y Fz(,)j(and)c Fr(H)2689 522 y Fp(j)2769 507 y Fz(ha)m(v)m(e)i(exp)s(onen)m(tial)257 627 y(form,)40 b(it)e(is)h(con)m(v)m(enien)m(t)i(to)d(represen)m(t)i(the)f (distribution)g Fr(p)p Fz(\()p Fr(t)2601 642 y Fp(j)2638 627 y Fz(\))f(in)g(the)h(form)f(of)g(the)257 748 y(gamma)33 b(distribution:)1121 1033 y Fr(p)p Fz(\()p Fr(t)1243 1048 y Fp(j)1280 1033 y Fz(\))27 b(=)1449 893 y Fn(\022)1532 966 y Fr(\027)1580 981 y Fp(j)p 1532 1010 85 4 v 1540 1083 a Fz(\026)1538 1102 y Fr(t)1573 1117 y Fp(j)1627 893 y Fn(\023)1700 915 y Fp(\027)1735 925 y Fl(j)1811 956 y Fr(t)1846 902 y Fp(\027)1881 912 y Fl(j)1913 902 y Fm(\000)p Fq(1)1846 981 y Fp(j)p 1798 1010 222 4 v 1798 1102 a Fz(\000\()p Fr(\027)1945 1117 y Fp(j)1982 1102 y Fz(\))2046 1033 y(exp)2212 893 y Fn(\024)2265 1033 y Fv(\000)2352 966 y Fr(\027)2400 981 y Fp(j)2437 966 y Fr(t)2472 981 y Fp(j)p 2352 1010 157 4 v 2396 1083 a Fz(\026)2394 1102 y Fr(t)2429 1117 y Fp(j)2518 893 y Fn(\025)2588 1033 y Fr(;)756 b Fz(\(6\))257 1296 y(where)40 b(\000)f(is)g(the)g(Euler)g(gamma)g(function,)1956 1278 y(\026)1954 1296 y Fr(t)1989 1311 y Fp(j)2065 1296 y Fz(is)g(the)g(mean)g(thic)m(kness)i(of)e(the)g Fr(j)6 b Fz(-th)257 1416 y(medium)37 b(in)e(the)h(radiator)e(and)i Fr(\027)1538 1431 y Fp(j)1607 1416 y Fr(>)c Fz(0)i(is)i(the)g (parameter)f(roughly)h(describing)h(the)257 1537 y(relativ)m(e)43 b(\015uctuations)g(of)e Fr(t)1309 1552 y Fp(j)1346 1537 y Fz(.)70 b(In)42 b(fact,)h(the)f(relativ)m(e)h(\015uctuation)f Fr(\016)2882 1552 y Fp(j)2961 1537 y Fz(according)g(to)257 1657 y(equation)34 b(\(6\))e(is,)1033 1936 y Fr(\016)1076 1951 y Fp(j)1141 1936 y Fz(=)1254 1782 y Fn(p)p 1354 1782 459 4 v 84 x Fv(h)p Fz(\()p Fr(t)1466 1881 y Fp(j)1524 1866 y Fv(\000)1625 1847 y Fz(\026)1624 1866 y Fr(t)1659 1881 y Fp(j)1696 1866 y Fz(\))1734 1837 y Fq(2)1773 1866 y Fv(i)p 1254 1913 558 4 v 1498 1986 a Fz(\026)1497 2005 y Fr(t)1532 2020 y Fp(j)1849 1936 y Fz(=)c Fr(\027)2007 1895 y Fm(\000)p Fq(0)p Fp(:)p Fq(5)2001 1962 y Fp(j)2157 1936 y Fr(;)114 b Fz(\()p Fr(j)34 b Fz(=)27 b(1)p Fr(;)17 b Fz(2\))p Fr(:)257 2199 y Fz(F)-8 b(rom)32 b(the)h(distribution)h (\(6\))e(one)h(can)g(deriv)m(e)h(analytically)g(the)f(v)-5 b(alues)33 b Fr(Q)3076 2214 y Fp(j)3146 2199 y Fz(and)f Fr(H)3416 2214 y Fp(j)3453 2199 y Fz(:)1354 2477 y Fr(Q)1431 2492 y Fp(j)1496 2477 y Fz(=)1599 2337 y Fn(\024)1652 2477 y Fz(1)22 b(+)1955 2392 y(\026)1954 2410 y Fr(t)1989 2425 y Fp(j)p 1831 2454 319 4 v 1831 2546 a Fr(\025)1888 2561 y Fp(j)1924 2546 y Fz(\()p Fr(!)t Fz(\))p Fr(\027)2113 2561 y Fp(j)2159 2337 y Fn(\025)2212 2359 y Fm(\000)p Fp(\027)2302 2369 y Fl(j)2355 2477 y Fr(;)989 b Fz(\(7\))1385 2907 y Fr(H)1466 2922 y Fp(j)1530 2907 y Fz(=)1634 2767 y Fn(\024)1686 2907 y Fz(1)22 b(+)g Fr(i)1982 2822 y Fz(\026)1981 2840 y Fr(t)2016 2855 y Fp(j)p 1898 2885 237 4 v 1898 2976 a Fz(2)p Fr(Z)2014 2991 y Fp(j)2050 2976 y Fr(\027)2098 2991 y Fp(j)2145 2767 y Fn(\025)2198 2789 y Fm(\000)p Fp(\027)2288 2799 y Fl(j)2340 2907 y Fr(:)1004 b Fz(\(8\))257 3170 y(The)46 b(equations)f(\(7\))f(and)g (\(8\))g(allo)m(w)h(us)g(to)f(calculate)h(the)g(factors)f Fr(F)58 b Fz(and)45 b Fr(G)f Fz(an-)257 3291 y(alytically)i(and)f (hence)i(ev)-5 b(aluate)45 b(the)h(densit)m(y)g(of)f(XTR)g(photons)g Fr(d)2917 3254 y Fq(2)2985 3265 y Fz(\026)2957 3291 y Fr(N)3035 3306 y Fp(out)3139 3291 y Fr(=)p Fo(~)p Fr(d!)t(d\022)3457 3254 y Fq(2)257 3411 y Fz(according)39 b(to)g(expression)i(\(1\))d(for) g(an)m(y)h(radiator)f(tuning)2508 3393 y(\026)2507 3411 y Fr(t)2542 3426 y Fp(j)2617 3411 y Fz(and)h Fr(\027)2861 3426 y Fp(j)2898 3411 y Fz(.)61 b(Ho)m(w)m(ev)m(er,)43 b(in)257 3531 y(some)h(practical)g(cases)h(it)e(is)g(p)s(ossible)i(to)e (simplify)h(expressions)i(\(7\))d(and)g(\(8\))g(and)257 3652 y(accelerate)34 b(the)f(calculation)g(of)f Fr(d)1530 3616 y Fq(2)1598 3627 y Fz(\026)1570 3652 y Fr(N)1648 3667 y Fp(out)1752 3652 y Fr(=)p Fo(~)p Fr(d!)t(d\022)2070 3616 y Fq(2)2141 3652 y Fz(\(see)h(ref.)44 b([15,)32 b(16]\).)257 3938 y Ft(2.2)136 b(XTR)44 b(photon)h(\015ux)f Fs(inside)f Ft(a)i(radiator)257 4123 y Fz(Using)31 b(the)f(metho)s(ds)h (dev)m(elop)s(ed)g(in)f(ref.)43 b([15])29 b(one)i(can)f(deriv)m(e)h (the)f(relation)g(describ-)257 4243 y(ing)35 b(the)f(mean)h(n)m(um)m(b) s(er)h(of)e(XTR)h(photons)f(generated)h(p)s(er)g(unit)g(XTR)f(photon)h (fre-)257 4364 y(quency)d(and)e Fr(\022)820 4328 y Fq(2)859 4364 y Fz(,)g Fr(d)967 4328 y Fq(2)1035 4339 y Fz(\026)1007 4364 y Fr(N)1085 4379 y Fp(in)1156 4364 y Fr(=)p Fo(~)p Fr(d!)19 b(d\022)1489 4328 y Fq(2)1528 4364 y Fz(,)30 b Fx(inside)f Fz(the)h(radiator)f(for)g(the)h(most)g(general)g(XTR)257 4484 y(radiator)d(consisting)i(of)e Fr(n)h Fz(absorbing)g(media)g(with) g(\015uctuating)g(thic)m(knesses)j(\(\014g.)c(2\):)1127 4682 y Fr(d)1178 4646 y Fq(2)1245 4657 y Fz(\026)1217 4682 y Fr(N)1295 4697 y Fp(in)p 1084 4727 324 4 v 1084 4818 a Fo(~)p Fr(d!)20 b(d\022)1369 4789 y Fq(2)1446 4750 y Fz(=)1625 4682 y Fr(\013)p 1559 4727 195 4 v 1559 4818 a(\031)t Fo(~)p Fr(c)1714 4789 y Fq(2)1763 4750 y Fr(!)t(\022)1876 4709 y Fq(2)1915 4750 y Fz(Re)2047 4669 y Fn(\010)2105 4750 y Fv(h)p Fr(R)2219 4709 y Fq(\(1)p Fp(;)p Fq(2)p Fp(;:::)11 b(;n)p Fq(\))2521 4750 y Fv(i)2560 4669 y Fn(\011)2634 4750 y Fr(;)710 b Fz(\(9\))531 5171 y Fv(h)p Fr(R)645 5130 y Fq(\(1)p Fp(;)p Fq(2)p Fp(;:::)10 b(;n)p Fq(\))946 5171 y Fv(i)83 b Fz(=)1232 5047 y Fp(n)p Fm(\000)p Fq(1)1227 5076 y Fn(X)1242 5286 y Fp(i)p Fq(=1)1371 5171 y Fz(\()p Fr(Z)1476 5186 y Fp(i)1526 5171 y Fv(\000)23 b Fr(Z)1693 5186 y Fp(i)p Fq(+1)1811 5171 y Fz(\))1849 5130 y Fq(2)1910 5171 y Fz(+)1068 5510 y(+)83 b(2)1298 5386 y Fp(n)p Fm(\000)p Fq(2)1292 5416 y Fn(X)1300 5628 y Fp(k)r Fq(=1)1469 5386 y Fp(n)p Fm(\000)p Fp(k)r Fm(\000)p Fq(1)1511 5416 y Fn(X)1526 5625 y Fp(i)p Fq(=1)1696 5510 y Fz(\()p Fr(Z)1801 5525 y Fp(i)1851 5510 y Fv(\000)22 b Fr(Z)2017 5525 y Fp(i)p Fq(+1)2136 5510 y Fz(\)\()p Fr(Z)2279 5525 y Fp(i)p Fq(+)p Fp(k)2422 5510 y Fv(\000)h Fr(Z)2589 5525 y Fp(i)p Fq(+)p Fp(k)r Fq(+1)2800 5510 y Fz(\))2899 5386 y Fp(k)2855 5416 y Fn(Y)2857 5625 y Fp(j)t Fq(=1)2999 5510 y Fr(H)3080 5525 y Fp(i)p Fq(+)p Fp(j)3195 5510 y Fr(:)100 b Fz(\(10\))1852 5848 y(3)p eop %%Page: 4 5 4 4 bop 257 265 a Fz(In)27 b(the)f(particular)g(case)h(of)f Fr(n)g Fz(foils)g(of)g(the)g(\014rst)h(medium)g(in)m(tersp)s(ersed)h (with)f(gas)f(gaps)257 385 y(of)32 b(the)h(second)h(medium,)g(one)f (obtains:)1227 588 y Fr(d)1278 552 y Fq(2)1345 563 y Fz(\026)1317 588 y Fr(N)1395 603 y Fp(in)p 1184 632 324 4 v 1184 724 a Fo(~)p Fr(d!)20 b(d\022)1469 695 y Fq(2)1546 655 y Fz(=)1701 588 y(2)p Fr(\013)p 1659 632 195 4 v 1659 724 a(\031)t Fo(~)p Fr(c)1814 695 y Fq(2)1863 655 y Fr(!)t(\022)1976 614 y Fq(2)2015 655 y Fz(Re)2147 575 y Fn(\010)2205 655 y Fv(h)p Fr(R)2319 614 y Fq(\()p Fp(n)p Fq(\))2421 655 y Fv(i)2460 575 y Fn(\011)2534 655 y Fr(;)761 b Fz(\(11\))348 1065 y Fv(h)p Fr(R)462 1024 y Fq(\()p Fp(n)p Fq(\))564 1065 y Fv(i)27 b Fz(=)h(\()p Fr(Z)839 1080 y Fq(1)900 1065 y Fv(\000)23 b Fr(Z)1067 1080 y Fq(2)1106 1065 y Fz(\))1144 1024 y Fq(2)1200 924 y Fn(\032)1275 1065 y Fr(n)1343 997 y Fz(\(1)f Fv(\000)g Fr(H)1632 1012 y Fq(1)1671 997 y Fz(\)\(1)g Fv(\000)h Fr(H)1999 1012 y Fq(2)2038 997 y Fz(\))p 1343 1042 734 4 v 1580 1133 a(1)f Fv(\000)g Fr(H)2108 1065 y Fz(+)2216 997 y(\(1)g Fv(\000)h Fr(H)2506 1012 y Fq(1)2545 997 y Fz(\))2583 961 y Fq(2)2622 997 y Fr(H)2703 1012 y Fq(2)2742 997 y Fz([1)g Fv(\000)f Fr(H)3029 961 y Fp(n)3076 997 y Fz(])p 2216 1042 887 4 v 2472 1133 a(\(1)g Fv(\000)h Fr(H)8 b Fz(\))2808 1104 y Fq(2)3113 924 y Fn(\033)3204 1065 y Fr(:)91 b Fz(\(12\))257 1330 y(Note)30 b(that)g(in)g(the)h(case)f(of) g(transparen)m(t)h(media)f(this)h(equation)f(coincides)i(with)f(rela-) 257 1450 y(tion)i(\(1\),)f(\(expression)j(\(20\))d(from)g(ref.)44 b([13]\),)32 b(since)i(the)g(XTR)e(energy)i(loss)f(inside)h(a)257 1571 y(radiator)h(will)i(b)s(e)e(equal)i(to)e(the)h(XTR)g(energy)g (observ)m(ed)i(far)d(from)g(the)h(radiator)f(in)257 1691 y(the)e(w)m(a)m(v)m(e)i(zone.)404 1812 y(Consider)42 b(no)m(w)f(the)h(geometry)f(of)g(a)f(radiator)h(and)g(detector)g (\(\014g.)g(3\).)68 b(Here)41 b(a)257 1932 y(radiator)33 b(consists)i(of)e Fr(n)g Fz(foils)h(of)f(the)h(\014rst)f(medium)i(in)m (tersp)s(ersed)h(with)e(gas)f(gaps)h(of)257 2052 y(the)27 b(second)h(medium)g(follo)m(w)m(ed)g(b)m(y)f(a)g(detector)g(with)g (windo)m(ws)i(of)d(the)h(third)g(medium)257 2173 y(and)i(\014lled)h (with)g(the)f(gas)g(mixture)i(of)d(the)i(fourth)f(medium.)43 b(The)30 b(gap)f(of)f(the)i(second)257 2293 y(medium)624 2267 y(~)628 2293 y Fr(b)g Fz(b)s(et)m(w)m(een)h(the)f(radiator)e(and)i (the)f(detector)i(can)e(\015uctuate)h(separately)-8 b(.)44 b(In)257 2414 y(this)34 b(case)f(relations)g(\(9\))f(and)h(\(10\))f (can)h(b)s(e)g(transformed)g(to:)798 2621 y Fr(d)849 2585 y Fq(2)917 2596 y Fz(\026)889 2621 y Fr(N)967 2636 y Fp(in)p 756 2666 324 4 v 756 2757 a Fo(~)p Fr(d!)20 b(d\022)1041 2728 y Fq(2)1118 2689 y Fz(=)1272 2621 y(2)p Fr(\013)p 1231 2666 195 4 v 1231 2757 a(\031)t Fo(~)p Fr(c)1386 2728 y Fq(2)1435 2689 y Fr(!)t(\022)1548 2648 y Fq(2)1587 2689 y Fz(Re)1719 2608 y Fn(\010)1777 2689 y Fv(h)p Fr(R)1891 2648 y Fq(\()p Fp(n)p Fq(\))1993 2689 y Fv(i)i Fz(+)g Fv(h)p Fr(R)2266 2648 y Fq(\()p Fp(cor)r Fq(\))2423 2689 y Fv(i)g Fz(+)g Fv(h)p Fr(R)2696 2648 y Fq(\()p Fp(det)p Fq(\))2849 2689 y Fv(i)2888 2608 y Fn(\011)2963 2689 y Fr(;)332 b Fz(\(13\))257 2945 y(where)33 b Fv(h)p Fr(R)652 2909 y Fq(\()p Fp(n)p Fq(\))754 2945 y Fv(i)f Fz(is)g(describ)s(ed)h(b)m(y)g(relation)f(\(12\),)f Fv(h)p Fr(R)2190 2909 y Fq(\()p Fp(cor)r Fq(\))2348 2945 y Fv(i)g Fz(is)i(resp)s(onsible)g(for)e(the)i(cor-)257 3065 y(relation)g(b)s(et)m(w)m(een)i(the)e(radiator)f(and)g(the)h (detector:)513 3309 y Fv(h)p Fr(R)627 3268 y Fq(\()p Fp(cor)r Fq(\))784 3309 y Fv(i)83 b Fz(=)1075 3241 y(\(1)22 b Fv(\000)g Fr(H)1364 3256 y Fq(1)1404 3241 y Fz(\)[1)g Fv(\000)g Fr(H)1728 3205 y Fp(n)1775 3241 y Fz(])p 1075 3286 727 4 v 1309 3377 a(1)g Fv(\000)g Fr(H)1812 3309 y Fz(\()p Fr(Z)1917 3324 y Fq(1)1978 3309 y Fv(\000)h Fr(Z)2145 3324 y Fq(2)2184 3309 y Fz(\))2247 3284 y(~)2222 3309 y Fr(H)2303 3324 y Fq(2)2359 3309 y Fz([\()p Fr(Z)2491 3324 y Fq(2)2552 3309 y Fv(\000)g Fr(Z)2719 3324 y Fq(3)2758 3309 y Fz(\)+)906 3503 y(+)93 b Fr(H)1156 3518 y Fq(3)1195 3503 y Fz(\()p Fr(Z)1300 3518 y Fq(3)1361 3503 y Fv(\000)23 b Fr(Z)1528 3518 y Fq(4)1567 3503 y Fz(\))f(+)g Fr(H)1806 3518 y Fq(3)1846 3503 y Fr(H)1927 3518 y Fq(4)1966 3503 y Fz(\()p Fr(Z)2071 3518 y Fq(4)2132 3503 y Fv(\000)h Fr(Z)2299 3518 y Fq(3)2338 3503 y Fz(\))f(+)g Fr(H)2585 3462 y Fq(2)2577 3528 y(3)2624 3503 y Fr(H)2705 3518 y Fq(4)2744 3503 y Fz(\()p Fr(Z)2849 3518 y Fq(3)2911 3503 y Fv(\000)g Fr(Z)3077 3518 y Fq(2)3116 3503 y Fz(\))3154 3423 y Fn(\003)3213 3503 y Fr(;)82 b Fz(\(14\))257 3726 y(and)33 b Fv(h)p Fr(R)561 3690 y Fq(\()p Fp(det)p Fq(\))714 3726 y Fv(i)g Fz(is)g(resp)s(onsible)h(for)e(the)h(con)m(tribution)h (from)e(the)h(detector:)257 3939 y Fv(h)p Fr(R)371 3898 y Fq(\()p Fp(det)p Fq(\))525 3939 y Fv(i)83 b Fz(=)h(\()p Fr(Z)912 3954 y Fq(2)973 3939 y Fv(\000)23 b Fr(Z)1140 3954 y Fq(3)1179 3939 y Fz(\))1217 3898 y Fq(2)1279 3939 y Fz(+)f(\()p Fr(Z)1482 3954 y Fq(3)1543 3939 y Fv(\000)h Fr(Z)1710 3954 y Fq(4)1749 3939 y Fz(\))1787 3898 y Fq(2)1848 3939 y Fz(+)f(2\()p Fr(Z)2100 3954 y Fq(2)2161 3939 y Fv(\000)h Fr(Z)2328 3954 y Fq(3)2367 3939 y Fz(\)\()p Fr(Z)2510 3954 y Fq(3)2571 3939 y Fv(\000)g Fr(Z)2738 3954 y Fq(4)2777 3939 y Fz(\)\()p Fr(H)2934 3954 y Fq(3)2995 3939 y Fv(\000)g Fr(H)3176 3954 y Fq(3)3215 3939 y Fr(H)3296 3954 y Fq(4)3336 3939 y Fz(\))f Fv(\000)647 4085 y(\000)83 b Fr(H)888 4100 y Fq(4)927 4085 y Fz(\()p Fr(Z)1032 4100 y Fq(3)1094 4085 y Fv(\000)22 b Fr(Z)1260 4100 y Fq(4)1299 4085 y Fz(\))1337 4043 y Fq(2)1399 4085 y Fv(\000)h Fr(H)1588 4043 y Fq(2)1580 4109 y(3)1626 4085 y Fr(H)1707 4100 y Fq(4)1747 4085 y Fz(\()p Fr(Z)1852 4100 y Fq(2)1913 4085 y Fv(\000)g Fr(Z)2080 4100 y Fq(3)2119 4085 y Fz(\))2157 4043 y Fq(2)2196 4085 y Fr(:)1099 b Fz(\(15\))257 4416 y Fw(3)161 b Fk(Geant4)55 b Fw(X-ra)l(y)e(transition)f(radiation)i (library)257 4635 y Fz(In)75 b Fy(Geant4)37 b Fz(XTR)h(generation)f Fx(after)g Fz(and)h Fx(inside)e Fz(radiators)h(is)h(describ)s(ed)h(in)f (the)257 4756 y(framew)m(ork)26 b(of)f(the)g(so-called)g (parametrisation)g(approac)m(h)h(b)m(y)f(sets)h(of)f(classes)h(similar) 257 4876 y(to)34 b(those)h(describ)s(ed)h(in)f(ref.)f([15,)g(16].)49 b(Figure)34 b(4)g(sho)m(ws)i(the)f(diagram)f(for)g Fy(Geant4)257 4997 y Fz(abstract)46 b(base)g(classes)g(describing)h(XTR)e(generation) h Fx(after/inside)e Fz(an)h(XTR)g(ra-)257 5117 y(diator.)88 b(The)48 b(abstract)g(base)g(class)g(G4VXra)m(yTRmo)s(del)g(is)g(resp)s (onsible)h(for)e(the)257 5237 y(calculation)d(of)e(general)h (parameters)h(lik)m(e)g(the)g(XTR)f(photon)f(absorption)i(length.)257 5358 y(The)d(abstract)f(base)h(classes)h(G4VXra)m(yTRadMo)s(del)e(and)g (G4VXTRdEdx)h(realise)257 5478 y(di\013eren)m(t)48 b(DoIt)e(functions)h (whic)m(h)h(are)f(resp)s(onsible)h(for)e(the)h(generation)g(of)f(XTR) 257 5599 y(photons)34 b Fx(after)g Fz(and)g Fx(inside)e Fz(an)i(XTR)g(radiator,)f(resp)s(ectiv)m(ely)-8 b(.)49 b(They)35 b(ha)m(v)m(e)g(also)f(the)1852 5848 y(4)p eop %%Page: 5 6 5 5 bop 257 265 a Fz(BuildT)-8 b(able)42 b(functions)g(whic)m(h)g (calculate)f(the)g(tables)g(of)f(the)h(in)m(tegral)g(energy)g(and)257 385 y(angular)29 b(distributions)h(of)f(XTR)g(photons.)43 b(P)m(articular)30 b(mo)s(dels,)g(sho)m(wn)g(in)g(\014gs.)f(5-6,)257 506 y(lik)m(e)39 b(G4RegularXra)m(yTRmo)s(del)f(or)f(G4F)-8 b(oamXTRdEdx)38 b(realise)h(the)f(pure)g(virtual)257 626 y(function)j(GetStac)m(kF)-8 b(actor,)42 b(whic)m(h)g(calculates)g (the)e(resp)s(onse)i(of)e(the)g(XTR)h(radia-)257 747 y(tor)33 b Fv(h)p Fr(R)529 710 y Fq(\()p Fp(n)p Fq(\))630 747 y Fv(i)p Fz(.)404 867 y(The)28 b(sim)m(ulation)h(of)d(XTR)i (photons)g(generated)g(b)m(y)h(a)e(relativistic)i(c)m(harged)f(parti-) 257 987 y(cle)33 b(in)m(tersecting)g(a)f(radiator)f(with)h(2)p Fr(n)f Fz(in)m(terfaces)i(b)s(et)m(w)m(een)h(di\013eren)m(t)f(media)f (can)g(b)s(e)257 1108 y(done)i(according)f(to)f(the)h(follo)m(wing)g (algorithm.)44 b(W)-8 b(e)33 b(start)f(b)m(y)i(estimating)g(the)f (total)257 1228 y(n)m(um)m(b)s(er)41 b(of)f(XTR)g(photons)g(based)h(on) e(the)h(P)m(oisson)h(distribution)g(with)f(the)h(mean)257 1349 y(n)m(um)m(b)s(er)34 b(giv)m(en)g(b)m(y)g(the)f(follo)m(wing)f (expression:)622 1606 y(\026)594 1631 y Fr(N)682 1590 y Fq(\()p Fp(n)p Fq(\))868 1631 y Fz(=)1027 1496 y Fn(Z)1126 1522 y Fp(!)1170 1531 y Fj(2)1082 1721 y Fp(!)1126 1730 y Fj(1)1226 1631 y Fr(d!)1357 1496 y Fn(Z)1457 1522 y Fp(\022)1490 1530 y Fl(max)1412 1721 y Fq(0)1637 1631 y Fz(2)p Fr(\022)s(d\022)1843 1564 y(d)1894 1528 y Fq(2)1961 1539 y Fz(\026)1933 1564 y Fr(N)2021 1528 y Fq(\()p Fp(n)p Fq(\))p 1843 1608 281 4 v 1848 1700 a Fr(d!)20 b(d\022)2079 1671 y Fq(2)868 1919 y Fz(=)1075 1852 y Fr(\013)p 1037 1896 141 4 v 1037 1987 a(\031)t(c)1138 1959 y Fq(2)1204 1783 y Fn(Z)1303 1810 y Fp(!)1347 1819 y Fj(2)1259 2009 y Fp(!)1303 2018 y Fj(1)1402 1919 y Fr(!)t(d!)1598 1783 y Fn(Z)1698 1810 y Fp(\022)1731 1818 y Fl(max)1654 2009 y Fq(0)1879 1919 y Fz(2)p Fr(\022)1976 1878 y Fq(3)2015 1919 y Fr(d\022)s Fz(Re)2246 1838 y Fn(\010)2304 1919 y Fz(2\()p Fr(Z)2458 1934 y Fq(1)2519 1919 y Fv(\000)i Fr(Z)2685 1934 y Fq(2)2725 1919 y Fz(\))2763 1878 y Fq(2)2802 1919 y Fv(h)p Fr(R)2916 1878 y Fq(\()p Fp(n)p Fq(\))3018 1919 y Fv(i)3057 1838 y Fn(\011)3131 1919 y Fr(;)164 b Fz(\(16\))257 2212 y(where)36 b Fr(\022)586 2227 y Fp(max)760 2212 y Fv(\030)31 b Fz(10)p Fr(=\015)5 b Fz(,)34 b Fo(~)p Fr(!)1247 2227 y Fq(1)1316 2212 y Fv(\030)c Fz(1)k(k)m(eV,)i Fo(~)p Fr(!)1848 2227 y Fq(2)1917 2212 y Fv(\030)30 b Fz(100)k(k)m(eV,)h(and)f Fv(h)p Fr(R)2736 2176 y Fq(\()p Fp(n)p Fq(\))2838 2212 y Fv(i)g Fz(corresp)s(ond)h(to) 257 2333 y(the)d(geometry)h(of)e(the)h(exp)s(erimen)m(t.)45 b(In)32 b(those)h(ev)m(en)m(ts,)h(where)f(the)f(n)m(um)m(b)s(er)h(of)e (XTR)257 2453 y(photons)41 b(is)g(not)g(equal)g(to)g(zero,)i(the)e (energy)g(and)g(angle)f(of)h(eac)m(h)g(XTR)g(quan)m(tum)257 2573 y(are)36 b(sim)m(ulated)i(according)e(to)g(the)g(in)m(tegral)h (distributions)g(obtained)g(b)m(y)g(n)m(umerical)257 2694 y(in)m(tegration)c(of)e(expression)j(\(11\).)43 b(F)-8 b(or)31 b(example,)j(the)e(in)m(tegral)g(energy)h(sp)s(ectrum)h (of)257 2828 y(emitted)i(XTR)f(photons,)1294 2802 y(\026)1266 2828 y Fr(N)1354 2777 y Fq(\()p Fp(n)p Fq(\))1344 2847 y Fp(>!)1457 2828 y Fz(,)g(is)g(de\014ned)i(from)d(the)h(follo)m(wing)g (in)m(tegral)h(distribu-)257 2948 y(tion:)678 3186 y(\026)650 3211 y Fr(N)738 3160 y Fq(\()p Fp(n)p Fq(\))728 3230 y Fp(>!)868 3211 y Fz(=)1020 3144 y Fr(\013)p 981 3188 V 981 3280 a(\031)t(c)1082 3251 y Fq(2)1148 3076 y Fn(Z)1248 3102 y Fp(!)1292 3111 y Fj(2)1204 3301 y Fp(!)1347 3211 y Fr(!)t(d!)1543 3076 y Fn(Z)1643 3102 y Fp(\022)1676 3110 y Fl(max)1598 3301 y Fq(0)1823 3211 y Fz(2)p Fr(\022)1920 3170 y Fq(3)1960 3211 y Fr(d\022)s Fz(Re)2190 3131 y Fn(\010)2248 3211 y Fz(2\()p Fr(Z)2402 3226 y Fq(1)2463 3211 y Fv(\000)23 b Fr(Z)2630 3226 y Fq(2)2669 3211 y Fz(\))2707 3170 y Fq(2)2747 3211 y Fv(h)p Fr(R)2861 3170 y Fq(\()p Fp(n)p Fq(\))2962 3211 y Fv(i)3001 3131 y Fn(\011)3076 3211 y Fr(:)219 b Fz(\(17\))257 3478 y(This)34 b(algorithm)f(is)g (illustrated)g(in)g(\014gs.)44 b(7)32 b(and)h(8.)404 3599 y(Figure)f(7)f(sho)m(ws)j(the)e(sc)m(heme)i(of)d(w)m(orking)i(of)f (the)g(G4VXra)m(yTRadMo)s(del::DoIt)257 3719 y(function.)47 b(An)34 b(inciden)m(t)h(c)m(harged)g(particle)f(with)g(a)f(Loren)m(tz)i (factor)e Fr(\015)h Fi(>)c Fz(100)j(en)m(ters)257 3840 y(the)26 b(logical)f(v)m(olume)i(G4En)m(v)m(elop)s(e)f(at)f(the)h(p)s (oin)m(t)f Fr(p)2148 3855 y Fq(1)2212 3840 y Fz(and)h(exits)g(at)f Fr(p)2779 3855 y Fq(2)2818 3840 y Fz(.)41 b(It)26 b(mo)m(v)m(es)h (along)257 3960 y(the)39 b(direction)g(giv)m(en)g(b)m(y)g(the)g(unit)f (v)m(ector)i Fh(v)r Fz(.)60 b(XTR)38 b(photons)h(are)f(generated)h (ran-)257 4080 y(domly)j(along)e(the)h(particle)g(tra)5 b(jectory)41 b(\(p)s(oin)m(t)f Fr(g)2175 4095 y Fq(1)2215 4080 y Fz(\))g(inside)i(the)f(G4En)m(v)m(elop)s(e)h(with)257 4201 y(energies)k(and)f(p)s(olar)f(angles)h(relativ)m(e)h(to)f Fh(v)h Fz(randomly)f(selected)i(from)d(the)h(corre-)257 4321 y(sp)s(onding)32 b(tables)g(of)f(the)g(in)m(tegral)h(energy)g(and) f(angular)g(distributions.)45 b(Eac)m(h)32 b(XTR)257 4441 y(photon)i Fx(is)h(then)g(move)-5 b(d)35 b(to)g(the)h(b)-5 b(or)g(der)33 b Fz(of)f(the)i(G4En)m(v)m(elop)s(e)h(\()p Fr(g)2696 4456 y Fq(2)2735 4441 y Fz(\).)45 b(It)34 b(is)f(considered) 257 4562 y(after)j(that)g(as)g(a)g(secondary)i(particle.)54 b(The)37 b(sum)g(of)f(the)h(XTR)f(photon)g(energies)i(is)257 4682 y(subtracted)c(from)f(the)g(kinetic)h(energy)f(of)f(the)h(inciden) m(t)i(particle.)404 4803 y(Figure)51 b(8)f(sho)m(ws)j(the)e(sc)m(heme)j (of)c(ho)m(w)i(the)f(G4VXTRdEdx::DoIt)h(function)257 4923 y(w)m(orks.)44 b(An)28 b(inciden)m(t)h(c)m(harged)g(particle)g (with)f(a)g(Loren)m(tz)h(factor)e Fr(\015)33 b Fi(>)28 b Fz(100)f(en)m(ters)j(the)257 5043 y(logical)37 b(v)m(olume)i(G4En)m (v)m(elop)s(e)g(at)d(the)i(p)s(oin)m(t)f Fr(p)2059 5058 y Fq(1)2136 5043 y Fz(and)g(exits)i(at)e Fr(p)2739 5058 y Fq(2)2778 5043 y Fz(.)57 b(It)38 b(mo)m(v)m(es)h(along)257 5164 y(the)f(direction)f(giv)m(en)h(b)m(y)g(the)f(v)m(ector)g Fh(v)r Fz(.)56 b(XTR)37 b(photons)g(are)g(generated)g(randomly)257 5284 y(along)i(the)h(particle)g(tra)5 b(jectory)40 b(\(p)s(oin)m(t)g Fr(g)1867 5299 y Fq(1)1906 5284 y Fz(\))79 b Fx(inside)g Fz(the)40 b(radiator)f(\(G4En)m(v)m(elop)s(e\))257 5405 y(with)33 b(energies)g(and)f(p)s(olar)g(angles)g(relativ)m(e)h(to)f Fh(v)h Fz(randomly)g(selected)h(from)d(the)i(cor-)257 5525 y(resp)s(onding)28 b(tables)g(of)f(the)g(in)m(tegral)h(energy)g (and)f(angular)g(distributions.)43 b(Note)27 b(that)1852 5848 y(5)p eop %%Page: 6 7 6 6 bop 257 265 a Fz(eac)m(h)29 b(XTR)g(photon)f(is)g(not)g(mo)m(v)m (ed)i(to)e(the)g(radiator)f(output,)j(but)e(instead)h(is)g(consid-)257 385 y(ered)d(then)f(as)g(a)g(secondary)h(particle)g(under)g(general)50 b Fy(Geant4)j Fz(trac)m(king)26 b(and)f(hence)257 506 y(will)35 b(b)s(e)f(in)m(v)m(olv)m(ed)i(in)e(the)g(radiator)f(in)h(its) g(particular)g(pro)s(cesses)i(lik)m(e)f(absorption)f(or)257 626 y(Compton)g(scattering.)257 959 y Fw(4)161 b(Comparison)53 b(with)g(exp)t(erimen)l(tal)f(data)257 1178 y Fz(The)31 b(implemen)m(tation)h(describ)s(ed)g(ab)s(o)m(v)m(e)f(w)m(as)g (compared)g(with)f(exp)s(erimen)m(tal)i(data.)257 1298 y(Histograms)37 b(in)f(\014gs.)h(9-10)d(are)i(the)h(exp)s(erimen)m(tal) h(data)d(and)i(op)s(en)f(circles)h(are)f(our)257 1419 y(sim)m(ulations)g(with)e(the)67 b Fy(Geant4)72 b Fz(pac)m(k)-5 b(age.)46 b(The)35 b(bac)m(kground)f(due)h(to)e(ionisation)257 1539 y(energy)k(loss)g(pro)s(duced)f(b)m(y)h(an)f(inciden)m(t)h (particle)f(in)g(detectors)h(w)m(as)g(sim)m(ulated)h(ac-)257 1660 y(cording)30 b(to)e(the)i(Photo)e(Absorption)i(Ionisation)f(\(P)-8 b(AI\))30 b(mo)s(del)f(implemen)m(ted)j(in)d(the)257 1780 y(framew)m(ork)i(of)60 b Fy(Geant4)k Fz([17].)43 b(As)30 b(a)g(example,)i(w)m(e)f(sho)m(w)61 b Fy(Geant4)k Fz(sim)m(ulations)257 1900 y(of)41 b(t)m(w)m(o)g(exp)s(erimen)m(tal)i (set-ups)e([18,)g(19)o(],)i(where)f(a)e(clear)h(energy)h(calibration)f (pro-)257 2021 y(cedure)e(w)m(as)g(a)m(v)-5 b(ailable.)60 b(In)38 b(all)g(cases)h(w)m(e)f(used)h(the)g(regular)e(stac)m(k)i (appro)m(ximation)257 2141 y(and)c(sim)m(ulated)h(the)e(total)g(\(the)g (absorption)h(of)f(XTR)g(photons)h(and)f(the)h(ionisation)257 2261 y(energy)f(loss\))f(energy)h(dep)s(osition)f(in)g(the)g (detectors.)404 2382 y(Figure)39 b(9)g(sho)m(ws)i(the)f(total)e (\(ionisation)i(and)f(XTR\))h(energy)g(loss)g(distribution)257 2502 y(pro)s(duced)h(b)m(y)h(electrons)f(with)g(a)f(momen)m(tum)i(of)e (30)f(GeV/)p Fr(c)h Fz(in)h(a)f(m)m(ultiwire)i(pro-)257 2623 y(p)s(ortional)35 b(gas)f(c)m(ham)m(b)s(er)j(with)e(a)f(sensitiv)m (e)k(thic)m(kness)g(of)c(5)g(cm)i(\014lled)g(with)f(the)g(gas)257 2743 y(mixture)k(0)p Fr(:)p Fz(35Xe)26 b(+)g(0)p Fr(:)p Fz(55He)f(+)h(0)p Fr(:)p Fz(15CH)1780 2758 y Fq(4)1857 2743 y Fz(at)37 b(a)h(pressure)h(of)f(1)f(atm)h([18].)59 b(The)39 b(elec-)257 2863 y(trons)j(cross)g(the)f(XTR)h(radiator)e (placed)i(b)s(efore)f(the)h(c)m(ham)m(b)s(er)g(consisting)g(of)f(350) 257 2984 y(p)s(olyprop)m(ylene)35 b(foils)e(with)h(thic)m(kness)h(19)e Fu(m)p Fz(m)g(separated)h(b)m(y)f(0)p Fr(:)p Fz(6)g(mm)g(thic)m(k)h (carb)s(on)257 3104 y(dio)m(xide)g(gas)f(gaps.)404 3225 y(Figure)h(10)g(sho)m(ws)i(the)f(total)f(\(ionisation)g(and)h(XTR\))f (energy)i(loss)f(distribution)257 3345 y(pro)s(duced)41 b(b)m(y)g(electrons)g(with)f(momen)m(tum)h(of)f(3)f(GeV/)p Fr(c)g Fz(in)h(a)g(m)m(ultiwire)h(prop)s(or-)257 3465 y(tional)47 b(gas)g(c)m(ham)m(b)s(er)h(with)f(a)f(sensitiv)m(e)k(thic)m (kness)f(of)d(1)p Fr(:)p Fz(5)h(cm)g(\014lled)g(with)h(a)e(gas)257 3586 y(mixture)39 b(0)p Fr(:)p Fz(93Kr)24 b(+)h(0)p Fr(:)p Fz(07CH)1358 3601 y Fq(4)1435 3586 y Fz(at)36 b(a)h(pressure)i(of)e(1)g (atm)g([19)o(].)58 b(The)38 b(electrons)g(cross)257 3706 y(the)k(XTR)f(radiator)f(placed)i(b)s(efore)f(the)g(c)m(ham)m(b)s(er)i (consisting)f(of)e(100)g(Mylar)i(foils)257 3826 y(with)34 b(thic)m(kness)h(12)p Fr(:)p Fz(7)d Fu(m)p Fz(m)h(separated)h(b)m(y)f (762)f Fu(m)p Fz(m)h(thic)m(k)h(air)e(gas)h(gaps.)404 3947 y(One)g(can)g(see)g(satisfactory)h(agreemen)m(t)f(b)s(et)m(w)m (een)i(exp)s(erimen)m(tal)g(and)e(sim)m(ulated)257 4067 y(data.)61 b(In)38 b(some)i(sp)s(ectrum)f(regions)g(there)g(are)f (small)h(discrepancies)j(due)d(to)e(small)257 4188 y(di\013erences)46 b(in)e(exp)s(erimen)m(tal)i(la)m(y)m(out)f(and)f(sim)m(ulation)h (geometry)-8 b(,)47 b(since)e(the)f(\014ne)257 4308 y(exp)s(erimen)m (tal)d(details)e(w)m(ere)h(not)e(a)m(v)-5 b(ailable)38 b(in)h(all)f(publications.)62 b(Another)39 b(source)257 4428 y(of)44 b(uncertain)m(t)m(y)h(is)g(that)e(w)m(e)i(did)f(not)g(tak) m(e)g(in)m(to)g(accoun)m(t)h(m)m(ultiple)g(scattering)g(of)257 4549 y(the)32 b(inciden)m(t)h(particle)e(in)h(the)f(XTR)g(radiator.)43 b(Multiple)32 b(scattering)g(can)f(a\013ect)h(the)257 4669 y(XTR)k(photon)f(formation)f(in)h(a)g(radiator,)g(esp)s(ecially)i (when)f(a)f(relativistic)h(electron)257 4789 y(crosses)f(a)d(regular)h (radiator.)257 5122 y Fw(5)161 b(Discussion)51 b(and)j(conclusions)257 5341 y Fz(The)30 b(fast)f(sim)m(ulation)h(facilit)m(y)f(in)g(the)g Fy(Geant4)k Fz(pac)m(k)-5 b(age)30 b(\(primarily)f(dev)m(elop)s(ed)i (for)257 5462 y(a)44 b(fast)g(description)h(of)e(electromagnetic)j(and) e(hadronic)g(sho)m(w)m(er)h(dev)m(elopmen)m(t)i(in)1852 5848 y(6)p eop %%Page: 7 8 7 7 bop 257 265 a Fz(calorimeters\))37 b(w)m(as)g(applied)f(to)f(the)h (sim)m(ulation)h(of)e(XTR)h(generation)f(in)h(m)m(ultila)m(y-)257 385 y(ered)k(media.)62 b(It)39 b(allo)m(ws)h(us)f(to)f(in)m(tercept)j (the)e(particle)g(on)g(its)g(en)m(try)h(to)e(a)g(sp)s(eci\014c)257 506 y(v)m(olume)33 b(and)e(treat)f(the)i(in)m(tersections)h(inside)f (the)g(v)m(olume)g(in)f(a)g(sp)s(ecial)h(w)m(a)m(y)-8 b(.)44 b(Using)257 626 y(the)36 b(ab)s(o)m(v)m(e)g(pro)s(cedures)g(it)f (pro)m(vides)i(fast)e(and)g(n)m(umerically)i(stable)f(calculations)g (of)257 747 y(the)25 b(XTR)f(sp)s(ectra)h(and)f(the)h(estimation)g(of)e (the)i(mean)g(n)m(um)m(b)s(er)g(of)f(the)g(XTR)h(photons)257 867 y(generated)36 b(in)f(a)f(radiator.)50 b(The)35 b(implemen)m (tation)i(of)d(the)h(XTR)h(generation)f(in)g(dif-)257 987 y(feren)m(t)h(t)m(yp)s(es)g(of)e(radiators)g(describ)s(ed)i(ab)s(o) m(v)m(e)g(pro)m(vides)g(a)e(satisfactory)i(description)257 1108 y(of)c(exp)s(erimen)m(tal)j(data.)404 1228 y(A)c(mo)s(di\014ed)h (v)m(ersion)h(of)e(the)h(XTR)f(theory)h(based)g(on)f(the)h(Landau)g (metho)s(d)f(w)m(as)257 1349 y(also)40 b(considered.)67 b(This)40 b(approac)m(h)g(allo)m(ws)h(us)f(to)g(describ)s(e)h(the)f (XTR)g(energy)g(loss)257 1469 y(pro)s(duced)d(b)m(y)g(a)f(relativistic) i(c)m(harged)f(particle)f(crossing)h(a)f(sequence)j(of)d(in)m(terfaces) 257 1589 y(b)s(et)m(w)m(een)h(media)e(with)g(di\013eren)m(t)h (dielectric)h(prop)s(erties.)50 b(It)35 b(should)g(b)s(e)g(emphasised) 257 1710 y(that)g(the)g(XTR)g(energy)h(loss)g(describ)s(es)h(the)e (energy)h(loss)f(due)h(to)e(creation)i(of)e(XTR)257 1830 y(photons)39 b(lo)s(cally)f(along)g(the)h(particle)f(trac)m(k)77 b Fx(inside)g Fz(the)39 b(XTR)f(radiator.)60 b(So)38 b(the)257 1950 y(ph)m(ysical)27 b(meaning)e(of)f(the)h(calculated)h (energy)g(loss)f(is)g(that)f(it)h(describ)s(es)i(the)e(creation)257 2071 y(of)30 b(the)h(XTR)g(photons)61 b Fx(inside)h Fz(the)31 b(XTR)f(radiator)g(rather)g(than)h(the)g(XTR)f(photon)257 2191 y(\015ux)38 b(after)f(the)h(radiator.)56 b(The)38 b(medium)g(absorption)g(is)f(tak)m(en)h(in)m(to)g(accoun)m(t)f(from)257 2312 y(the)c(b)s(eginning)g(ev)m(en)i(for)d(the)h(case)g(of)f(a)h (single)g(in)m(terface.)404 2432 y(Relations)43 b(\(9\)-\(10\))f(allo)m (w)i(us)g(to)f(form)m(ulate)h(an)f(algorithm)g(for)g(optimising)h(a)257 2552 y(general)33 b(XTR)g(radiator)f(dep)s(ending)i(on)e(particular)h (exp)s(erimen)m(tal)i(requiremen)m(ts.)404 2673 y(The)40 b(mo)s(dels)g(of)f(random)h(stac)m(ks)h(describing)g(di\013eren)m(t)f (practical)g(XTR)g(radia-)257 2793 y(tors)c(considered)i(ab)s(o)m(v)m (e)f(w)m(ere)g(implemen)m(ted)i(in)d(the)g(framew)m(ork)h(of)e(the)73 b Fy(Geant4)257 2913 y Fz(pac)m(k)-5 b(age.)51 b(The)36 b(main)f(adv)-5 b(an)m(tage)35 b(of)f(the)i(ob)5 b(ject-orien)m(ted)36 b(design)g(of)e(XTR)h(mo)s(dels)257 3034 y(in)68 b Fy(Geant4)k Fz(is)34 b(that)f(it)h(allo)m(ws)h(a)e(user)i(to)e(describ)s(e)i(an)m (y)g(sp)s(eci\014c)g(radiator)e(inher-)257 3154 y(iting)38 b(a)f(sp)s(ecial)h(class)h(corresp)s(onding)f(to)f(the)h(radiator)f(mo) s(del.)58 b(Only)38 b(one)g(virtual)257 3275 y(function,)d(GetStac)m (kF)-8 b(actor,)35 b(is)f(required)i(to)d(b)s(e)h(implemen)m(ted)j(for) c(the)i(description)257 3395 y(of)25 b(the)g(radiator)f(con)m (tribution)h Fv(h)p Fr(R)1548 3359 y Fq(\()p Fp(n)p Fq(\))1650 3395 y Fv(i)p Fz(.)41 b(In)m(tro)s(ducing)25 b(empirical)h(parameters)g (and)f(co-)257 3515 y(e\016cien)m(ts)35 b(allo)m(ws)e(the)g(user)h(to)e (tune)h(the)g(XTR)f(photon)h(yield)g(as)g(w)m(ell)h(as)e(its)h(energy) 257 3636 y(and)g(angular)f(sp)s(ectra.)404 3756 y(Satisfactory)39 b(agreemen)m(t)h(b)s(et)m(w)m(een)g(the)g(dev)m(elop)s(ed)g(theory)f (and)g(exp)s(erimen)m(tal)257 3877 y(data)g(w)m(as)h(observ)m(ed)h(for) d(standard)h(exp)s(erimen)m(tal)i(setups)g(when)f(a)f(XTR)g(radiator) 257 3997 y(follo)m(w)m(ed)j(a)f(XTR)h(detector.)69 b(It)41 b(should)h(b)s(e)g(men)m(tioned)g(that)f(this)h(comparison)g(is)257 4117 y(not)37 b(complete.)58 b(The)37 b(XTR)h(energy)f(loss)h(allo)m (ws)g(us)f(to)g(describ)s(e)h(the)f(energy-angle)257 4238 y(distribution)c(of)f(the)g(XTR)h(photons)f Fx(inside)f Fz(a)h(XTR)g(radiator)g(and)g(to)f(sim)m(ulate)j(the)257 4358 y(absorption)23 b(of)f(the)h(XTR)g(photons)h(in)e(so)h(called)h (activ)m(e)g(XTR)e(radiators,)j(where)f(XTR)257 4478 y(detectors)34 b(are)e(distributed)i(inside)f(the)g(radiator.)43 b(This)33 b(sim)m(ulation)g(is)g(di\016cult)g(due)257 4599 y(to)42 b(lac)m(k)h(of)e(reliable)i(exp)s(erimen)m(tal)h(data)d (and)h(it)g(is)h(in)f(progress)h(in)f(collab)s(oration)257 4719 y(with)34 b(A)-8 b(TLAS)33 b(exp)s(erimen)m(t.)257 5052 y Fw(6)161 b(Ac)l(kno)l(wledgemen)l(ts)257 5271 y Fz(The)33 b(author)f(is)g(thankful)h(to)e(Drs.)h(J.)g(Ap)s (ostolakis,)h(D.)e(Barb)s(eris,)i(and)f(F.)g(Luehring)257 5391 y(for)24 b(useful)i(discussions,)i(and)d(Dr.)40 b(S.)25 b(O'Neale)g(for)e(reading)i(the)g(man)m(uscript)h(and)e(giv-) 257 5512 y(ing)31 b(man)m(y)i(constructiv)m(e)g(commen)m(ts.)45 b(This)32 b(w)m(ork)g(w)m(as)g(supp)s(orted)g(b)m(y)g(the)g(Informa-) 1852 5848 y(7)p eop %%Page: 8 9 8 8 bop 257 265 a Fz(tion)26 b(T)-8 b(ec)m(hnology)27 b(Division)f(of)f(CERN)h(in)g(the)g(framew)m(ork)g(of)f(the)h(A)-8 b(TLAS{)p Fy(Geant4)257 385 y Fz(comparison)34 b(pro)5 b(ject.)257 718 y Fw(References)306 937 y Fz([1])49 b Fy(Geant4)149 b Fz(Collab)s(oration,)80 b(CERN/LHCC)72 b(98-44,)160 b Fy(Geant4)78 b Fz(:)120 b(An)458 1058 y(Ob)5 b(ject-Orien)m(ted)40 b(T)-8 b(o)s(olkit)39 b(for)f(Sim)m (ulation)i(in)e(HEP;)i(see)g(also)e(the)h(w)m(eb)h(site:)458 1178 y(h)m(ttp://wwwinfo.cern.c)m(h/asd/gean)m(t4/gean)m(t4.h)m(tml)306 1381 y([2])49 b Fy(GEANT3)38 b Fz(,)32 b(CERN)i(Program)e(Library)h (Long)f(W)-8 b(rite-up,)33 b(W5013)f(\(1993\).)306 1585 y([3])49 b(B.)33 b(Dolgoshein,)g Fx(Nucl.)i(Instr.)g(and)g(Meth.)g (A326)g(\(1993\))f(434)e Fz(and)h Fx(ibid,)h(A252)458 1705 y(\(1986\))g(137.)306 1909 y Fz([4])49 b(V.L.)37 b(Ginzburg)f(and)h(V.N.)g(Tsyto)m(vitc)m(h,)j Fx(T)-7 b(r)i(ansition)37 b(R)-5 b(adiation)38 b(and)g(T)-7 b(r)i(ansi-)458 2029 y(tion)35 b(Sc)-5 b(attering)p Fz(,)32 b(Adam)h(Hilger,)g(Bristol) g(and)f(New)i(Y)-8 b(ork,)33 b(1990.)306 2232 y([5])49 b(V.L.)40 b(Ginzburg)g(and)f(V.N.)i(Tsyto)m(vitc)m(h,)j Fx(Sov.)d(Phys.)g(\(Usp)-5 b(ekhi\))40 b(126)h(\(1978\))458 2353 y(553.)306 2556 y Fz([6])49 b(V.L.)64 b(Ginzburg,)71 b Fx(Ele)-5 b(ctr)g(o)g(dynamics)63 b(in)g(The)-5 b(or)g(etic)g(al)62 b(Physics)h(and)g(Astr)-5 b(o-)458 2677 y(physics)p Fz(,)58 b(Gordon)53 b(and)g(Breac)m(h)h(Science)i(Publishers,)61 b(New)54 b(Y)-8 b(ork-London-)458 2797 y(P)m(aris-Mon)m(treux-T)g(oky)m (o-Melb)s(ourne,)36 b(1989.)306 3000 y([7])49 b(G.M.)35 b(Garibian)f(and)g(Y)-8 b(an)35 b(Shi,)h Fx(X-r)-5 b(ay)37 b(T)-7 b(r)i(ansition)35 b(R)-5 b(adiation)p Fz(,)35 b(Erev)-5 b(an)35 b(1983,)458 3121 y(in)e(Russian.)306 3324 y([8])49 b(L.D.)34 b(Landau)g(and)g(E.M.)h(Lifshitz,)g Fx(Ele)-5 b(ctr)g(o)g(dynamics)36 b(of)f(Continuous)h(Me)-5 b(dia)p Fz(,)458 3445 y(Oxford,)33 b(New)g(Y)-8 b(ork)33 b(\(1984\),)e(Ch.)j(12.)306 3648 y([9])49 b(G.M.)33 b(Garibian,)f Fx(Sov.)i(Phys.-)h(JETP)g(6/33)f(\(1958\))g(1079.)257 3851 y Fz([10])49 b(A.L.)30 b(Av)-5 b(akian,)32 b(G.M.)e(Garibian,)g (and)h(C.)g(Y)-8 b(ang,)30 b Fx(Nucl.)j(Instr.)g(and)f(Meth.)h(129)458 3972 y(\(1975\))h(303.)257 4175 y Fz([11])49 b Fx(The)34 b(A)-7 b(TLAS)35 b(Exp)-5 b(eriment)34 b(T)-7 b(e)i(chnic)g(al)33 b(Design)h(R)-5 b(ep)g(ort)p Fz(,)32 b(CERN,)i(1998.)257 4379 y([12])49 b(V.A.)33 b(Chec)m(hin)i(and)d(V.K.)h(Ermilo)m(v)-5 b(a,)33 b Fx(Z.)i(Phys.)g(D13)f(\(1989\))f(33.)257 4582 y Fz([13])49 b(G.M.)39 b(Garibian,)i(L.A.)e(Gev)m(orgian,)j(and)d(C.)h (Y)-8 b(ang,)40 b Fx(Sov.)h(Phys.)g(JETP)g(39/2)458 4702 y(\(1975\))34 b(265.)257 4906 y Fz([14])49 b(G.M.)37 b(Garibian,)h(L.A.)f(Gev)m(orgian,)h(and)f(C.)h(Y)-8 b(ang,)38 b Fx(Nucl.)h(Instr.)g(and)f(Meth.,)458 5026 y(125)c(\(1975\))g(133.)257 5230 y Fz([15])49 b(V.M.)d(Gric)m(hine,)j (X-ra)m(y)c(T)-8 b(ransition)46 b(Radiation)e(Energy)i(Loss)g(of)f (Relativis-)458 5350 y(tic)40 b(Charge)g(in)g(Absorbing)g(Medium,)j(to) d(b)s(e)g(published)h(in)f Fx(Nucl.)i(Instr.)f(and)458 5470 y(Meth.)35 b(A)1852 5848 y Fz(8)p eop %%Page: 9 10 9 9 bop 257 265 a Fz([16])49 b(J.)40 b(Ap)s(ostolakis,)j(S.)d(Giani,)i (V.)e(Gric)m(hine)h(et)f(al.,)i Fx(Comput.)g(Phys.)f(Commun.)458 385 y(132)34 b(\(2000\))g(241.)257 589 y Fz([17])49 b(J.)27 b(Ap)s(ostolakis,)j(S.)d(Giani,)h(V.)g(Gric)m(hine)g(et)f(al.,)i Fx(Nucl.)h(Instr.)g(and)f(Meth.)h(A453)458 709 y(\(2000\))k(597.)257 913 y Fz([18])49 b(G.D.)35 b(Barr,)h(R.)f(Carosi,)i(L.)f(Gatignon)f(et) h(al.,)g Fx(Nucl.)i(Instr.)f(and)g(Meth.)h(A294)458 1033 y(\(1990\))c(465.)257 1236 y Fz([19])49 b(F.)23 b(Harris,)j(T.)f (Katsura,)g(S.)f(P)m(ark)m(er)h(et)g(al.,)g Fx(Nucl.)i(Instr.)g(and)f (Meth.)h(107)f(\(1973\))458 1357 y(413.)257 1690 y Fw(Figure)53 b(Captions)127 1909 y Fh(Fig.)d(1.)f Fz(Diagram)30 b(of)f(a)h(c)m (harged)h(particle)g(crossing)g(a)f(t)m(ypical)h(XTR)g(radiator)e (consist-)501 2029 y(ing)22 b(of)g Fr(n)g Fz(foils)h(of)e(the)i (\014rst)f(medium)i(in)m(tersp)s(ersed)h(with)d(gas)g(gaps)h(of)e(the)i (second)501 2149 y(medium.)54 b(The)37 b(foil)e(and)h(gas)g(gap)f(thic) m(knesses)k(can)d(\015uctuate)h(separately)g(as)501 2270 y(describ)s(ed)e(b)m(y)e(the)g Fr(H)1317 2285 y Fq(1)1389 2270 y Fz(and)g Fr(H)1660 2285 y Fq(2)1731 2270 y Fz(v)-5 b(alues.)127 2473 y Fh(Fig.)50 b(2.)f Fz(Diagram)c(of)g(a)g(c)m(harged) h(particle)g(crossing)h(the)e(most)h(general)g(XTR)g(radi-)501 2594 y(ator)c(consisting)i(of)e Fr(n)g Fz(media)h(and)g Fr(n)29 b Fv(\000)g Fz(1)42 b(in)m(terfaces)i(b)s(et)m(w)m(een)h(them.) 73 b(The)501 2714 y(medium)44 b(thic)m(knesses)j(can)c(\015uctuate)h (separately)g(as)f(describ)s(ed)i(b)m(y)e(the)h Fr(H)3453 2729 y Fp(k)501 2834 y Fz(\()p Fr(k)31 b Fz(=)c(2)p Fr(;)17 b Fz(3)p Fr(;)g(:)g(:)g(:)32 b(;)17 b(n)22 b Fv(\000)h Fz(1\))32 b(v)-5 b(alues.)127 3038 y Fh(Fig.)50 b(3.)f Fz(Diagram)27 b(of)h(a)f(c)m(harged)i(particle)f(crossing)h(a)f(t)m (ypical)h(XTR)f(radiator)f(follo)m(w)m(ed)501 3158 y(b)m(y)44 b(a)f(detector.)77 b(The)44 b(foil)f(and)g(gas)g(gap)g(thic)m(knesses)k (in)d(the)f(radiator)g(can)501 3278 y(\015uctuate)31 b(separately)h(describ)s(ed)g(b)m(y)f(the)g Fr(H)2176 3293 y Fq(1)2246 3278 y Fz(and)f Fr(H)2514 3293 y Fq(2)2583 3278 y Fz(v)-5 b(alues.)44 b(The)31 b(thic)m(kness)501 3399 y(of)h(the)g(gap)g(b)s(et)m(w)m(een)i(the)e(radiator)g(and)g(the)g (detector)h(\()2678 3374 y(~)2653 3399 y Fr(H)2734 3414 y Fq(2)2773 3399 y Fz(\),)f(of)g(the)g(detector)501 3519 y(windo)m(ws)k(\()p Fr(H)1015 3534 y Fq(3)1054 3519 y Fz(\))e(and)f(of)h(the)g(detector)g(gas)g(mixture)h(\()p Fr(H)2634 3534 y Fq(4)2673 3519 y Fz(\))f(can)g(also)f(\015uctuate)501 3640 y(indep)s(enden)m(tly)-8 b(.)127 3843 y Fh(Fig.)50 b(4.)f Fz(The)31 b(diagram)e(for)h Fy(Geant4)k Fz(abstract)c(base)g (classes)i(describing)f(XTR)f(gener-)501 3963 y(ation)e Fx(after/inside)f Fz(an)h(XTR)g(radiator.)42 b(The)29 b(base)f(class)i(G4VXra)m(yTRmo)s(del)501 4084 y(inherits)j(from)e(the) h(G4F)-8 b(astSim)m(ulationMo)s(del)32 b(whic)m(h)h(presen)m(ts)h (virtual)e(func-)501 4204 y(tions)45 b(for)e(fast)h(sim)m(ulation)h(of) f(the)g(XTR)g(generation.)78 b(The)45 b(abstract)f(base)501 4325 y(classes)27 b(G4VXra)m(yTRadMo)s(del)e(and)g(G4VXTRdEdx)h (realises)g(di\013eren)m(t)g(DoIt)501 4445 y(functions)f(whic)m(h)g (are)e(resp)s(onsible)j(for)d(the)h(generation)f(of)g(XTR)h(photons)g Fx(after)501 4565 y Fz(and)33 b Fx(inside)f Fz(an)g(XTR)h(radiator,)f (resp)s(ectiv)m(ely)-8 b(.)127 4769 y Fh(Fig.)50 b(5.)f Fz(The)36 b(diagram)f(for)f Fy(Geant4)40 b Fz(classes)d(describing)f (XTR)f(generation)g Fx(after)g Fz(an)501 4889 y(XTR)g(radiator.)49 b(The)35 b(base)g(class)h(G4VXra)m(yTRadMo)s(del)f(inherits)h(from)e (the)501 5010 y(G4VXra)m(yTRmo)s(del)d(whic)m(h)g(presen)m(ts)h (virtual)f(functions)g(for)e(fast)h(sim)m(ulation)501 5130 y(of)37 b(the)h(XTR)f(generation)h Fx(after)f Fz(an)g(XTR)h (radiator.)57 b(Eac)m(h)38 b(particular)g(XTR)501 5250 y(radiator)24 b(mo)s(del,)j(lik)m(e,)g(e.g.)41 b(G4IrregularXra)m (yTRmo)s(del,)27 b(implemen)m(ts)g(a)e(pure)501 5371 y(virtual)33 b(function)g(GetStac)m(kF)-8 b(actor)33 b(calculating)g(the)g(factor)f Fv(h)p Fr(R)q Fv(i)p Fz(.)1852 5848 y(9)p eop %%Page: 10 11 10 10 bop 127 265 a Fh(Fig.)50 b(6.)f Fz(The)e(diagram)e(for)g Fy(Geant4)51 b Fz(classes)d(describing)f(XTR)f(generation)g Fx(inside)501 385 y Fz(an)h(XTR)h(radiator.)87 b(The)48 b(base)g(class)g(G4VXTRdEdx)g(inherits)h(from)e(the)501 506 y(G4VXra)m(yTRmo)s(del)36 b(whic)m(h)h(presen)m(ts)h(virtual)e (function)g(for)f(fast)g(sim)m(ulation)501 626 y(of)k(the)g(XTR)h (generation)f Fx(inside)p Fz(.)62 b(Eac)m(h)40 b(particular)g(XTR)f (radiator)g(mo)s(del,)501 747 y(lik)m(e,)d(e.g.,)e(G4F)-8 b(oamXTRdEdx,)34 b(implemen)m(ts)j(a)c(pure)h(virtual)h(function)f (Get-)501 867 y(Stac)m(kF)-8 b(actor)33 b(calculating)g(the)g(factor)f Fv(h)p Fr(R)q Fv(i)p Fz(.)127 1070 y Fh(Fig.)50 b(7.)f Fz(W)-8 b(orking)22 b(of)g(the)g(G4Xra)m(yTRadMo)s(del::DoIt)g (function.)40 b(An)22 b(inciden)m(t)h(c)m(harged)501 1191 y(particle)49 b(with)f(the)g(Loren)m(tz)h(factor)e Fr(\015)59 b Fi(>)54 b Fz(100)47 b(en)m(ters)i(the)f(logical)g(v)m (olume)501 1311 y(G4En)m(v)m(elop)s(e)36 b(at)e(the)h(p)s(oin)m(t)f Fr(p)1643 1326 y Fq(1)1717 1311 y Fz(and)g(exits)i(at)e Fr(p)2311 1326 y Fq(2)2350 1311 y Fz(.)49 b(It)34 b(mo)m(v)m(es)i (along)e(the)h(direc-)501 1432 y(tion)c(giv)m(en)g(b)m(y)h(the)e(unit)h (v)m(ector)h Fh(v)r Fz(.)42 b(XTR)31 b(photons)g(are)f(generated)h (randomly)501 1552 y(along)k(the)g(particle)h(tra)5 b(jectory)35 b(inside)h(the)g(G4En)m(v)m(elop)s(e)g(with)g(energies)g(and)501 1672 y(p)s(olar)43 b(angles)h(relativ)m(e)h(to)e Fh(v)i Fz(randomly)f(selected)h(from)e(the)h(corresp)s(onding)501 1793 y(tables)i(of)f(the)h(in)m(tegral)f(and)h(angular)e (distributions.)83 b(Eac)m(h)47 b(XTR)e(photon)501 1913 y Fx(wil)5 b(l)34 b(then)h(b)-5 b(e)34 b(move)-5 b(d)33 b(to)i(the)g(b)-5 b(or)g(der)31 b Fz(of)h(the)h(G4En)m(v)m(elop)s(e)g (and)g(after)e(that)h(will)501 2033 y(b)s(e)41 b(considered)i(as)e(a)g (secondary)h(particle.)69 b(The)42 b(sum)f(of)g(the)g(XTR)g(photon)501 2154 y(energies)34 b(is)f(subtracted)h(from)f(the)g(kinetic)h(energy)f (of)f(the)h(inciden)m(t)i(particle.)127 2357 y Fh(Fig.)50 b(8.)f Fz(W)-8 b(orking)46 b(of)g(the)g(G4VXTRdEdx::DoIt)h(function.)84 b(An)46 b(inciden)m(t)h(c)m(harged)501 2478 y(particle)23 b(with)f(Loren)m(tz)g(factor)g Fr(\015)32 b Fi(>)d Fz(100)21 b(en)m(ters)i(the)f(logical)g(v)m(olume)h(G4En)m(v)m(elop)s(e)501 2598 y(at)35 b(the)h(p)s(oin)m(t)f Fr(p)1100 2613 y Fq(1)1175 2598 y Fz(and)h(exits)g(at)f Fr(p)1772 2613 y Fq(2)1812 2598 y Fz(.)51 b(It)36 b(mo)m(v)m(es)h(along)e(the)h(direction)g(giv)m (en)g(b)m(y)501 2718 y(the)d(v)m(ector)g Fh(v)r Fz(.)43 b(XTR)32 b(photons)g(are)g(generated)h(randomly)g(along)e(the)h (particle)501 2839 y(tra)5 b(jectory)37 b(inside)h(the)f(G4En)m(v)m (elop)s(e)g(with)g(energies)h(and)f(p)s(olar)f(angles)h(rela-)501 2959 y(tiv)m(e)i(to)e Fh(v)j Fz(randomly)e(selected)i(from)d(the)h (corresp)s(onding)h(tables)g(of)e(in)m(tegral)501 3080 y(and)f(angular)g(distributions.)56 b(Eac)m(h)37 b(XTR)f(photon)g(then) h(will)g(b)s(e)f(considered)501 3200 y Fx(at)47 b(this)g(p)-5 b(oint)46 b(as)g(a)g(se)-5 b(c)g(ondary)46 b(p)-5 b(article)p Fz(.)81 b(The)47 b(sum)f(of)f(the)h(XTR)f(photon)501 3320 y(energies)34 b(is)f(subtracted)h(from)f(the)g(kinetic)h(energy)f (of)f(the)h(inciden)m(t)i(particle.)127 3524 y Fh(Fig.)50 b(9.)f Fz(The)43 b(ionisation)f(energy)g(loss)h(distribution)f(pro)s (duced)h(b)m(y)f(electrons)h(with)f(a)501 3644 y(momen)m(tum)36 b(of)e(30)g(GeV/)p Fr(c)g Fz(in)g(a)g(gas)g(mixture)i(0)p Fr(:)p Fz(35Xe)23 b(+)g(0)p Fr(:)p Fz(55He)h(+)f(0)p Fr(:)p Fz(15CH)3456 3659 y Fq(4)501 3764 y Fz(with)48 b(a)e(thic)m(kness)k(of)c(5)h(cm)g(at)f(pressure)j(1)e(atm.)86 b(The)47 b(histogram)g(is)h(the)501 3885 y(exp)s(erimen)m(tal)g(data)d ([18)o(],)k(op)s(en)c(circles)i(are)f(sim)m(ulation)g(according)g(to)f (the)501 4005 y(P)-8 b(AI)33 b(mo)s(del)g(and)g(the)g(XTR)g(mo)s(del.) 71 4209 y Fh(Fig.)50 b(10.)f Fz(The)43 b(ionisation)f(energy)g(loss)h (distribution)f(pro)s(duced)h(b)m(y)f(electrons)h(with)f(a)501 4329 y(momen)m(tum)50 b(of)e(3)f(GeV/)p Fr(c)h Fz(in)h(a)e(gas)h (mixture)i(0)p Fr(:)p Fz(93Kr)32 b(+)g(0)p Fr(:)p Fz(07CH)3121 4344 y Fq(4)3209 4329 y Fz(with)48 b(a)501 4449 y(thic)m(kness)38 b(of)c(1)p Fr(:)p Fz(5)g(cm)h(at)f(pressure)j(1)d(atm.)50 b(The)35 b(histogram)g(is)g(exp)s(erimen)m(tal)501 4570 y(data)f([19],)h(op)s(en)g(circles)h(are)e(sim)m(ulation)i(according)f (to)f(the)h(P)-8 b(AI)35 b(mo)s(del)g(and)501 4690 y(the)e(XTR)g(mo)s (del.)1828 5848 y(10)p eop %%Page: 11 12 11 11 bop 1415 1638 a Ft(n-F)-11 b(oil)45 b(XTR)f(Radiator)p 494 2538 2835 4 v 3246 2536 a Fg(-)3234 2489 y Ff(e)470 1898 y FA(2)425 1919 y Fe(\016\015)425 1787 y(\017\014)753 1898 y FA(1)709 1919 y Fe(\016\015)709 1787 y(\017)o(\014)730 3292 y Ff(H)827 3310 y Fd(1)1037 1898 y FA(2)992 1919 y Fe(\016\015)992 1787 y(\017\014)1013 3292 y Ff(H)1110 3310 y Fd(2)1368 1898 y FA(1)1323 1919 y Fe(\016\015)1323 1787 y(\017\014)1344 3292 y Ff(H)1441 3310 y Fd(1)2218 1898 y FA(1)2173 1919 y Fe(\016\015)2173 1787 y(\017\014)2194 3292 y Ff(H)2291 3310 y Fd(1)2501 1898 y FA(2)2457 1919 y Fe(\016\015)2457 1787 y(\017)o(\014)2478 3292 y Ff(H)2575 3310 y Fd(2)2832 1898 y FA(1)2787 1919 y Fe(\016\015)2787 1787 y(\017\014)2809 3292 y Ff(H)2906 3310 y Fd(1)3116 1898 y FA(2)3071 1919 y Fe(\016\015)3071 1787 y(\017\014)p 635 3245 8 1418 v 919 3245 V 1249 3245 V 1533 3245 V 1746 2772 a(q)30 b(q)g(q)g(q)h(q)p 2100 3245 V 2383 3245 V 2714 3245 V 2998 3245 V 1729 4091 a Fh(Fig.)51 b(1)1828 5848 y Fz(11)p eop %%Page: 12 13 12 12 bop 1226 1638 a Ft(General)46 b(XTR)e(Radiator)p 494 2538 2835 4 v 3246 2536 a Fg(-)3234 2489 y Ff(e)470 1898 y FA(1)224 b(2)730 3292 y Ff(H)827 3310 y Fd(2)1037 1898 y FA(3)1013 3292 y Ff(H)1110 3310 y Fd(3)1368 1898 y FA(4)1344 3292 y Ff(H)1441 3310 y Fd(4)1911 1898 y Ff(n)26 b Fc(\000)h FA(3)1911 3292 y Ff(H)2008 3310 y Fb(n)p Fa(\000)p Fd(3)2312 1898 y Ff(n)g Fc(\000)f FA(2)2312 3292 y Ff(H)2409 3310 y Fb(n)p Fa(\000)p Fd(2)2714 1898 y Ff(n)g Fc(\000)h FA(1)2714 3292 y Ff(H)2811 3310 y Fb(n)p Fa(\000)p Fd(1)3139 1898 y Ff(n)p 635 3245 8 1418 v 919 3245 V 1249 3245 V 1533 3245 V 1604 2772 a Fe(q)j(q)g(q)h(q)f(q)p 1840 3245 V 2242 3245 V 2643 3245 V 3045 3245 V 1729 4091 a Fh(Fig.)51 b(2)1828 5848 y Fz(12)p eop %%Page: 13 14 13 13 bop 730 1449 a Ft(n-F)-11 b(oil)44 b(XTR)h(Radiator)h(and)f (Detector)564 1686 y FA(n-F)-10 b(oil)39 b(XTR)f(Radiator)98 b(Gap)421 b(Detector)p 494 2538 2835 4 v 3246 2536 a Fg(-)3234 2489 y Ff(e)470 1898 y FA(2)425 1919 y Fe(\016\015)425 1787 y(\017\014)612 3363 y Ff(H)709 3381 y Fd(1)754 3363 y Ff(;)20 b(H)904 3381 y Fd(2)949 3363 y Ff(;)g(H)1099 3381 y Fd(1)1145 3363 y Ff(;)g(:)g(:)g(:)37 b(;)20 b(H)1524 3381 y Fd(1)p 612 3245 12 1418 v 659 3245 V 706 3245 V 753 3245 V 801 3245 V 848 3245 V 895 3245 V 942 3245 V 990 3245 V 1037 3245 V 1084 3008 a Fe(q)30 b(q)h(q)p 1202 3245 V 1249 3245 V 1297 3245 V 1344 3245 V 1391 3245 V 1438 3245 V 1486 3245 V 1533 3245 V 1580 3245 V 1627 3245 V 1816 1898 a FA(2)1772 1919 y Fe(\016\015)1772 1787 y(\017)o(\014)1823 3262 y FA(~)1793 3292 y Ff(H)1890 3310 y Fd(2)2218 1898 y FA(3)2173 1919 y Fe(\016\015)2173 1787 y(\017\014)2194 3292 y Ff(H)2291 3310 y Fd(3)2501 1898 y FA(4)2457 1919 y Fe(\016\015)2457 1787 y(\017)o(\014)2478 3292 y Ff(H)2575 3310 y Fd(4)2832 1898 y FA(3)2787 1919 y Fe(\016\015)2787 1787 y(\017\014)2809 3292 y Ff(H)2906 3310 y Fd(3)3116 1898 y FA(2)3071 1919 y Fe(\016\015)3071 1787 y(\017\014)p 2100 3245 8 1418 v 2383 3245 V 2714 3245 V 2998 3245 V 1729 4091 a Fh(Fig.)51 b(3)1828 5848 y Fz(13)p eop %%Page: 14 15 14 14 bop 257 4998 a @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly 567 @urx 567 @ury 4252 @rwi 2834 @rhi @setspecial %%BeginDocument: fig4.eps /max{2 copy lt{exch}if pop}bind def /ErrHandler{ /errhelpdict 12 dict def errhelpdict begin /stackunderflow (operand stack underflow) def /undefined (this name is not defined in a dictionary) def /VMerror (you have used up all the printer's memory) def /typecheck (operator was expecting a different type of operand) def /ioerror (input/output error occured) def end errordict begin /handleerror { $error begin newerror {/newerror false def showpage initgraphics 72 72 scale /x .25 def /y 9.6 def /Helvetica findfont .2 scalefont setfont x y moveto (Offending Command = ) show /command load {dup type /stringtype ne{100 string cvs}if show}exec /y y .2 sub def x y moveto(Error = ) show /MyError errorname def errorname{dup type dup( max err string )cvs show ( : )show/stringtype ne{( max err string )cvs}if show}exec errordict begin errhelpdict MyError known {x 1 add y .2 sub moveto errhelpdict errorname get show}if end /y y .4 sub def x y moveto (Stack =) show ostack {/y y .2 sub def x 1 add y moveto dup type /stringtype ne{( max err string )cvs}if show}forall showpage}if end}def end} bind def ErrHandler /cm { 300 mul 2.54 div } def /PageHeight 28.7 cm def /PageWidth 20.0 cm def /LineSpace 0.05 cm def /TmpPenArray 5 array def /PenArray 5 array def /lpStyle 0 def /lpWidth 1 def /lpRed 2 def /lpGreen 3 def /lpBlue 4 def /BrushArray 6 array def /lbStyle 0 def /lbRed 1 def /lbGreen 2 def /lbBlue 3 def /lbHatchStyle 4 def /lpPattern 5 def /BkColorArray 5 array def /bkRed 0 def /bkGreen 1 def /bkBlue 2 def /TextColorArray 3 array def /TextRed 0 def /TextGreen 1 def /TextBlue 2 def /PenDashArray [ [] [0.2 cm 0.1 cm] [0.1 cm 0.1 cm] [0.3 cm 0.1 cm 0.1 cm 0.1 cm] [0.3 cm 0.1 cm 0.1 cm 0.1 cm 0.1 cm 0.1 cm] [] [] ] def /HatchStyleArray [ {HS_HORIZ} {HS_VERT} {HS_BDIAG} {HS_FDIAG} {HS_CROSS} {HS_DIAGCROSS} ] def /UpdatePen {/PenArray exch def /PenWidthMemo PenArray lpWidth get def } def /UpdateBrush {/BrushArray exch def} def /UpdateBkColor {/BkColorArray exch def} def /UpdateBkMode {/BkMode exch def} def /UpdateTextColor {/TextColorArray exch def} def /HS_HORIZ {0 LineSpace PageHeight { /i exch def 0 i MyMatrix itransform moveto PageWidth i MyMatrix idtransform lineto } for stroke } def /HS_VERT {0 LineSpace PageWidth { /i exch def i 0 MyMatrix itransform moveto i PageHeight MyMatrix idtransform lineto } for stroke } def /HS_CROSS { HS_HORIZ HS_VERT } def /HS_FDIAG {0 PageHeight sub LineSpace 3.5 mul PageWidth { /i exch def i 0 MyMatrix itransform moveto i PageHeight add PageHeight MyMatrix idtransform lineto } for stroke } def /HS_BDIAG {0 LineSpace 3.5 mul PageWidth PageHeight add { /i exch def i 0 MyMatrix itransform moveto i PageHeight sub PageHeight MyMatrix idtransform lineto } for stroke } def /HS_DIAGCROSS { HS_FDIAG HS_BDIAG } def /StrokeWithPen {/join exch def /Penwidth PenArray lpWidth get def Penwidth setlinewidth Penwidth 1 le { 0 setlinecap } { Penwidth 5 gt { 1 setlinecap } { 2 setlinecap } ifelse } ifelse join { Penwidth 5 le {0 setlinejoin 3 setmiterlimit} { Penwidth 8 gt { 1 setlinejoin } { 2 setlinejoin } ifelse } ifelse } if join LineJoin -1 ne and {SetLineJoin setlinejoin} if join MiterLimit -1 ne and {MiterLimit miterlimit} if PenArray lpRed get 255 div PenArray lpGreen get 255 div PenArray lpBlue get 255 div setrgbcolor /PenStyle PenArray lpStyle get def PenStyle 5 lt { PenDashArray PenStyle get 0 setdash stroke } { PenStyle 6 eq { [] 0 setdash stroke } {newpath} ifelse } ifelse join {0 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit} if } def /FillWithBkColor { gsave BkColorArray bkRed get 255 div BkColorArray bkGreen get 255 div BkColorArray bkBlue get 255 div setrgbcolor fill grestore } def /FillWithBrush {/BrushStyle BrushArray lbStyle get def BrushStyle 2 eq dup BrushStyle 0 eq or { BrushArray lbRed get 255 div BrushArray lbGreen get 255 div BrushArray lbBlue get 255 div setrgbcolor { gsave BkMode 2 eq {FillWithBkColor} if clip PenArray lpWidth get PenWidthMemo dup 0 ne {div} {pop} ifelse setlinewidth HatchStyleArray BrushArray lbHatchStyle get get exec grestore } { fill } ifelse } {BrushStyle 3 eq {BrushArray 5 get p SHR gsave clip /Tmp save def pfill Tmp restore grestore} {pop}ifelse } ifelse } def /Fill&Stroke { gsave FillWithBrush grestore StrokeWithPen } def /patfont 10 dict def patfont begin /FontType 3 def /FontMatrix [1 0 0 -1 0 0] def /FontBBox [0 0 16 16] def/Encoding StandardEncoding def /BuildChar{pop pop 16 0 0 0 16 16 setcachedevice 16 16 false [1 0 0 1 .25 .25]{pat}imagemask}bind def end /p{/pat 32 string def {}forall 0 1 7{dup 2 mul pat exch 3 index put dup 2 mul 1 add pat exch 3 index put dup 2 mul 16 add pat exch 3 index put 2 mul 17 add pat exch 2 index put pop}for}bind def /AU{1 add cvi 15 or}bind def /AD{1 sub cvi -16 and}bind def /SHR{pathbbox AU/Y1 exch def AU/X1 exch def AD/Y0 exch def AD/X0 exch def}bind def /M /moveto load def /pfill{/PatFont patfont definefont setfont/ch(AAAA)def X0 64 X1{Y1 -16 Y0{1 index exch M ch show}for pop}for}bind def /LineTo { /y exch def /x exch def moveto x y lineto currentpoint false StrokeWithPen } def /RectanglePath { 3 index 3 index moveto 3 index 1 index lineto 1 index 1 index lineto 1 index 3 index lineto 3 index 3 index lineto pop pop pop pop closepath} def /RectanglePathBackwards { 3 index 3 index moveto 1 index 3 index lineto 1 index 1 index lineto 3 index 1 index lineto 3 index 3 index lineto pop pop pop pop closepath} def /EllipticPath {matrix currentmatrix dup 3 index 6 index sub 2 div 3 index 6 index sub 2 div 7 index 2 index add 7 index 2 index add matrix translate 3 1 roll matrix scale exch matrix concatmatrix exch matrix concatmatrix setmatrix 1 0 moveto 0 0 1 360 0 arcn closepath setmatrix pop pop pop pop }def /EllipticPathBackwards {matrix currentmatrix dup 3 index 6 index sub 2 div 3 index 6 index sub 2 div 7 index 2 index add 7 index 2 index add matrix translate 3 1 roll matrix scale exch matrix concatmatrix exch matrix concatmatrix setmatrix 1 0 moveto 0 0 1 0 360 arc closepath setmatrix pop pop pop pop }def /RectangleOutLine {/y2 exch def /x2 exch def /y1 exch def /x1 exch def newpath x1 y1 moveto x2 y1 lineto x2 y2 lineto x1 y2 lineto closepath false StrokeWithPen } def /FillRectangle {/y2 exch def /x2 exch def /y1 exch def /x1 exch def /MyMatrix matrix def newpath x1 y1 moveto x2 y1 lineto x2 y2 lineto x1 y2 lineto closepath FillWithBrush} def /FrameRectangle {/y2 exch def /x2 exch def /y1 exch def /x1 exch def /MyMatrix matrix def /x1 x1 0.5 sub def /x2 x2 0.5 add def /y2 y2 0.5 sub def /y1 y1 0.5 add def newpath x1 y1 moveto x2 y1 lineto x2 y2 lineto x1 y2 lineto x1 y1 lineto /x1 x1 1 add def /x2 x2 1 sub def /y2 y2 1 add def /y1 y1 1 sub def x1 y1 moveto x1 y2 lineto x2 y2 lineto x2 y1 lineto x1 y1 lineto closepath FillWithBrush} def /Polygon {/MyMatrix matrix def newpath PolylineArray PolylineMode 1 sub get exec closepath true Fill&Stroke } def /FillPolygon {/MyMatrix matrix def newpath PolylineArray PolylineMode 1 sub get exec closepath FillWithBrush } def /PolylineArray [ {DrawPolyline} {Bezier} ] def /Polyline {PolylineArray PolylineMode 1 sub get exec pop pop currentpoint true StrokeWithPen } def /Bezier {/nbPoint exch def /nbCurves nbPoint 1 sub 3 idiv def /nbLeft nbPoint 1 sub nbCurves 3 mul sub def moveto 1 1 nbCurves { pop 4 2 roll 6 -2 roll curveto } for nbLeft 1 eq { lineto } {nbLeft 2 eq { 4 2 roll 2 copy curveto } if } ifelse } def /DrawPolyline {/nbPoint exch def moveto 1 1 nbPoint 1 sub { pop lineto } for } def /Ellipse {gsave /Dy exch def /Dx exch def /Cy exch def /Cx exch def Cx Cy translate Dx Dy scale /MyMatrix Dx Dy matrix scale Cx Cy matrix translate matrix concatmatrix def newpath 0 0 1 0 360 arc closepath 1 Dx div 1 Dy div scale 0 Cx sub 0 Cy sub translate false Fill&Stroke grestore } def /FillEllipse {gsave /Dy exch def /Dx exch def /Cy exch def /Cx exch def Cx Cy translate Dx Dy scale /MyMatrix Dx Dy matrix scale Cx Cy matrix translate matrix concatmatrix def newpath 0 0 1 0 360 arc closepath FillWithBrush grestore } def /Arc { gsave /ang1 exch def /ang2 exch def /Dy exch def /Dx exch def /Cy exch def /Cx exch def Cx Cy translate Dx Dy scale 1 -1 scale newpath ClockWise {0 0 1 ang2 ang1 narc} {0 0 1 ang2 ang1 arc} ifelse 1 -1 scale 1 Dx div 1 Dy div scale 0 Cx sub 0 Cy sub translate false StrokeWithPen grestore } def /Pie {gsave /ang1 exch def /ang2 exch def /Dy exch def /Dx exch def /Cy exch def /Cx exch def Cx Cy translate Dx Dy scale 1 -1 scale /MyMatrix Dx Dy matrix scale Cx Cy matrix translate matrix concatmatrix def newpath 0 0 moveto ClockWise {0 0 1 ang2 ang1 narc} {0 0 1 ang2 ang1 arc} ifelse closepath 1 -1 scale 1 Dx div 1 Dy div scale 0 Cx sub 0 Cy sub translate true Fill&Stroke grestore } def /Chord {gsave /ang1 exch def /ang2 exch def /Dy exch def /Dx exch def /Cy exch def /Cx exch def Cx Cy translate Dx Dy scale 1 -1 scale /MyMatrix Dx Dy matrix scale Cx Cy matrix translate matrix concatmatrix def newpath ClockWise {0 0 1 ang2 ang1 narc} {0 0 1 ang2 ang1 arc} ifelse closepath 1 -1 scale 1 Dx div 1 Dy div scale 0 Cx sub 0 Cy sub translate true Fill&Stroke grestore } def /min {1 index 1 index le { pop} {exch pop} ifelse } def /RoundRectangle {/r2 exch def /r1 exch def /y2 exch def /x2 exch def /y1 exch def /x1 exch def y2 2 div r2 min cvi /r2 exch def x2 2 div r1 min cvi /r1 exch def /width x2 r1 idiv def /height y2 r2 idiv def gsave x1 y1 translate r1 r2 scale 1 -1 scale /MyMatrix r1 r2 matrix scale x1 y1 matrix translate matrix concatmatrix def newpath 1 1 1 180 270 arc width 1 sub 0 lineto width 1 sub 1 1 270 0 arc width height 1 sub lineto width 1 sub height 1 sub 1 0 90 arc 1 height lineto 1 height 1 sub 1 90 180 arc closepath PenArray TmpPenArray copy pop PenArray lpWidth PenArray lpWidth get r1 abs r2 abs add 2 div div put false Fill&Stroke TmpPenArray PenArray copy pop grestore } def /TextOut {TextColorArray 0 get 255 div TextColorArray 1 get 255 div TextColorArray 2 get 255 div setrgbcolor gsave translate rotate 0 0 moveto /expwidth exch def dup stringwidth pop expwidth exch div -1 scale show pop pop currentpoint grestore} def /EncodingDict 256 dict def EncodingDict begin 0 [/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /space /exclam /quotedbl /numbersign /dollar /percent /ampersand /quotesingle /parenleft /parenright /asterisk /plus /comma /hyphen /period /slash /zero /one /two /three /four /five /six /seven /eight /nine /colon /semicolon /less /equal /greater /question /at /A /B /C /D /E /F /G /H /I /J /K /L /M /N /O /P /Q /R /S /T /U /V /W /X /Y /Z /bracketleft /backslash /bracketright /asciicircum /underscore /grave /a /b /c /d /e /f /g /h /i /j /k /l /m /n /o /p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w /x /y /z /braceleft /bar /braceright /asciitilde /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /quotesinglbase /florin /quotedblbase /ellipsis /dagger /daggerdbl /circumflex /perthousand /Scaron /guilsinglleft /OE /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /quoteleft /quoteright /quotedblleft /quotedblright /bullet /endash /emdash /tilde /trademark /scaron /guilsinglright /oe /.notdef /.notdef /Ydieresis /.notdef /exclamdown /cent /sterling /currency /yen /brokenbar /section /dieresis /copyright /ordfeminine /guillemotleft /logicalnot /hyphen /registered /macron /degree /plusminus /twosuperior /threesuperior /acute /mu /paragraph /periodcentered /cedilla /onesuperior /ordmasculine /guillemotright /onequarter /onehalf /threequarters /questiondown /Agrave /Aacute /Acircumflex /Atilde /Adieresis /Aring /AE /Ccedilla /Egrave /Eacute /Ecircumflex /Edieresis /Igrave /Iacute /Icircumflex /Idieresis /Eth /Ntilde /Ograve /Oacute /Ocircumflex /Otilde /Odieresis /multiply /Oslash /Ugrave /Uacute /Ucircumflex /Udieresis /Yacute /Thorn /germandbls /agrave /aacute /acircumflex /atilde /adieresis /aring /ae /ccedilla /egrave /eacute /ecircumflex /edieresis /igrave /iacute /icircumflex /idieresis /eth /ntilde /ograve /oacute /ocircumflex /otilde /odieresis /divide /oslash /ugrave /uacute /ucircumflex /udieresis /yacute /thorn /ydieresis] def end /fntdict 100 dict def /MwScaleAndSetFont { 2 index findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall dup EncodingDict exch known {EncodingDict exch get /Encoding exch def} {pop} ifelse currentdict end /font0 exch definefont exch scalefont setfont pop } def /MwSetFont { % look in cache of scaled fonts 1 index /askedsize exch def 2 index /askedname exch def fntdict askedname known { % font name found in cache - what about the size /fntszdict fntdict askedname get def fntszdict askedsize known { % font size found in cache fntszdict askedsize get setfont pop pop pop } { MwScaleAndSetFont fntszdict askedsize currentfont put } ifelse } { % not found in cache MwScaleAndSetFont /fntszdict 200 dict def fntszdict askedsize currentfont put fntdict askedname fntszdict put } ifelse } def /DisplayBB {gsave initgraphics 72 300 div 72 300 div scale 0 3507 translate 1 -1 scale 1 setlinewidth 1 0 0 setrgbcolor /y2 exch def /x2 exch def /y1 exch def /x1 exch def newpath x1 y1 moveto x2 y1 lineto x2 y2 lineto x1 y2 lineto closepath stroke grestore } def [{ 6 statusdict /setpapertray get exec } stopped cleartomark [{ A4 } stopped cleartomark initgraphics 0.500000 72 mul 2.54 div 0.500000 72 mul 2.54 div translate /ClockWise false def /LineJoin -1 def /MiterLimit -1 def /PolylineMode 1 def /LineCap 0 def [0 0 0 0 0] UpdatePen [0 255 255 255 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 0 0] UpdateTextColor [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor 2 UpdateBkMode 0 0 % All the numbers (for positions, length or font size) given % in this file are expressed in pixels, but interpreted by % Postscript as points (1/72 inch)! % -->so scale accordingly! 72 300 div 72 300 div scale % So that (0, 0) is at top-left corner of paper sheet (takes postscript scaling into account too) 0 3389 translate 1 -1 scale /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont initclip newpath 16 16 2346 3261 RectanglePath clip newpath [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 1 153 0 51] UpdatePen 389 136 1694 447 FillRectangle 389 136 1694 447 RectangleOutLine [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont [0 1 0 0 0] UpdatePen [0 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush 1 UpdateBkMode [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor (G4VFastSimulationModel) 713 -0.00 686 193 TextOut [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor 2 UpdateBkMode [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 1 153 0 51] UpdatePen /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 43 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [1 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush 389 211 1694 447 FillRectangle 389 211 1694 447 RectangleOutLine 389 234 1694 447 FillRectangle 389 234 1694 447 RectangleOutLine [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 43 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 43 0 MwSetFont [0 1 0 0 0] UpdatePen [0 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush 1 UpdateBkMode [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor [0 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor 1 UpdateBkMode pop pop 16 16 initclip newpath 16 16 2346 3261 RectanglePath clip newpath [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor initclip newpath 398 263 1689 309 RectanglePath clip newpath (<> IsApplicable\(\) : G4bool) 1046 -0.00 398 298 TextOut initclip newpath 16 16 2346 3261 RectanglePath clip newpath [0 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor 1 UpdateBkMode pop pop 16 16 initclip newpath 16 16 2346 3261 RectanglePath clip newpath [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor initclip newpath 398 309 1689 355 RectanglePath clip newpath (<> ModelTrigger\(\) : G4bool) 1046 -0.00 398 344 TextOut initclip newpath 16 16 2346 3261 RectanglePath clip newpath [0 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor 1 UpdateBkMode pop pop 16 16 initclip newpath 16 16 2346 3261 RectanglePath clip newpath [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor initclip newpath 398 355 1689 401 RectanglePath clip newpath (<> DoIt\(\) : void) 785 -0.00 398 390 TextOut initclip newpath 16 16 2346 3261 RectanglePath clip newpath [0 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor 1 UpdateBkMode pop pop 16 16 initclip newpath 16 16 2346 3261 RectanglePath clip newpath [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor 2 UpdateBkMode [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 1 153 0 51] UpdatePen /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 255 255 255 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 0 0 0 0] UpdatePen [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 1 153 0 51] UpdatePen 474 598 1609 903 FillRectangle 474 598 1609 903 RectangleOutLine [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont [0 1 0 0 0] UpdatePen [0 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush 1 UpdateBkMode [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor (G4VXrayTRmodel) 454 -0.00 815 655 TextOut [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor 2 UpdateBkMode [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 1 153 0 51] UpdatePen /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 43 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [1 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush 474 673 1609 903 FillRectangle 474 673 1609 903 RectangleOutLine 474 696 1609 903 FillRectangle 474 696 1609 903 RectangleOutLine [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 43 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 43 0 MwSetFont [0 1 0 0 0] UpdatePen [0 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush 1 UpdateBkMode [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor [0 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor 1 UpdateBkMode pop pop 16 16 initclip newpath 16 16 2346 3261 RectanglePath clip newpath [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor initclip newpath 483 725 1604 771 RectanglePath clip newpath (<> DoIt\(\) : void) 785 -0.00 483 760 TextOut initclip newpath 16 16 2346 3261 RectanglePath clip newpath [0 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor 1 UpdateBkMode pop pop 16 16 initclip newpath 16 16 2346 3261 RectanglePath clip newpath [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor initclip newpath 483 771 1604 817 RectanglePath clip newpath (<> GetStackFactor\(\) : G4d...) 1099 -0.00 483 806 TextOut initclip newpath 16 16 2346 3261 RectanglePath clip newpath [0 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor 1 UpdateBkMode pop pop 16 16 initclip newpath 16 16 2346 3261 RectanglePath clip newpath [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor 2 UpdateBkMode [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 1 153 0 51] UpdatePen /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 255 255 255 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 0 0 0 0] UpdatePen [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 1 153 0 51] UpdatePen 1126 1054 2007 1371 FillRectangle 1126 1054 2007 1371 RectangleOutLine [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont [0 1 0 0 0] UpdatePen [0 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush 1 UpdateBkMode [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor (G4VXTRdEdx) 519 -0.00 1307 1111 TextOut [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor 2 UpdateBkMode [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 1 153 0 51] UpdatePen /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 43 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [1 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush 1126 1129 2007 1371 FillRectangle 1126 1129 2007 1371 RectangleOutLine 1126 1152 2007 1371 FillRectangle 1126 1152 2007 1371 RectangleOutLine [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 43 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 43 0 MwSetFont [0 1 0 0 0] UpdatePen [0 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush 1 UpdateBkMode [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor [0 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor 1 UpdateBkMode pop pop 16 16 initclip newpath 16 16 2346 3261 RectanglePath clip newpath [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor initclip newpath 1135 1181 2001 1227 RectanglePath clip newpath (<> GetStackFacto...) 863 -0.00 1135 1216 TextOut initclip newpath 16 16 2346 3261 RectanglePath clip newpath [0 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor 1 UpdateBkMode pop pop 16 16 initclip newpath 16 16 2346 3261 RectanglePath clip newpath [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor 2 UpdateBkMode [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 1 153 0 51] UpdatePen /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 255 255 255 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 0 0 0 0] UpdatePen [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 1 153 0 51] UpdatePen 76 1054 957 1371 FillRectangle 76 1054 957 1371 RectangleOutLine [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont [0 1 0 0 0] UpdatePen [0 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush 1 UpdateBkMode [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor (G4VXrayTRadModel) 519 -0.00 257 1111 TextOut [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor 2 UpdateBkMode [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 1 153 0 51] UpdatePen /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 43 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [1 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush 76 1129 957 1371 FillRectangle 76 1129 957 1371 RectangleOutLine 76 1152 957 1371 FillRectangle 76 1152 957 1371 RectangleOutLine [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 43 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 43 0 MwSetFont [0 1 0 0 0] UpdatePen [0 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush 1 UpdateBkMode [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor [0 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor 1 UpdateBkMode pop pop 16 16 initclip newpath 16 16 2346 3261 RectanglePath clip newpath [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor initclip newpath 85 1181 951 1227 RectanglePath clip newpath (<> GetStackFacto...) 863 -0.00 85 1216 TextOut initclip newpath 16 16 2346 3261 RectanglePath clip newpath [0 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor 1 UpdateBkMode pop pop 16 16 initclip newpath 16 16 2346 3261 RectanglePath clip newpath [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor 2 UpdateBkMode [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 1 153 0 51] UpdatePen /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 255 255 255 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 0 0 0 0] UpdatePen [1 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 1 153 0 51] UpdatePen pop pop 1042 597 1042 448 LineTo [0 255 255 255 0 <>] UpdateBrush 1020 508 1064 508 1042 448 3 Polygon [1 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 255 255 255 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 0 0 0 0] UpdatePen [1 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 1 153 0 51] UpdatePen pop pop 695 1053 865 904 LineTo [0 255 255 255 0 <>] UpdateBrush 805 927 835 961 865 904 3 Polygon [1 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 255 255 255 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 0 0 0 0] UpdatePen [1 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 1 153 0 51] UpdatePen pop pop 1386 1053 1216 904 LineTo [0 255 255 255 0 <>] UpdateBrush 1246 961 1276 927 1216 904 3 Polygon [1 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 255 255 255 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 0 0 0 0] UpdatePen initclip newpath 0 0 2362 3389 RectanglePath clip newpath %pop pop 166 3261 %766 3261 LineTo %/Courier 35 0 MwSetFont %/Courier 38 0 MwSetFont %/Courier 35 0 MwSetFont %() 2125 -0.00 166 3296 TextOut %() 568 -0.00 166 3333 TextOut initclip newpath 0 0 2362 3389 RectanglePath clip newpath /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont pop pop % pop out coordinates for current pen position showpage %%EndDocument @endspecial 1729 5201 a Fh(Fig.)51 b(4)1828 5848 y Fz(14)p eop %%Page: 15 16 15 15 bop 257 4998 a @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly 567 @urx 567 @ury 4252 @rwi 4252 @rhi @setspecial %%BeginDocument: fig5.eps /max{2 copy lt{exch}if pop}bind def /ErrHandler{ /errhelpdict 12 dict def errhelpdict begin /stackunderflow (operand stack underflow) def /undefined (this name is not defined in a dictionary) def /VMerror (you have used up all the printer's memory) def /typecheck (operator was expecting a different type of operand) def /ioerror (input/output error occured) def end errordict begin /handleerror { $error begin newerror {/newerror false def showpage initgraphics 72 72 scale /x .25 def /y 9.6 def /Helvetica findfont .2 scalefont setfont x y moveto (Offending Command = ) show /command load {dup type /stringtype ne{100 string cvs}if show}exec /y y .2 sub def x y moveto(Error = ) show /MyError errorname def errorname{dup type dup( max err string )cvs show ( : )show/stringtype ne{( max err string )cvs}if show}exec errordict begin errhelpdict MyError known {x 1 add y .2 sub moveto errhelpdict errorname get show}if end /y y .4 sub def x y moveto (Stack =) show ostack {/y y .2 sub def x 1 add y moveto dup type /stringtype ne{( max err string )cvs}if show}forall showpage}if end}def end} bind def ErrHandler /cm { 300 mul 2.54 div } def /PageHeight 28.7 cm def /PageWidth 20.0 cm def /LineSpace 0.05 cm def /TmpPenArray 5 array def /PenArray 5 array def /lpStyle 0 def /lpWidth 1 def /lpRed 2 def /lpGreen 3 def /lpBlue 4 def /BrushArray 6 array def /lbStyle 0 def /lbRed 1 def /lbGreen 2 def /lbBlue 3 def /lbHatchStyle 4 def /lpPattern 5 def /BkColorArray 5 array def /bkRed 0 def /bkGreen 1 def /bkBlue 2 def /TextColorArray 3 array def /TextRed 0 def /TextGreen 1 def /TextBlue 2 def /PenDashArray [ [] [0.2 cm 0.1 cm] [0.1 cm 0.1 cm] [0.3 cm 0.1 cm 0.1 cm 0.1 cm] [0.3 cm 0.1 cm 0.1 cm 0.1 cm 0.1 cm 0.1 cm] [] [] ] def /HatchStyleArray [ {HS_HORIZ} {HS_VERT} {HS_BDIAG} {HS_FDIAG} {HS_CROSS} {HS_DIAGCROSS} ] def /UpdatePen {/PenArray exch def /PenWidthMemo PenArray lpWidth get def } def /UpdateBrush {/BrushArray exch def} def /UpdateBkColor {/BkColorArray exch def} def /UpdateBkMode {/BkMode exch def} def /UpdateTextColor {/TextColorArray exch def} def /HS_HORIZ {0 LineSpace PageHeight { /i exch def 0 i MyMatrix itransform moveto PageWidth i MyMatrix idtransform lineto } for stroke } def /HS_VERT {0 LineSpace PageWidth { /i exch def i 0 MyMatrix itransform moveto i PageHeight MyMatrix idtransform lineto } for stroke } def /HS_CROSS { HS_HORIZ HS_VERT } def /HS_FDIAG {0 PageHeight sub LineSpace 3.5 mul PageWidth { /i exch def i 0 MyMatrix itransform moveto i PageHeight add PageHeight MyMatrix idtransform lineto } for stroke } def /HS_BDIAG {0 LineSpace 3.5 mul PageWidth PageHeight add { /i exch def i 0 MyMatrix itransform moveto i PageHeight sub PageHeight MyMatrix idtransform lineto } for stroke } def /HS_DIAGCROSS { HS_FDIAG HS_BDIAG } def /StrokeWithPen {/join exch def /Penwidth PenArray lpWidth get def Penwidth setlinewidth Penwidth 1 le { 0 setlinecap } { Penwidth 5 gt { 1 setlinecap } { 2 setlinecap } ifelse } ifelse join { Penwidth 5 le {0 setlinejoin 3 setmiterlimit} { Penwidth 8 gt { 1 setlinejoin } { 2 setlinejoin } ifelse } ifelse } if join LineJoin -1 ne and {SetLineJoin setlinejoin} if join MiterLimit -1 ne and {MiterLimit miterlimit} if PenArray lpRed get 255 div PenArray lpGreen get 255 div PenArray lpBlue get 255 div setrgbcolor /PenStyle PenArray lpStyle get def PenStyle 5 lt { PenDashArray PenStyle get 0 setdash stroke } { PenStyle 6 eq { [] 0 setdash stroke } {newpath} ifelse } ifelse join {0 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit} if } def /FillWithBkColor { gsave BkColorArray bkRed get 255 div BkColorArray bkGreen get 255 div BkColorArray bkBlue get 255 div setrgbcolor fill grestore } def /FillWithBrush {/BrushStyle BrushArray lbStyle get def BrushStyle 2 eq dup BrushStyle 0 eq or { BrushArray lbRed get 255 div BrushArray lbGreen get 255 div BrushArray lbBlue get 255 div setrgbcolor { gsave BkMode 2 eq {FillWithBkColor} if clip PenArray lpWidth get PenWidthMemo dup 0 ne {div} {pop} ifelse setlinewidth HatchStyleArray BrushArray lbHatchStyle get get exec grestore } { fill } ifelse } {BrushStyle 3 eq {BrushArray 5 get p SHR gsave clip /Tmp save def pfill Tmp restore grestore} {pop}ifelse } ifelse } def /Fill&Stroke { gsave FillWithBrush grestore StrokeWithPen } def /patfont 10 dict def patfont begin /FontType 3 def /FontMatrix [1 0 0 -1 0 0] def /FontBBox [0 0 16 16] def/Encoding StandardEncoding def /BuildChar{pop pop 16 0 0 0 16 16 setcachedevice 16 16 false [1 0 0 1 .25 .25]{pat}imagemask}bind def end /p{/pat 32 string def {}forall 0 1 7{dup 2 mul pat exch 3 index put dup 2 mul 1 add pat exch 3 index put dup 2 mul 16 add pat exch 3 index put 2 mul 17 add pat exch 2 index put pop}for}bind def /AU{1 add cvi 15 or}bind def /AD{1 sub cvi -16 and}bind def /SHR{pathbbox AU/Y1 exch def AU/X1 exch def AD/Y0 exch def AD/X0 exch def}bind def /M /moveto load def /pfill{/PatFont patfont definefont setfont/ch(AAAA)def X0 64 X1{Y1 -16 Y0{1 index exch M ch show}for pop}for}bind def /LineTo { /y exch def /x exch def moveto x y lineto currentpoint false StrokeWithPen } def /RectanglePath { 3 index 3 index moveto 3 index 1 index lineto 1 index 1 index lineto 1 index 3 index lineto 3 index 3 index lineto pop pop pop pop closepath} def /RectanglePathBackwards { 3 index 3 index moveto 1 index 3 index lineto 1 index 1 index lineto 3 index 1 index lineto 3 index 3 index lineto pop pop pop pop closepath} def /EllipticPath {matrix currentmatrix dup 3 index 6 index sub 2 div 3 index 6 index sub 2 div 7 index 2 index add 7 index 2 index add matrix translate 3 1 roll matrix scale exch matrix concatmatrix exch matrix concatmatrix setmatrix 1 0 moveto 0 0 1 360 0 arcn closepath setmatrix pop pop pop pop }def /EllipticPathBackwards {matrix currentmatrix dup 3 index 6 index sub 2 div 3 index 6 index sub 2 div 7 index 2 index add 7 index 2 index add matrix translate 3 1 roll matrix scale exch matrix concatmatrix exch matrix concatmatrix setmatrix 1 0 moveto 0 0 1 0 360 arc closepath setmatrix pop pop pop pop }def /RectangleOutLine {/y2 exch def /x2 exch def /y1 exch def /x1 exch def newpath x1 y1 moveto x2 y1 lineto x2 y2 lineto x1 y2 lineto closepath false StrokeWithPen } def /FillRectangle {/y2 exch def /x2 exch def /y1 exch def /x1 exch def /MyMatrix matrix def newpath x1 y1 moveto x2 y1 lineto x2 y2 lineto x1 y2 lineto closepath FillWithBrush} def /FrameRectangle {/y2 exch def /x2 exch def /y1 exch def /x1 exch def /MyMatrix matrix def /x1 x1 0.5 sub def /x2 x2 0.5 add def /y2 y2 0.5 sub def /y1 y1 0.5 add def newpath x1 y1 moveto x2 y1 lineto x2 y2 lineto x1 y2 lineto x1 y1 lineto /x1 x1 1 add def /x2 x2 1 sub def /y2 y2 1 add def /y1 y1 1 sub def x1 y1 moveto x1 y2 lineto x2 y2 lineto x2 y1 lineto x1 y1 lineto closepath FillWithBrush} def /Polygon {/MyMatrix matrix def newpath PolylineArray PolylineMode 1 sub get exec closepath true Fill&Stroke } def /FillPolygon {/MyMatrix matrix def newpath PolylineArray PolylineMode 1 sub get exec closepath FillWithBrush } def /PolylineArray [ {DrawPolyline} {Bezier} ] def /Polyline {PolylineArray PolylineMode 1 sub get exec pop pop currentpoint true StrokeWithPen } def /Bezier {/nbPoint exch def /nbCurves nbPoint 1 sub 3 idiv def /nbLeft nbPoint 1 sub nbCurves 3 mul sub def moveto 1 1 nbCurves { pop 4 2 roll 6 -2 roll curveto } for nbLeft 1 eq { lineto } {nbLeft 2 eq { 4 2 roll 2 copy curveto } if } ifelse } def /DrawPolyline {/nbPoint exch def moveto 1 1 nbPoint 1 sub { pop lineto } for } def /Ellipse {gsave /Dy exch def /Dx exch def /Cy exch def /Cx exch def Cx Cy translate Dx Dy scale /MyMatrix Dx Dy matrix scale Cx Cy matrix translate matrix concatmatrix def newpath 0 0 1 0 360 arc closepath 1 Dx div 1 Dy div scale 0 Cx sub 0 Cy sub translate false Fill&Stroke grestore } def /FillEllipse {gsave /Dy exch def /Dx exch def /Cy exch def /Cx exch def Cx Cy translate Dx Dy scale /MyMatrix Dx Dy matrix scale Cx Cy matrix translate matrix concatmatrix def newpath 0 0 1 0 360 arc closepath FillWithBrush grestore } def /Arc { gsave /ang1 exch def /ang2 exch def /Dy exch def /Dx exch def /Cy exch def /Cx exch def Cx Cy translate Dx Dy scale 1 -1 scale newpath ClockWise {0 0 1 ang2 ang1 narc} {0 0 1 ang2 ang1 arc} ifelse 1 -1 scale 1 Dx div 1 Dy div scale 0 Cx sub 0 Cy sub translate false StrokeWithPen grestore } def /Pie {gsave /ang1 exch def /ang2 exch def /Dy exch def /Dx exch def /Cy exch def /Cx exch def Cx Cy translate Dx Dy scale 1 -1 scale /MyMatrix Dx Dy matrix scale Cx Cy matrix translate matrix concatmatrix def newpath 0 0 moveto ClockWise {0 0 1 ang2 ang1 narc} {0 0 1 ang2 ang1 arc} ifelse closepath 1 -1 scale 1 Dx div 1 Dy div scale 0 Cx sub 0 Cy sub translate true Fill&Stroke grestore } def /Chord {gsave /ang1 exch def /ang2 exch def /Dy exch def /Dx exch def /Cy exch def /Cx exch def Cx Cy translate Dx Dy scale 1 -1 scale /MyMatrix Dx Dy matrix scale Cx Cy matrix translate matrix concatmatrix def newpath ClockWise {0 0 1 ang2 ang1 narc} {0 0 1 ang2 ang1 arc} ifelse closepath 1 -1 scale 1 Dx div 1 Dy div scale 0 Cx sub 0 Cy sub translate true Fill&Stroke grestore } def /min {1 index 1 index le { pop} {exch pop} ifelse } def /RoundRectangle {/r2 exch def /r1 exch def /y2 exch def /x2 exch def /y1 exch def /x1 exch def y2 2 div r2 min cvi /r2 exch def x2 2 div r1 min cvi /r1 exch def /width x2 r1 idiv def /height y2 r2 idiv def gsave x1 y1 translate r1 r2 scale 1 -1 scale /MyMatrix r1 r2 matrix scale x1 y1 matrix translate matrix concatmatrix def newpath 1 1 1 180 270 arc width 1 sub 0 lineto width 1 sub 1 1 270 0 arc width height 1 sub lineto width 1 sub height 1 sub 1 0 90 arc 1 height lineto 1 height 1 sub 1 90 180 arc closepath PenArray TmpPenArray copy pop PenArray lpWidth PenArray lpWidth get r1 abs r2 abs add 2 div div put false Fill&Stroke TmpPenArray PenArray copy pop grestore } def /TextOut {TextColorArray 0 get 255 div TextColorArray 1 get 255 div TextColorArray 2 get 255 div setrgbcolor gsave translate rotate 0 0 moveto /expwidth exch def dup stringwidth pop expwidth exch div -1 scale show pop pop currentpoint grestore} def /EncodingDict 256 dict def EncodingDict begin 0 [/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /space /exclam /quotedbl /numbersign /dollar /percent /ampersand /quotesingle /parenleft /parenright /asterisk /plus /comma /hyphen /period /slash /zero /one /two /three /four /five /six /seven /eight /nine /colon /semicolon /less /equal /greater /question /at /A /B /C /D /E /F /G /H /I /J /K /L /M /N /O /P /Q /R /S /T /U /V /W /X /Y /Z /bracketleft /backslash /bracketright /asciicircum /underscore /grave /a /b /c /d /e /f /g /h /i /j /k /l /m /n /o /p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w /x /y /z /braceleft /bar /braceright /asciitilde /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /quotesinglbase /florin /quotedblbase /ellipsis /dagger /daggerdbl /circumflex /perthousand /Scaron /guilsinglleft /OE /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /quoteleft /quoteright /quotedblleft /quotedblright /bullet /endash /emdash /tilde /trademark /scaron /guilsinglright /oe /.notdef /.notdef /Ydieresis /.notdef /exclamdown /cent /sterling /currency /yen /brokenbar /section /dieresis /copyright /ordfeminine /guillemotleft /logicalnot /hyphen /registered /macron /degree /plusminus /twosuperior /threesuperior /acute /mu /paragraph /periodcentered /cedilla /onesuperior /ordmasculine /guillemotright /onequarter /onehalf /threequarters /questiondown /Agrave /Aacute /Acircumflex /Atilde /Adieresis /Aring /AE /Ccedilla /Egrave /Eacute /Ecircumflex /Edieresis /Igrave /Iacute /Icircumflex /Idieresis /Eth /Ntilde /Ograve /Oacute /Ocircumflex /Otilde /Odieresis /multiply /Oslash /Ugrave /Uacute /Ucircumflex /Udieresis /Yacute /Thorn /germandbls /agrave /aacute /acircumflex /atilde /adieresis /aring /ae /ccedilla /egrave /eacute /ecircumflex /edieresis /igrave /iacute /icircumflex /idieresis /eth /ntilde /ograve /oacute /ocircumflex /otilde /odieresis /divide /oslash /ugrave /uacute /ucircumflex /udieresis /yacute /thorn /ydieresis] def end /fntdict 100 dict def /MwScaleAndSetFont { 2 index findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall dup EncodingDict exch known {EncodingDict exch get /Encoding exch def} {pop} ifelse currentdict end /font0 exch definefont exch scalefont setfont pop } def /MwSetFont { % look in cache of scaled fonts 1 index /askedsize exch def 2 index /askedname exch def fntdict askedname known { % font name found in cache - what about the size /fntszdict fntdict askedname get def fntszdict askedsize known { % font size found in cache fntszdict askedsize get setfont pop pop pop } { MwScaleAndSetFont fntszdict askedsize currentfont put } ifelse } { % not found in cache MwScaleAndSetFont /fntszdict 200 dict def fntszdict askedsize currentfont put fntdict askedname fntszdict put } ifelse } def /DisplayBB {gsave initgraphics 72 300 div 72 300 div scale 0 3507 translate 1 -1 scale 1 setlinewidth 1 0 0 setrgbcolor /y2 exch def /x2 exch def /y1 exch def /x1 exch def newpath x1 y1 moveto x2 y1 lineto x2 y2 lineto x1 y2 lineto closepath stroke grestore } def [{ 6 statusdict /setpapertray get exec } stopped cleartomark [{ A4 } stopped cleartomark initgraphics 0.500000 72 mul 2.54 div 0.500000 72 mul 2.54 div translate /ClockWise false def /LineJoin -1 def /MiterLimit -1 def /PolylineMode 1 def /LineCap 0 def [0 0 0 0 0] UpdatePen [0 255 255 255 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 0 0] UpdateTextColor [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor 2 UpdateBkMode 0 0 % All the numbers (for positions, length or font size) given % in this file are expressed in pixels, but interpreted by % Postscript as points (1/72 inch)! % -->so scale accordingly! 72 300 div 72 300 div scale % So that (0, 0) is at top-left corner of paper sheet (takes postscript scaling into account too) 0 3389 translate 1 -1 scale /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont initclip newpath 16 16 2346 3261 RectanglePath clip newpath [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 1 153 0 51] UpdatePen 322 1912 1053 2055 FillRectangle 322 1912 1053 2055 RectangleOutLine [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont [0 1 0 0 0] UpdatePen [0 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush 1 UpdateBkMode [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor (G4IrregularXrayTRmodel) 713 -0.00 331 1969 TextOut [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor 2 UpdateBkMode [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 1 153 0 51] UpdatePen /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [1 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush 322 1987 1053 2055 FillRectangle 322 1987 1053 2055 RectangleOutLine 322 2015 1053 2055 FillRectangle 322 2015 1053 2055 RectangleOutLine [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 255 255 255 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 0 0 0 0] UpdatePen [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 1 153 0 51] UpdatePen 123 1660 772 1803 FillRectangle 123 1660 772 1803 RectangleOutLine [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont [0 1 0 0 0] UpdatePen [0 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush 1 UpdateBkMode [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor (G4RegularXrayTRmodel) 648 -0.00 124 1717 TextOut [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor 2 UpdateBkMode [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 1 153 0 51] UpdatePen /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [1 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush 123 1735 772 1803 FillRectangle 123 1735 772 1803 RectangleOutLine 123 1763 772 1803 FillRectangle 123 1763 772 1803 RectangleOutLine [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 255 255 255 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 0 0 0 0] UpdatePen [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 1 153 0 51] UpdatePen 816 1655 1383 1816 FillRectangle 816 1655 1383 1816 RectangleOutLine [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont [0 1 0 0 0] UpdatePen [0 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush 1 UpdateBkMode [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor (G4FoamXrayTRmodel) 551 -0.00 825 1712 TextOut [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor 2 UpdateBkMode [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 1 153 0 51] UpdatePen /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [1 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush 816 1730 1383 1816 FillRectangle 816 1730 1383 1816 RectangleOutLine 816 1758 1383 1816 FillRectangle 816 1758 1383 1816 RectangleOutLine [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 255 255 255 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 0 0 0 0] UpdatePen [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 1 153 0 51] UpdatePen 1163 1903 1980 2064 FillRectangle 1163 1903 1980 2064 RectangleOutLine [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont [0 1 0 0 0] UpdatePen [0 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush 1 UpdateBkMode [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor (G4PlateIrrGasXrayTRmodel) 778 -0.00 1183 1960 TextOut [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor 2 UpdateBkMode [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 1 153 0 51] UpdatePen /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [1 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush 1163 1978 1980 2064 FillRectangle 1163 1978 1980 2064 RectangleOutLine 1163 2006 1980 2064 FillRectangle 1163 2006 1980 2064 RectangleOutLine [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 255 255 255 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 0 0 0 0] UpdatePen [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 1 153 0 51] UpdatePen 1459 1657 2132 1806 FillRectangle 1459 1657 2132 1806 RectangleOutLine [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont [0 1 0 0 0] UpdatePen [0 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush 1 UpdateBkMode [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor (G4GamDistXrayTRmodel) 648 -0.00 1472 1714 TextOut [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor 2 UpdateBkMode [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 1 153 0 51] UpdatePen /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [1 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush 1459 1732 2132 1806 FillRectangle 1459 1732 2132 1806 RectangleOutLine 1459 1760 2132 1806 FillRectangle 1459 1760 2132 1806 RectangleOutLine [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 255 255 255 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 0 0 0 0] UpdatePen [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 1 153 0 51] UpdatePen 509 1124 1682 1379 FillRectangle 509 1124 1682 1379 RectangleOutLine [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont [0 1 0 0 0] UpdatePen [0 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush 1 UpdateBkMode [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor (G4VXrayTRadModel) 519 -0.00 837 1181 TextOut [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor 2 UpdateBkMode [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 1 153 0 51] UpdatePen /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 43 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [1 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush 509 1199 1682 1379 FillRectangle 509 1199 1682 1379 RectangleOutLine 509 1222 1682 1379 FillRectangle 509 1222 1682 1379 RectangleOutLine [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 43 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 43 0 MwSetFont [0 1 0 0 0] UpdatePen [0 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush 1 UpdateBkMode [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor [0 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor 1 UpdateBkMode pop pop 16 16 initclip newpath 16 16 2346 3261 RectanglePath clip newpath [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor initclip newpath 518 1251 1677 1297 RectanglePath clip newpath (<> GetStackFactor\(\) : G4double) 1151 -0.00 518 1286 TextOut initclip newpath 16 16 2346 3261 RectanglePath clip newpath [0 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor 1 UpdateBkMode pop pop 16 16 initclip newpath 16 16 2346 3261 RectanglePath clip newpath [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor 2 UpdateBkMode [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 1 153 0 51] UpdatePen /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 255 255 255 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 0 0 0 0] UpdatePen [1 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 1 153 0 51] UpdatePen pop pop 800 1912 800 1380 LineTo [0 255 255 255 0 <>] UpdateBrush 778 1440 822 1440 800 1380 3 Polygon [1 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 255 255 255 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 0 0 0 0] UpdatePen [1 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 1 153 0 51] UpdatePen pop pop 1050 1655 1050 1380 LineTo [0 255 255 255 0 <>] UpdateBrush 1028 1440 1072 1440 1050 1380 3 Polygon [1 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 255 255 255 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 0 0 0 0] UpdatePen [1 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 1 153 0 51] UpdatePen pop pop 1600 1657 1600 1380 LineTo [0 255 255 255 0 <>] UpdateBrush 1578 1440 1622 1440 1600 1380 3 Polygon [1 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 255 255 255 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 0 0 0 0] UpdatePen [1 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 1 153 0 51] UpdatePen pop pop 1422 1903 1422 1380 LineTo [0 255 255 255 0 <>] UpdateBrush 1400 1440 1444 1440 1422 1380 3 Polygon [1 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 255 255 255 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 0 0 0 0] UpdatePen [1 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 1 153 0 51] UpdatePen pop pop 613 1660 613 1380 LineTo [0 255 255 255 0 <>] UpdateBrush 591 1440 635 1440 613 1380 3 Polygon [1 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 255 255 255 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 0 0 0 0] UpdatePen initclip newpath 0 0 2362 3389 RectanglePath clip newpath %pop pop 166 3261 %766 3261 LineTo %/Courier 35 0 MwSetFont %/Courier 38 0 MwSetFont %/Courier 35 0 MwSetFont %() 2041 -0.00 166 3296 TextOut %() 758 -0.00 166 3333 TextOut initclip newpath 0 0 2362 3389 RectanglePath clip newpath /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont pop pop % pop out coordinates for current pen position showpage %%EndDocument @endspecial 1729 5201 a Fh(Fig.)51 b(5)1828 5848 y Fz(15)p eop %%Page: 16 17 16 16 bop 257 4998 a @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly 567 @urx 567 @ury 4252 @rwi 2834 @rhi @setspecial %%BeginDocument: fig6.eps /max{2 copy lt{exch}if pop}bind def /ErrHandler{ /errhelpdict 12 dict def errhelpdict begin /stackunderflow (operand stack underflow) def /undefined (this name is not defined in a dictionary) def /VMerror (you have used up all the printer's memory) def /typecheck (operator was expecting a different type of operand) def /ioerror (input/output error occured) def end errordict begin /handleerror { $error begin newerror {/newerror false def showpage initgraphics 72 72 scale /x .25 def /y 9.6 def /Helvetica findfont .2 scalefont setfont x y moveto (Offending Command = ) show /command load {dup type /stringtype ne{100 string cvs}if show}exec /y y .2 sub def x y moveto(Error = ) show /MyError errorname def errorname{dup type dup( max err string )cvs show ( : )show/stringtype ne{( max err string )cvs}if show}exec errordict begin errhelpdict MyError known {x 1 add y .2 sub moveto errhelpdict errorname get show}if end /y y .4 sub def x y moveto (Stack =) show ostack {/y y .2 sub def x 1 add y moveto dup type /stringtype ne{( max err string )cvs}if show}forall showpage}if end}def end} bind def ErrHandler /cm { 300 mul 2.54 div } def /PageHeight 28.7 cm def /PageWidth 20.0 cm def /LineSpace 0.05 cm def /TmpPenArray 5 array def /PenArray 5 array def /lpStyle 0 def /lpWidth 1 def /lpRed 2 def /lpGreen 3 def /lpBlue 4 def /BrushArray 6 array def /lbStyle 0 def /lbRed 1 def /lbGreen 2 def /lbBlue 3 def /lbHatchStyle 4 def /lpPattern 5 def /BkColorArray 5 array def /bkRed 0 def /bkGreen 1 def /bkBlue 2 def /TextColorArray 3 array def /TextRed 0 def /TextGreen 1 def /TextBlue 2 def /PenDashArray [ [] [0.2 cm 0.1 cm] [0.1 cm 0.1 cm] [0.3 cm 0.1 cm 0.1 cm 0.1 cm] [0.3 cm 0.1 cm 0.1 cm 0.1 cm 0.1 cm 0.1 cm] [] [] ] def /HatchStyleArray [ {HS_HORIZ} {HS_VERT} {HS_BDIAG} {HS_FDIAG} {HS_CROSS} {HS_DIAGCROSS} ] def /UpdatePen {/PenArray exch def /PenWidthMemo PenArray lpWidth get def } def /UpdateBrush {/BrushArray exch def} def /UpdateBkColor {/BkColorArray exch def} def /UpdateBkMode {/BkMode exch def} def /UpdateTextColor {/TextColorArray exch def} def /HS_HORIZ {0 LineSpace PageHeight { /i exch def 0 i MyMatrix itransform moveto PageWidth i MyMatrix idtransform lineto } for stroke } def /HS_VERT {0 LineSpace PageWidth { /i exch def i 0 MyMatrix itransform moveto i PageHeight MyMatrix idtransform lineto } for stroke } def /HS_CROSS { HS_HORIZ HS_VERT } def /HS_FDIAG {0 PageHeight sub LineSpace 3.5 mul PageWidth { /i exch def i 0 MyMatrix itransform moveto i PageHeight add PageHeight MyMatrix idtransform lineto } for stroke } def /HS_BDIAG {0 LineSpace 3.5 mul PageWidth PageHeight add { /i exch def i 0 MyMatrix itransform moveto i PageHeight sub PageHeight MyMatrix idtransform lineto } for stroke } def /HS_DIAGCROSS { HS_FDIAG HS_BDIAG } def /StrokeWithPen {/join exch def /Penwidth PenArray lpWidth get def Penwidth setlinewidth Penwidth 1 le { 0 setlinecap } { Penwidth 5 gt { 1 setlinecap } { 2 setlinecap } ifelse } ifelse join { Penwidth 5 le {0 setlinejoin 3 setmiterlimit} { Penwidth 8 gt { 1 setlinejoin } { 2 setlinejoin } ifelse } ifelse } if join LineJoin -1 ne and {SetLineJoin setlinejoin} if join MiterLimit -1 ne and {MiterLimit miterlimit} if PenArray lpRed get 255 div PenArray lpGreen get 255 div PenArray lpBlue get 255 div setrgbcolor /PenStyle PenArray lpStyle get def PenStyle 5 lt { PenDashArray PenStyle get 0 setdash stroke } { PenStyle 6 eq { [] 0 setdash stroke } {newpath} ifelse } ifelse join {0 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit} if } def /FillWithBkColor { gsave BkColorArray bkRed get 255 div BkColorArray bkGreen get 255 div BkColorArray bkBlue get 255 div setrgbcolor fill grestore } def /FillWithBrush {/BrushStyle BrushArray lbStyle get def BrushStyle 2 eq dup BrushStyle 0 eq or { BrushArray lbRed get 255 div BrushArray lbGreen get 255 div BrushArray lbBlue get 255 div setrgbcolor { gsave BkMode 2 eq {FillWithBkColor} if clip PenArray lpWidth get PenWidthMemo dup 0 ne {div} {pop} ifelse setlinewidth HatchStyleArray BrushArray lbHatchStyle get get exec grestore } { fill } ifelse } {BrushStyle 3 eq {BrushArray 5 get p SHR gsave clip /Tmp save def pfill Tmp restore grestore} {pop}ifelse } ifelse } def /Fill&Stroke { gsave FillWithBrush grestore StrokeWithPen } def /patfont 10 dict def patfont begin /FontType 3 def /FontMatrix [1 0 0 -1 0 0] def /FontBBox [0 0 16 16] def/Encoding StandardEncoding def /BuildChar{pop pop 16 0 0 0 16 16 setcachedevice 16 16 false [1 0 0 1 .25 .25]{pat}imagemask}bind def end /p{/pat 32 string def {}forall 0 1 7{dup 2 mul pat exch 3 index put dup 2 mul 1 add pat exch 3 index put dup 2 mul 16 add pat exch 3 index put 2 mul 17 add pat exch 2 index put pop}for}bind def /AU{1 add cvi 15 or}bind def /AD{1 sub cvi -16 and}bind def /SHR{pathbbox AU/Y1 exch def AU/X1 exch def AD/Y0 exch def AD/X0 exch def}bind def /M /moveto load def /pfill{/PatFont patfont definefont setfont/ch(AAAA)def X0 64 X1{Y1 -16 Y0{1 index exch M ch show}for pop}for}bind def /LineTo { /y exch def /x exch def moveto x y lineto currentpoint false StrokeWithPen } def /RectanglePath { 3 index 3 index moveto 3 index 1 index lineto 1 index 1 index lineto 1 index 3 index lineto 3 index 3 index lineto pop pop pop pop closepath} def /RectanglePathBackwards { 3 index 3 index moveto 1 index 3 index lineto 1 index 1 index lineto 3 index 1 index lineto 3 index 3 index lineto pop pop pop pop closepath} def /EllipticPath {matrix currentmatrix dup 3 index 6 index sub 2 div 3 index 6 index sub 2 div 7 index 2 index add 7 index 2 index add matrix translate 3 1 roll matrix scale exch matrix concatmatrix exch matrix concatmatrix setmatrix 1 0 moveto 0 0 1 360 0 arcn closepath setmatrix pop pop pop pop }def /EllipticPathBackwards {matrix currentmatrix dup 3 index 6 index sub 2 div 3 index 6 index sub 2 div 7 index 2 index add 7 index 2 index add matrix translate 3 1 roll matrix scale exch matrix concatmatrix exch matrix concatmatrix setmatrix 1 0 moveto 0 0 1 0 360 arc closepath setmatrix pop pop pop pop }def /RectangleOutLine {/y2 exch def /x2 exch def /y1 exch def /x1 exch def newpath x1 y1 moveto x2 y1 lineto x2 y2 lineto x1 y2 lineto closepath false StrokeWithPen } def /FillRectangle {/y2 exch def /x2 exch def /y1 exch def /x1 exch def /MyMatrix matrix def newpath x1 y1 moveto x2 y1 lineto x2 y2 lineto x1 y2 lineto closepath FillWithBrush} def /FrameRectangle {/y2 exch def /x2 exch def /y1 exch def /x1 exch def /MyMatrix matrix def /x1 x1 0.5 sub def /x2 x2 0.5 add def /y2 y2 0.5 sub def /y1 y1 0.5 add def newpath x1 y1 moveto x2 y1 lineto x2 y2 lineto x1 y2 lineto x1 y1 lineto /x1 x1 1 add def /x2 x2 1 sub def /y2 y2 1 add def /y1 y1 1 sub def x1 y1 moveto x1 y2 lineto x2 y2 lineto x2 y1 lineto x1 y1 lineto closepath FillWithBrush} def /Polygon {/MyMatrix matrix def newpath PolylineArray PolylineMode 1 sub get exec closepath true Fill&Stroke } def /FillPolygon {/MyMatrix matrix def newpath PolylineArray PolylineMode 1 sub get exec closepath FillWithBrush } def /PolylineArray [ {DrawPolyline} {Bezier} ] def /Polyline {PolylineArray PolylineMode 1 sub get exec pop pop currentpoint true StrokeWithPen } def /Bezier {/nbPoint exch def /nbCurves nbPoint 1 sub 3 idiv def /nbLeft nbPoint 1 sub nbCurves 3 mul sub def moveto 1 1 nbCurves { pop 4 2 roll 6 -2 roll curveto } for nbLeft 1 eq { lineto } {nbLeft 2 eq { 4 2 roll 2 copy curveto } if } ifelse } def /DrawPolyline {/nbPoint exch def moveto 1 1 nbPoint 1 sub { pop lineto } for } def /Ellipse {gsave /Dy exch def /Dx exch def /Cy exch def /Cx exch def Cx Cy translate Dx Dy scale /MyMatrix Dx Dy matrix scale Cx Cy matrix translate matrix concatmatrix def newpath 0 0 1 0 360 arc closepath 1 Dx div 1 Dy div scale 0 Cx sub 0 Cy sub translate false Fill&Stroke grestore } def /FillEllipse {gsave /Dy exch def /Dx exch def /Cy exch def /Cx exch def Cx Cy translate Dx Dy scale /MyMatrix Dx Dy matrix scale Cx Cy matrix translate matrix concatmatrix def newpath 0 0 1 0 360 arc closepath FillWithBrush grestore } def /Arc { gsave /ang1 exch def /ang2 exch def /Dy exch def /Dx exch def /Cy exch def /Cx exch def Cx Cy translate Dx Dy scale 1 -1 scale newpath ClockWise {0 0 1 ang2 ang1 narc} {0 0 1 ang2 ang1 arc} ifelse 1 -1 scale 1 Dx div 1 Dy div scale 0 Cx sub 0 Cy sub translate false StrokeWithPen grestore } def /Pie {gsave /ang1 exch def /ang2 exch def /Dy exch def /Dx exch def /Cy exch def /Cx exch def Cx Cy translate Dx Dy scale 1 -1 scale /MyMatrix Dx Dy matrix scale Cx Cy matrix translate matrix concatmatrix def newpath 0 0 moveto ClockWise {0 0 1 ang2 ang1 narc} {0 0 1 ang2 ang1 arc} ifelse closepath 1 -1 scale 1 Dx div 1 Dy div scale 0 Cx sub 0 Cy sub translate true Fill&Stroke grestore } def /Chord {gsave /ang1 exch def /ang2 exch def /Dy exch def /Dx exch def /Cy exch def /Cx exch def Cx Cy translate Dx Dy scale 1 -1 scale /MyMatrix Dx Dy matrix scale Cx Cy matrix translate matrix concatmatrix def newpath ClockWise {0 0 1 ang2 ang1 narc} {0 0 1 ang2 ang1 arc} ifelse closepath 1 -1 scale 1 Dx div 1 Dy div scale 0 Cx sub 0 Cy sub translate true Fill&Stroke grestore } def /min {1 index 1 index le { pop} {exch pop} ifelse } def /RoundRectangle {/r2 exch def /r1 exch def /y2 exch def /x2 exch def /y1 exch def /x1 exch def y2 2 div r2 min cvi /r2 exch def x2 2 div r1 min cvi /r1 exch def /width x2 r1 idiv def /height y2 r2 idiv def gsave x1 y1 translate r1 r2 scale 1 -1 scale /MyMatrix r1 r2 matrix scale x1 y1 matrix translate matrix concatmatrix def newpath 1 1 1 180 270 arc width 1 sub 0 lineto width 1 sub 1 1 270 0 arc width height 1 sub lineto width 1 sub height 1 sub 1 0 90 arc 1 height lineto 1 height 1 sub 1 90 180 arc closepath PenArray TmpPenArray copy pop PenArray lpWidth PenArray lpWidth get r1 abs r2 abs add 2 div div put false Fill&Stroke TmpPenArray PenArray copy pop grestore } def /TextOut {TextColorArray 0 get 255 div TextColorArray 1 get 255 div TextColorArray 2 get 255 div setrgbcolor gsave translate rotate 0 0 moveto /expwidth exch def dup stringwidth pop expwidth exch div -1 scale show pop pop currentpoint grestore} def /EncodingDict 256 dict def EncodingDict begin 0 [/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /space /exclam /quotedbl /numbersign /dollar /percent /ampersand /quotesingle /parenleft /parenright /asterisk /plus /comma /hyphen /period /slash /zero /one /two /three /four /five /six /seven /eight /nine /colon /semicolon /less /equal /greater /question /at /A /B /C /D /E /F /G /H /I /J /K /L /M /N /O /P /Q /R /S /T /U /V /W /X /Y /Z /bracketleft /backslash /bracketright /asciicircum /underscore /grave /a /b /c /d /e /f /g /h /i /j /k /l /m /n /o /p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w /x /y /z /braceleft /bar /braceright /asciitilde /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /quotesinglbase /florin /quotedblbase /ellipsis /dagger /daggerdbl /circumflex /perthousand /Scaron /guilsinglleft /OE /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /quoteleft /quoteright /quotedblleft /quotedblright /bullet /endash /emdash /tilde /trademark /scaron /guilsinglright /oe /.notdef /.notdef /Ydieresis /.notdef /exclamdown /cent /sterling /currency /yen /brokenbar /section /dieresis /copyright /ordfeminine /guillemotleft /logicalnot /hyphen /registered /macron /degree /plusminus /twosuperior /threesuperior /acute /mu /paragraph /periodcentered /cedilla /onesuperior /ordmasculine /guillemotright /onequarter /onehalf /threequarters /questiondown /Agrave /Aacute /Acircumflex /Atilde /Adieresis /Aring /AE /Ccedilla /Egrave /Eacute /Ecircumflex /Edieresis /Igrave /Iacute /Icircumflex /Idieresis /Eth /Ntilde /Ograve /Oacute /Ocircumflex /Otilde /Odieresis /multiply /Oslash /Ugrave /Uacute /Ucircumflex /Udieresis /Yacute /Thorn /germandbls /agrave /aacute /acircumflex /atilde /adieresis /aring /ae /ccedilla /egrave /eacute /ecircumflex /edieresis /igrave /iacute /icircumflex /idieresis /eth /ntilde /ograve /oacute /ocircumflex /otilde /odieresis /divide /oslash /ugrave /uacute /ucircumflex /udieresis /yacute /thorn /ydieresis] def end /fntdict 100 dict def /MwScaleAndSetFont { 2 index findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall dup EncodingDict exch known {EncodingDict exch get /Encoding exch def} {pop} ifelse currentdict end /font0 exch definefont exch scalefont setfont pop } def /MwSetFont { % look in cache of scaled fonts 1 index /askedsize exch def 2 index /askedname exch def fntdict askedname known { % font name found in cache - what about the size /fntszdict fntdict askedname get def fntszdict askedsize known { % font size found in cache fntszdict askedsize get setfont pop pop pop } { MwScaleAndSetFont fntszdict askedsize currentfont put } ifelse } { % not found in cache MwScaleAndSetFont /fntszdict 200 dict def fntszdict askedsize currentfont put fntdict askedname fntszdict put } ifelse } def /DisplayBB {gsave initgraphics 72 300 div 72 300 div scale 0 3507 translate 1 -1 scale 1 setlinewidth 1 0 0 setrgbcolor /y2 exch def /x2 exch def /y1 exch def /x1 exch def newpath x1 y1 moveto x2 y1 lineto x2 y2 lineto x1 y2 lineto closepath stroke grestore } def [{ 6 statusdict /setpapertray get exec } stopped cleartomark [{ A4 } stopped cleartomark initgraphics 0.500000 72 mul 2.54 div 0.500000 72 mul 2.54 div translate /ClockWise false def /LineJoin -1 def /MiterLimit -1 def /PolylineMode 1 def /LineCap 0 def [0 0 0 0 0] UpdatePen [0 255 255 255 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 0 0] UpdateTextColor [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor 2 UpdateBkMode 0 0 % All the numbers (for positions, length or font size) given % in this file are expressed in pixels, but interpreted by % Postscript as points (1/72 inch)! % -->so scale accordingly! 72 300 div 72 300 div scale % So that (0, 0) is at top-left corner of paper sheet (takes postscript scaling into account too) 0 3389 translate 1 -1 scale /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont initclip newpath 16 16 2346 3261 RectanglePath clip newpath [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 1 153 0 51] UpdatePen 1530 649 2085 854 FillRectangle 1530 649 2085 854 RectangleOutLine [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont [0 1 0 0 0] UpdatePen [0 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush 1 UpdateBkMode [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor (G4IrregularXTRdEdx) 584 -0.00 1517 706 TextOut [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor 2 UpdateBkMode [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 1 153 0 51] UpdatePen /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [1 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush 1530 724 2085 854 FillRectangle 1530 724 2085 854 RectangleOutLine 1530 752 2085 854 FillRectangle 1530 752 2085 854 RectangleOutLine [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 255 255 255 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 0 0 0 0] UpdatePen [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 1 153 0 51] UpdatePen 154 646 765 857 FillRectangle 154 646 765 857 RectangleOutLine [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont [0 1 0 0 0] UpdatePen [0 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush 1 UpdateBkMode [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor (G4RegularXTRdEdx) 519 -0.00 201 703 TextOut [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor 2 UpdateBkMode [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 1 153 0 51] UpdatePen /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [1 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush 154 721 765 857 FillRectangle 154 721 765 857 RectangleOutLine 154 749 765 857 FillRectangle 154 749 765 857 RectangleOutLine [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 255 255 255 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 0 0 0 0] UpdatePen [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 1 153 0 51] UpdatePen 876 657 1419 862 FillRectangle 876 657 1419 862 RectangleOutLine [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont [0 1 0 0 0] UpdatePen [0 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush 1 UpdateBkMode [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor (G4FoamXTRdEdx) 421 -0.00 937 714 TextOut [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor 2 UpdateBkMode [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 1 153 0 51] UpdatePen /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [1 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush 876 732 1419 862 FillRectangle 876 732 1419 862 RectangleOutLine 876 760 1419 862 FillRectangle 876 760 1419 862 RectangleOutLine [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 255 255 255 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 0 0 0 0] UpdatePen [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 1 153 0 51] UpdatePen 1057 959 1750 1176 FillRectangle 1057 959 1750 1176 RectangleOutLine [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont [0 1 0 0 0] UpdatePen [0 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush 1 UpdateBkMode [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor (G4PlateIrrGasXTRdEdx) 648 -0.00 1080 1016 TextOut [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor 2 UpdateBkMode [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 1 153 0 51] UpdatePen /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [1 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush 1057 1034 1750 1176 FillRectangle 1057 1034 1750 1176 RectangleOutLine 1057 1062 1750 1176 FillRectangle 1057 1062 1750 1176 RectangleOutLine [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 255 255 255 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 0 0 0 0] UpdatePen [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 1 153 0 51] UpdatePen 269 953 898 1158 FillRectangle 269 953 898 1158 RectangleOutLine [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont [0 1 0 0 0] UpdatePen [0 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush 1 UpdateBkMode [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor (G4GamDistXTRdEdx) 519 -0.00 325 1010 TextOut [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor 2 UpdateBkMode [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 1 153 0 51] UpdatePen /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [1 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush 269 1028 898 1158 FillRectangle 269 1028 898 1158 RectangleOutLine 269 1056 898 1158 FillRectangle 269 1056 898 1158 RectangleOutLine [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 255 255 255 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 0 0 0 0] UpdatePen [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 1 153 0 51] UpdatePen 483 188 1700 443 FillRectangle 483 188 1700 443 RectangleOutLine [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont [0 1 0 0 0] UpdatePen [0 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush 1 UpdateBkMode [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor (G4VXTRdEdx) 519 -0.00 833 245 TextOut [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor 2 UpdateBkMode [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 1 153 0 51] UpdatePen /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 43 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [1 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush 483 263 1700 443 FillRectangle 483 263 1700 443 RectangleOutLine 483 286 1700 443 FillRectangle 483 286 1700 443 RectangleOutLine [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 43 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 43 0 MwSetFont [0 1 0 0 0] UpdatePen [0 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush 1 UpdateBkMode [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor [0 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor 1 UpdateBkMode pop pop 16 16 initclip newpath 16 16 2346 3261 RectanglePath clip newpath [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor initclip newpath 492 315 1695 361 RectanglePath clip newpath (<> GetStackFactor\(\) : G4double) 1151 -0.00 492 350 TextOut initclip newpath 16 16 2346 3261 RectanglePath clip newpath [0 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor 1 UpdateBkMode pop pop 16 16 initclip newpath 16 16 2346 3261 RectanglePath clip newpath [255 255 255] UpdateBkColor 2 UpdateBkMode [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 1 153 0 51] UpdatePen /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont /Courier 54 0 MwSetFont /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont [0 255 255 204 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 255 255 255 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 0 0 0 0] UpdatePen [1 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 1 153 0 51] UpdatePen pop pop 1285 657 1285 444 LineTo [0 255 255 255 0 <>] UpdateBrush 1263 504 1307 504 1285 444 3 Polygon [1 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 255 255 255 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 0 0 0 0] UpdatePen [1 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 1 153 0 51] UpdatePen pop pop 691 646 691 444 LineTo [0 255 255 255 0 <>] UpdateBrush 669 504 713 504 691 444 3 Polygon [1 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 255 255 255 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 0 0 0 0] UpdatePen [1 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 1 153 0 51] UpdatePen pop pop 1559 649 1559 444 LineTo [0 255 255 255 0 <>] UpdateBrush 1537 504 1581 504 1559 444 3 Polygon [1 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 255 255 255 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 0 0 0 0] UpdatePen [1 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 1 153 0 51] UpdatePen pop pop 835 953 835 444 LineTo [0 255 255 255 0 <>] UpdateBrush 813 504 857 504 835 444 3 Polygon [1 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 255 255 255 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 0 0 0 0] UpdatePen [1 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 1 153 0 51] UpdatePen pop pop 1466 959 1466 444 LineTo [0 255 255 255 0 <>] UpdateBrush 1444 504 1488 504 1466 444 3 Polygon [1 0 0 0 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 255 255 255 0 <>] UpdateBrush [0 0 0 0 0] UpdatePen initclip newpath 0 0 2362 3389 RectanglePath clip newpath %pop pop 166 3261 %766 3261 LineTo %/Courier 35 0 MwSetFont %/Courier 38 0 MwSetFont %/Courier 35 0 MwSetFont %() 2125 -0.00 166 3296 TextOut %() 568 -0.00 166 3333 TextOut initclip newpath 0 0 2362 3389 RectanglePath clip newpath /Courier 38 0 MwSetFont pop pop % pop out coordinates for current pen position showpage %%EndDocument @endspecial 1729 5201 a Fh(Fig.)51 b(6)1828 5848 y Fz(16)p eop %%Page: 17 18 17 17 bop 963 1827 1897 4 v 963 3245 4 1418 v 2856 3245 V 963 3248 1897 4 v 1557 1709 a Ft(G4En)l(v)l(elop)t(e)p 494 2538 2835 4 v 3246 2536 a Fg(-)375 2489 y FA(Inciden)m(t)375 2630 y(particle)87 b Ff(p)907 2648 y Fd(1)2903 2630 y Ff(p)2962 2648 y Fd(2)3210 2489 y Ft(v)1675 2536 y Fg(\030)1758 2515 y(\030)1841 2494 y(\030)1924 2474 y(\030)2007 2453 y(\030)2090 2432 y(\030)2173 2411 y(\030)2256 2391 y(\030)2339 2370 y(\030)2422 2349 y(\030)2505 2328 y(\030)2588 2308 y(\030)2671 2287 y(\030)2754 2266 y(\030)2837 2245 y(\030)2920 2225 y(\030)3003 2204 y(\030)3009 2202 y(\030)-83 b(:)1675 2630 y Ff(g)1731 2648 y Fd(1)2903 2300 y Ff(g)2959 2318 y Fd(2)2974 2158 y FA(XTR)38 b(photon)p 1084 3008 12 945 v 1131 3008 V 1179 3008 V 1226 3008 V 1273 3008 V 1061 1993 a(F)-10 b(oils)1557 2182 y(XTR)38 b(radiator)1793 3008 y Fe(q)30 b(q)g(q)h(q)f(q)p 2501 3008 V 2549 3008 V 2596 3008 V 2643 3008 V 2690 3008 V 1729 4091 a Fh(Fig.)51 b(7)1828 5848 y Fz(17)p eop %%Page: 18 19 18 18 bop 963 1827 1897 4 v 963 3245 4 1418 v 2856 3245 V 963 3248 1897 4 v 1557 1709 a Ft(G4En)l(v)l(elop)t(e)p 494 2538 2835 4 v 3246 2536 a Fg(-)375 2489 y FA(Inciden)m(t)375 2630 y(particle)87 b Ff(p)907 2648 y Fd(1)2903 2630 y Ff(p)2962 2648 y Fd(2)3210 2489 y Ft(v)1675 2536 y Fg(\030)1733 2521 y(\030)-83 b(:)1675 2536 y Fe(r)1651 2630 y Ff(g)1707 2648 y Fd(1)p 1084 3008 12 945 v 1131 3008 V 1179 3008 V 1226 3008 V 1273 3008 V 1061 1993 a FA(F)-10 b(oils)1557 2182 y(XTR)38 b(radiator)1793 3008 y Fe(q)30 b(q)g(q)h(q)f(q)p 2501 3008 V 2549 3008 V 2596 3008 V 2643 3008 V 2690 3008 V 1729 4091 a Fh(Fig.)51 b(8)1828 5848 y Fz(18)p eop %%Page: 19 20 19 19 bop 257 4998 a @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly 567 @urx 567 @ury 4252 @rwi 4252 @rhi @setspecial %%BeginDocument: fig9.eps 80 dict begin /s {stroke} def /l {lineto} def /m {moveto} def /t {translate} def /sw {stringwidth} def /r {rotate} def /rl {roll} def /R {repeat} def /d {rlineto} def /rm {rmoveto} def /gr {grestore} def /f {eofill} def /c {setrgbcolor} def /lw {setlinewidth} def /sd {setdash} def /cl {closepath} def /sf {scalefont setfont} def /black {0 setgray} def /box {m dup 0 exch d exch 0 d 0 exch neg d cl} def /NC{systemdict begin initclip end}def/C{NC box clip newpath}def /bl {box s} def /bf {box f} def /Y { 0 exch d} def /X { 0 d} def /mp {newpath /y exch def /x exch def} def /side {[w .77 mul w .23 mul] .385 w mul sd w 0 l currentpoint t -144 r} def /mr {mp x y w2 0 360 arc} def /m24 {mr s} def /m20 {mr f} def /mb {mp x y w2 add m w2 neg 0 d 0 w neg d w 0 d 0 w d cl} def /mt {mp x y w2 add m w2 neg w neg d w 0 d cl} def /m21 {mb f} def /m25 {mb s} def /m22 {mt f} def /m26 {mt s} def /m23 {mp x y w2 sub m w2 w d w neg 0 d cl f} def /m27 {mp x y w2 add m w3 neg w2 neg d w3 w2 neg d w3 w2 d cl s} def /m28 {mp x w2 sub y w2 sub w3 add m w3 0 d 0 w3 neg d w3 0 d 0 w3 d w3 0 d 0 w3 d w3 neg 0 d 0 w3 d w3 neg 0 d 0 w3 neg d w3 neg 0 d cl s } def /m29 {mp gsave x w2 sub y w2 add w3 sub m currentpoint t 4 {side} repeat cl fill gr} def /m30 {mp gsave x w2 sub y w2 add w3 sub m currentpoint t 5 {side} repeat s gr} def /m31 {mp x y w2 sub m 0 w d x w2 sub y m w 0 d x w2 sub y w2 add m w w neg d x w2 sub y w2 sub m w w d s} def /m2 {mp x y w2 sub m 0 w d x w2 sub y m w 0 d s} def /m5 {mp x w2 sub y w2 sub m w w d x w2 sub y w2 add m w w neg d s} def /reencdict 24 dict def /ReEncode {reencdict begin /nco&na exch def /nfnam exch def /basefontname exch def /basefontdict basefontname findfont def /newfont basefontdict maxlength dict def basefontdict {exch dup /FID ne {dup /Encoding eq {exch dup length array copy newfont 3 1 roll put} {exch newfont 3 1 roll put} ifelse} {pop pop} ifelse } forall newfont /FontName nfnam put nco&na aload pop nco&na length 2 idiv {newfont /Encoding get 3 1 roll put} repeat nfnam newfont definefont pop end } def /accvec [ 176 /agrave 181 /Agrave 190 /acircumflex 192 /Acircumflex 201 /adieresis 204 /Adieresis 209 /ccedilla 210 /Ccedilla 211 /eacute 212 /Eacute 213 /egrave 214 /Egrave 215 /ecircumflex 216 /Ecircumflex 217 /edieresis 218 /Edieresis 219 /icircumflex 220 /Icircumflex 221 /idieresis 222 /Idieresis 223 /ntilde 224 /Ntilde 226 /ocircumflex 228 /Ocircumflex 229 /odieresis 230 /Odieresis 231 /ucircumflex 236 /Ucircumflex 237 /udieresis 238 /Udieresis 239 /aring 242 /Aring 243 /ydieresis 244 /Ydieresis 246 /aacute 247 /Aacute 252 /ugrave 253 /Ugrave] def /Times-Roman /Times-Roman accvec ReEncode /Times-Italic /Times-Italic accvec ReEncode /Times-Bold /Times-Bold accvec ReEncode /Times-BoldItalic /Times-BoldItalic accvec ReEncode /Helvetica /Helvetica accvec ReEncode /Helvetica-Oblique /Helvetica-Oblique accvec ReEncode /Helvetica-Bold /Helvetica-Bold accvec ReEncode /Helvetica-BoldOblique /Helvetica-BoldOblique accvec ReEncode /Courier /Courier accvec ReEncode /Courier-Oblique /Courier-Oblique accvec ReEncode /Courier-Bold /Courier-Bold accvec ReEncode /Courier-BoldOblique /Courier-BoldOblique accvec ReEncode /oshow {gsave [] 0 sd true charpath stroke gr} def /stwn { /fs exch def /fn exch def /text exch def fn findfont fs sf text sw pop xs add /xs exch def} def /stwb { /fs exch def /fn exch def /nbas exch def /textf exch def textf length /tlen exch def nbas tlen gt {/nbas tlen def} if fn findfont fs sf textf dup length nbas sub nbas getinterval sw pop neg xs add /xs exch def} def /accspe [ 65 /plusminus 66 /bar 67 /existential 68 /universal 69 /exclam 70 /numbersign 71 /greater 72 /question 73 /integral 74 /colon 75 /semicolon 76 /less 77 /bracketleft 78 /bracketright 79 /greaterequal 80 /braceleft 81 /braceright 82 /radical 83 /spade 84 /heart 85 /diamond 86 /club 87 /lessequal 88 /multiply 89 /percent 90 /infinity 48 /circlemultiply 49 /circleplus 50 /emptyset 51 /lozenge 52 /bullet 53 /arrowright 54 /arrowup 55 /arrowleft 56 /arrowdown 57 /arrowboth 48 /degree 44 /comma 43 /plus 45 /angle 42 /angleleft 47 /divide 61 /notequal 40 /equivalence 41 /second 97 /approxequal 98 /congruent 99 /perpendicular 100 /partialdiff 101 /florin 102 /intersection 103 /union 104 /propersuperset 105 /reflexsuperset 106 /notsubset 107 /propersubset 108 /reflexsubset 109 /element 110 /notelement 111 /gradient 112 /logicaland 113 /logicalor 114 /arrowdblboth 115 /arrowdblleft 116 /arrowdblup 117 /arrowdblright 118 /arrowdbldown 119 /ampersand 120 /omega1 121 /similar 122 /aleph ] def /Symbol /Special accspe ReEncode gsave .25 .25 scale gsave 0 0 t black [] 0 sd 1 lw 1849 1837 306 261 bl 1849 1837 306 261 C 2268 2268 0 0 C /xs 0 def (Energy Loss and X-ray TR: 0.3 Xe + 0.55 He + 0.15 CH) /Times-Bold 70 stwn (4) /Times-Bold 49 stwn ( , 5 cm \(STP\)) /Times-Bold 70 stwn gsave 1134 2164 t 0 r xs 2 div neg 0 t 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 70 sf 0 0 m (Energy Loss and X-ray TR: 0.3 Xe + 0.55 He + 0.15 CH) show currentpoint pop 0 t /Times-Bold findfont 49 sf 0 -23 m (4) show currentpoint pop 0 t /Times-Bold findfont 70 sf 0 0 m ( , 5 cm \(STP\)) show gr 1849 1837 306 261 C NC 306 261 m 1837 Y s 340 261 m -34 X s 323 307 m -17 X s 323 353 m -17 X s 323 399 m -17 X s 340 445 m -34 X s 323 490 m -17 X s 323 536 m -17 X s 323 582 m -17 X s 340 628 m -34 X s 323 674 m -17 X s 323 720 m -17 X s 323 766 m -17 X s 340 812 m -34 X s 323 858 m -17 X s 323 904 m -17 X s 323 950 m -17 X s 340 996 m -34 X s 323 1042 m -17 X s 323 1088 m -17 X s 323 1133 m -17 X s 340 1179 m -34 X s 323 1225 m -17 X s 323 1271 m -17 X s 323 1317 m -17 X s 340 1363 m -34 X s 323 1409 m -17 X s 323 1455 m -17 X s 323 1501 m -17 X s 340 1547 m -34 X s 323 1593 m -17 X s 323 1639 m -17 X s 323 1685 m -17 X s 340 1730 m -34 X s 323 1776 m -17 X s 323 1822 m -17 X s 323 1868 m -17 X s 340 1914 m -34 X s 323 1960 m -17 X s 323 2006 m -17 X s 323 2052 m -17 X s 340 2098 m -34 X s /xs 0 def (0) /Times-Bold 70 stwn gsave 261 237 t 0 r xs neg 0 t 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 70 sf 0 0 m (0) show gr /xs 0 def (20) /Times-Bold 70 stwn gsave 261 421 t 0 r xs neg 0 t 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 70 sf 0 0 m (20) show gr /xs 0 def (40) /Times-Bold 70 stwn gsave 261 604 t 0 r xs neg 0 t 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 70 sf 0 0 m (40) show gr /xs 0 def (60) /Times-Bold 70 stwn gsave 261 788 t 0 r xs neg 0 t 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 70 sf 0 0 m (60) show gr /xs 0 def (80) /Times-Bold 70 stwn gsave 261 972 t 0 r xs neg 0 t 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 70 sf 0 0 m (80) show gr /xs 0 def (100) /Times-Bold 70 stwn gsave 261 1156 t 0 r xs neg 0 t 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 70 sf 0 0 m (100) show gr /xs 0 def (120) /Times-Bold 70 stwn gsave 261 1339 t 0 r xs neg 0 t 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 70 sf 0 0 m (120) show gr /xs 0 def (140) /Times-Bold 70 stwn gsave 261 1523 t 0 r xs neg 0 t 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 70 sf 0 0 m (140) show gr /xs 0 def (160) /Times-Bold 70 stwn gsave 261 1707 t 0 r xs neg 0 t 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 70 sf 0 0 m (160) show gr /xs 0 def (180) /Times-Bold 70 stwn gsave 261 1890 t 0 r xs neg 0 t 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 70 sf 0 0 m (180) show gr /xs 0 def (200) /Times-Bold 70 stwn gsave 261 2074 t 0 r xs neg 0 t 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 70 sf 0 0 m (200) show gr 306 261 m 1849 X s 306 295 m -34 Y s 399 278 m -17 Y s 491 278 m -17 Y s 583 278 m -17 Y s 676 295 m -34 Y s 768 278 m -17 Y s 861 278 m -17 Y s 953 278 m -17 Y s 1046 295 m -34 Y s 1138 278 m -17 Y s 1230 278 m -17 Y s 1323 278 m -17 Y s 1415 295 m -34 Y s 1508 278 m -17 Y s 1600 278 m -17 Y s 1692 278 m -17 Y s 1785 295 m -34 Y s 1877 278 m -17 Y s 1970 278 m -17 Y s 2062 278 m -17 Y s 2155 295 m -34 Y s /xs 0 def (0) /Times-Bold 70 stwn gsave 306 191 t 0 r xs 2 div neg 0 t 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 70 sf 0 0 m (0) show gr /xs 0 def (20) /Times-Bold 70 stwn gsave 676 191 t 0 r xs 2 div neg 0 t 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 70 sf 0 0 m (20) show gr /xs 0 def (40) /Times-Bold 70 stwn gsave 1046 191 t 0 r xs 2 div neg 0 t 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 70 sf 0 0 m (40) show gr /xs 0 def (60) /Times-Bold 70 stwn gsave 1415 191 t 0 r xs 2 div neg 0 t 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 70 sf 0 0 m (60) show gr /xs 0 def (80) /Times-Bold 70 stwn gsave 1785 191 t 0 r xs 2 div neg 0 t 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 70 sf 0 0 m (80) show gr /xs 0 def (100) /Times-Bold 70 stwn gsave 2155 191 t 0 r xs 2 div neg 0 t 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 70 sf 0 0 m (100) show gr 1849 1837 306 261 C 2268 2268 0 0 C 1849 1837 306 261 C 2268 2268 0 0 C /w 48 def /w2 {w 2 div} def /w3 {w 3 div} def 676 2006 m24 gsave 771 1982 t 0 r 0 0 m /Symbol findfont 70 sf 0 0 m (g) show currentpoint pop 0 t /Times-Bold findfont 70 sf 0 0 m ( = 6.0x10) show currentpoint pop 0 t /Times-Bold findfont 49 sf 0 35 m (4) show currentpoint pop 0 t /Times-Bold findfont 70 sf 0 0 m ( , PAI+TR: 5x10) show currentpoint pop 0 t /Times-Bold findfont 49 sf 0 35 m (3) show currentpoint pop 0 t /Times-Bold findfont 70 sf 0 0 m ( events) show gr 1849 1837 306 261 C 2268 2268 0 0 C 1849 1837 306 261 C 2268 2268 0 0 C 676 1914 m25 gsave 771 1890 t 0 r 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 70 sf 0 0 m ( experiment: electron , p = 30 GeV/c) show gr 1849 1837 306 261 C 2268 2268 0 0 C /xs 0 def (Energy Loss \(keV\)) /Times-Bold 70 stwn gsave 2155 100 t 0 r xs neg 0 t 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 70 sf 0 0 m (Energy Loss \(keV\)) show gr /xs 0 def (Arbitrary Units) /Times-Bold 70 stwn gsave 102 2098 t 90 r xs neg 0 t 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 70 sf 0 0 m (Arbitrary Units) show gr 1849 1837 306 261 C /w 24 def /w2 {w 2 div} def /w3 {w 3 div} def 306 261 335 261 363 261 391 261 420 307 448 490 477 527 505 794 534 858 562 876 591 867 619 977 647 1032 676 1161 704 1170 733 1372 761 1336 790 1391 818 1547 846 1501 875 1629 903 1482 932 1685 960 1584 989 1345 1017 1437 1046 1547 1074 1354 1102 1455 1131 1574 1159 1602 1188 1106 1216 1308 1245 1345 1273 1152 1301 1161 1330 1115 1358 968 1387 1023 1415 986 1444 941 1472 885 1501 1032 1529 858 1557 766 1586 931 1614 794 1643 748 1671 656 1700 720 1728 757 1756 702 1785 601 1813 573 1842 693 1870 619 1899 490 1927 490 1956 619 1984 490 2012 481 2041 500 2069 500 2098 362 2126 380 65 { m24} R 306 261 m 10 Y 29 X 10 Y 28 X 31 Y 28 X -10 Y 29 X 20 Y 28 X 123 Y 29 X 123 Y 28 X 164 Y 29 X 31 Y 28 X 41 Y 57 X 184 Y 28 X 41 Y 29 X 103 Y 28 X 184 Y 29 X 11 Y 28 X 102 Y 29 X 113 Y 28 X 133 Y 28 X -72 Y 29 X 82 Y 28 X -20 Y 29 X 113 Y 28 X -113 Y 29 X 41 Y 28 X 72 Y 29 X -328 Y 28 X 164 Y 28 X -93 Y 29 X 41 Y 28 X -41 Y 29 X -133 Y 28 X -92 Y 29 X 41 Y 28 X -297 Y 28 X 184 Y 29 X -20 Y 28 X -93 Y 29 X -92 Y 28 X -41 Y 29 X 123 Y 28 X -164 Y 29 X -123 Y 28 X 41 Y 28 X -41 Y 29 X -82 Y 28 X -92 Y 29 X -31 Y 28 X 31 Y 29 X -72 Y 28 X -41 Y 57 X 62 Y 28 X -82 Y 29 X -21 Y 28 X 21 Y 29 X -51 Y 28 X -21 Y 29 X 21 Y 28 X -31 Y 28 X 10 Y 29 X -72 Y 28 X 21 Y 29 X -31 Y 28 X -10 Y 29 X -82 Y s gr gr showpage end %%EndDocument @endspecial 1729 5201 a Fh(Fig.)51 b(9)1828 5848 y Fz(19)p eop %%Page: 20 21 20 20 bop 257 4998 a @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly 567 @urx 567 @ury 4252 @rwi 4252 @rhi @setspecial %%BeginDocument: fig10.eps 80 dict begin /s {stroke} def /l {lineto} def /m {moveto} def /t {translate} def /sw {stringwidth} def /r {rotate} def /rl {roll} def /R {repeat} def /d {rlineto} def /rm {rmoveto} def /gr {grestore} def /f {eofill} def /c {setrgbcolor} def /lw {setlinewidth} def /sd {setdash} def /cl {closepath} def /sf {scalefont setfont} def /black {0 setgray} def /box {m dup 0 exch d exch 0 d 0 exch neg d cl} def /NC{systemdict begin initclip end}def/C{NC box clip newpath}def /bl {box s} def /bf {box f} def /Y { 0 exch d} def /X { 0 d} def /mp {newpath /y exch def /x exch def} def /side {[w .77 mul w .23 mul] .385 w mul sd w 0 l currentpoint t -144 r} def /mr {mp x y w2 0 360 arc} def /m24 {mr s} def /m20 {mr f} def /mb {mp x y w2 add m w2 neg 0 d 0 w neg d w 0 d 0 w d cl} def /mt {mp x y w2 add m w2 neg w neg d w 0 d cl} def /m21 {mb f} def /m25 {mb s} def /m22 {mt f} def /m26 {mt s} def /m23 {mp x y w2 sub m w2 w d w neg 0 d cl f} def /m27 {mp x y w2 add m w3 neg w2 neg d w3 w2 neg d w3 w2 d cl s} def /m28 {mp x w2 sub y w2 sub w3 add m w3 0 d 0 w3 neg d w3 0 d 0 w3 d w3 0 d 0 w3 d w3 neg 0 d 0 w3 d w3 neg 0 d 0 w3 neg d w3 neg 0 d cl s } def /m29 {mp gsave x w2 sub y w2 add w3 sub m currentpoint t 4 {side} repeat cl fill gr} def /m30 {mp gsave x w2 sub y w2 add w3 sub m currentpoint t 5 {side} repeat s gr} def /m31 {mp x y w2 sub m 0 w d x w2 sub y m w 0 d x w2 sub y w2 add m w w neg d x w2 sub y w2 sub m w w d s} def /m2 {mp x y w2 sub m 0 w d x w2 sub y m w 0 d s} def /m5 {mp x w2 sub y w2 sub m w w d x w2 sub y w2 add m w w neg d s} def /reencdict 24 dict def /ReEncode {reencdict begin /nco&na exch def /nfnam exch def /basefontname exch def /basefontdict basefontname findfont def /newfont basefontdict maxlength dict def basefontdict {exch dup /FID ne {dup /Encoding eq {exch dup length array copy newfont 3 1 roll put} {exch newfont 3 1 roll put} ifelse} {pop pop} ifelse } forall newfont /FontName nfnam put nco&na aload pop nco&na length 2 idiv {newfont /Encoding get 3 1 roll put} repeat nfnam newfont definefont pop end } def /accvec [ 176 /agrave 181 /Agrave 190 /acircumflex 192 /Acircumflex 201 /adieresis 204 /Adieresis 209 /ccedilla 210 /Ccedilla 211 /eacute 212 /Eacute 213 /egrave 214 /Egrave 215 /ecircumflex 216 /Ecircumflex 217 /edieresis 218 /Edieresis 219 /icircumflex 220 /Icircumflex 221 /idieresis 222 /Idieresis 223 /ntilde 224 /Ntilde 226 /ocircumflex 228 /Ocircumflex 229 /odieresis 230 /Odieresis 231 /ucircumflex 236 /Ucircumflex 237 /udieresis 238 /Udieresis 239 /aring 242 /Aring 243 /ydieresis 244 /Ydieresis 246 /aacute 247 /Aacute 252 /ugrave 253 /Ugrave] def /Times-Roman /Times-Roman accvec ReEncode /Times-Italic /Times-Italic accvec ReEncode /Times-Bold /Times-Bold accvec ReEncode /Times-BoldItalic /Times-BoldItalic accvec ReEncode /Helvetica /Helvetica accvec ReEncode /Helvetica-Oblique /Helvetica-Oblique accvec ReEncode /Helvetica-Bold /Helvetica-Bold accvec ReEncode /Helvetica-BoldOblique /Helvetica-BoldOblique accvec ReEncode /Courier /Courier accvec ReEncode /Courier-Oblique /Courier-Oblique accvec ReEncode /Courier-Bold /Courier-Bold accvec ReEncode /Courier-BoldOblique /Courier-BoldOblique accvec ReEncode /oshow {gsave [] 0 sd true charpath stroke gr} def /stwn { /fs exch def /fn exch def /text exch def fn findfont fs sf text sw pop xs add /xs exch def} def /stwb { /fs exch def /fn exch def /nbas exch def /textf exch def textf length /tlen exch def nbas tlen gt {/nbas tlen def} if fn findfont fs sf textf dup length nbas sub nbas getinterval sw pop neg xs add /xs exch def} def /accspe [ 65 /plusminus 66 /bar 67 /existential 68 /universal 69 /exclam 70 /numbersign 71 /greater 72 /question 73 /integral 74 /colon 75 /semicolon 76 /less 77 /bracketleft 78 /bracketright 79 /greaterequal 80 /braceleft 81 /braceright 82 /radical 83 /spade 84 /heart 85 /diamond 86 /club 87 /lessequal 88 /multiply 89 /percent 90 /infinity 48 /circlemultiply 49 /circleplus 50 /emptyset 51 /lozenge 52 /bullet 53 /arrowright 54 /arrowup 55 /arrowleft 56 /arrowdown 57 /arrowboth 48 /degree 44 /comma 43 /plus 45 /angle 42 /angleleft 47 /divide 61 /notequal 40 /equivalence 41 /second 97 /approxequal 98 /congruent 99 /perpendicular 100 /partialdiff 101 /florin 102 /intersection 103 /union 104 /propersuperset 105 /reflexsuperset 106 /notsubset 107 /propersubset 108 /reflexsubset 109 /element 110 /notelement 111 /gradient 112 /logicaland 113 /logicalor 114 /arrowdblboth 115 /arrowdblleft 116 /arrowdblup 117 /arrowdblright 118 /arrowdbldown 119 /ampersand 120 /omega1 121 /similar 122 /aleph ] def /Symbol /Special accspe ReEncode gsave .25 .25 scale gsave 0 0 t black [] 0 sd 1 lw 1849 1837 306 261 bl 1849 1837 306 261 C 2268 2268 0 0 C /xs 0 def (Energy Loss and X-ray TR: 0.93 Kr + 0.07 CH) /Times-Bold 70 stwn (4) /Times-Bold 49 stwn ( , 1.5 cm \(STP\)) /Times-Bold 70 stwn gsave 1134 2164 t 0 r xs 2 div neg 0 t 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 70 sf 0 0 m (Energy Loss and X-ray TR: 0.93 Kr + 0.07 CH) show currentpoint pop 0 t /Times-Bold findfont 49 sf 0 -23 m (4) show currentpoint pop 0 t /Times-Bold findfont 70 sf 0 0 m ( , 1.5 cm \(STP\)) show gr 1849 1837 306 261 C NC 306 261 m 1837 Y s 340 261 m -34 X s 323 326 m -17 X s 323 392 m -17 X s 323 458 m -17 X s 340 523 m -34 X s 323 589 m -17 X s 323 654 m -17 X s 323 720 m -17 X s 340 786 m -34 X s 323 851 m -17 X s 323 917 m -17 X s 323 983 m -17 X s 340 1048 m -34 X s 323 1114 m -17 X s 323 1179 m -17 X s 323 1245 m -17 X s 340 1311 m -34 X s 323 1376 m -17 X s 323 1442 m -17 X s 323 1507 m -17 X s 340 1573 m -34 X s 323 1639 m -17 X s 323 1704 m -17 X s 323 1770 m -17 X s 340 1835 m -34 X s 323 1901 m -17 X s 323 1967 m -17 X s 323 2032 m -17 X s 340 2098 m -34 X s /xs 0 def (0) /Times-Bold 70 stwn gsave 261 237 t 0 r xs neg 0 t 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 70 sf 0 0 m (0) show gr /xs 0 def (20) /Times-Bold 70 stwn gsave 261 499 t 0 r xs neg 0 t 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 70 sf 0 0 m (20) show gr /xs 0 def (40) /Times-Bold 70 stwn gsave 261 762 t 0 r xs neg 0 t 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 70 sf 0 0 m (40) show gr /xs 0 def (60) /Times-Bold 70 stwn gsave 261 1024 t 0 r xs neg 0 t 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 70 sf 0 0 m (60) show gr /xs 0 def (80) /Times-Bold 70 stwn gsave 261 1287 t 0 r xs neg 0 t 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 70 sf 0 0 m (80) show gr /xs 0 def (100) /Times-Bold 70 stwn gsave 261 1549 t 0 r xs neg 0 t 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 70 sf 0 0 m (100) show gr /xs 0 def (120) /Times-Bold 70 stwn gsave 261 1812 t 0 r xs neg 0 t 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 70 sf 0 0 m (120) show gr /xs 0 def (140) /Times-Bold 70 stwn gsave 261 2074 t 0 r xs neg 0 t 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 70 sf 0 0 m (140) show gr 306 261 m 1849 X s 306 295 m -34 Y s 390 278 m -17 Y s 474 278 m -17 Y s 558 278 m -17 Y s 642 295 m -34 Y s 726 278 m -17 Y s 810 278 m -17 Y s 894 278 m -17 Y s 978 295 m -34 Y s 1062 278 m -17 Y s 1146 278 m -17 Y s 1230 278 m -17 Y s 1314 295 m -34 Y s 1398 278 m -17 Y s 1482 278 m -17 Y s 1566 278 m -17 Y s 1650 295 m -34 Y s 1735 278 m -17 Y s 1819 278 m -17 Y s 1903 278 m -17 Y s 1987 295 m -34 Y s 1987 295 m -34 Y s 2071 278 m -17 Y s /xs 0 def (0) /Times-Bold 70 stwn gsave 306 191 t 0 r xs 2 div neg 0 t 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 70 sf 0 0 m (0) show gr /xs 0 def (2) /Times-Bold 70 stwn gsave 642 191 t 0 r xs 2 div neg 0 t 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 70 sf 0 0 m (2) show gr /xs 0 def (4) /Times-Bold 70 stwn gsave 978 191 t 0 r xs 2 div neg 0 t 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 70 sf 0 0 m (4) show gr /xs 0 def (6) /Times-Bold 70 stwn gsave 1314 191 t 0 r xs 2 div neg 0 t 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 70 sf 0 0 m (6) show gr /xs 0 def (8) /Times-Bold 70 stwn gsave 1650 191 t 0 r xs 2 div neg 0 t 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 70 sf 0 0 m (8) show gr /xs 0 def (10) /Times-Bold 70 stwn gsave 1987 191 t 0 r xs 2 div neg 0 t 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 70 sf 0 0 m (10) show gr 1849 1837 306 261 C 2268 2268 0 0 C 1849 1837 306 261 C 2268 2268 0 0 C /w 48 def /w2 {w 2 div} def /w3 {w 3 div} def 474 2032 m24 gsave 569 2008 t 0 r 0 0 m /Symbol findfont 70 sf 0 0 m (g) show currentpoint pop 0 t /Times-Bold findfont 70 sf 0 0 m ( = 6x10) show currentpoint pop 0 t /Times-Bold findfont 49 sf 0 35 m (3) show currentpoint pop 0 t /Times-Bold findfont 70 sf 0 0 m ( , PAI+TR: 5x10) show currentpoint pop 0 t /Times-Bold findfont 49 sf 0 35 m (3) show currentpoint pop 0 t /Times-Bold findfont 70 sf 0 0 m ( events) show gr 1849 1837 306 261 C 2268 2268 0 0 C 1849 1837 306 261 C 2268 2268 0 0 C 474 1967 m25 gsave 569 1943 t 0 r 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 70 sf 0 0 m ( experiment: electron , p = 3 GeV/c) show gr 1849 1837 306 261 C 2268 2268 0 0 C /xs 0 def (Energy Loss \(keV\)) /Times-Bold 70 stwn gsave 2155 100 t 0 r xs neg 0 t 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 70 sf 0 0 m (Energy Loss \(keV\)) show gr /xs 0 def (Arbitrary Units) /Times-Bold 70 stwn gsave 102 2098 t 90 r xs neg 0 t 0 0 m /Times-Bold findfont 70 sf 0 0 m (Arbitrary Units) show gr 1849 1837 306 261 C /w 24 def /w2 {w 2 div} def /w3 {w 3 div} def 306 261 344 261 382 261 419 261 457 261 495 261 533 274 570 261 608 261 646 287 683 326 721 326 759 340 797 445 834 654 872 576 910 812 947 930 985 996 1023 1363 1061 1442 1098 1416 1136 1757 1174 1639 1212 1678 1249 1639 1287 1744 1325 1835 1362 1586 1400 1678 1438 1783 1476 1626 1513 1586 1551 1507 1589 1534 1626 1284 1664 1297 1702 1376 1740 1599 1777 1140 1815 1219 1853 1376 1891 1363 1928 1206 1966 1022 2004 1035 2041 1048 2079 943 2117 1127 49 { m24} R 306 261 m 76 X 32 Y 37 X -32 Y 38 X 16 Y 76 X 16 Y 37 X 17 Y 38 X 49 Y 38 X -17 Y 37 X 49 Y 38 X 98 Y 38 X -65 Y 38 X 131 Y 37 X 244 Y 38 X 33 Y 38 X 131 Y 37 X 212 Y 38 X -49 Y 38 X 196 Y 38 X 228 Y 37 X -163 Y 38 X 277 Y 38 X -163 Y 38 X 343 Y 37 X -343 Y 38 X 98 Y 38 X -147 Y 37 X 131 Y 38 X -49 Y 38 X -82 Y 38 X -147 Y 37 X 98 Y 38 X -65 Y 38 X 81 Y 37 X -32 Y 38 X -49 Y 38 X -65 Y 38 X -17 Y 37 X -114 Y 38 X -33 Y 38 X 115 Y 38 X 81 Y 37 X -32 Y 38 X -131 Y 38 X 65 Y 37 X 180 Y 38 X -278 Y 38 X 98 Y 38 X -946 Y s gr gr showpage end %%EndDocument @endspecial 1701 5201 a Fh(Fig.)51 b(10)1828 5848 y Fz(20)p eop %%Trailer end userdict /end-hook known{end-hook}if %%EOF